1. ECMAScript 5 (ES5P):
ES5 也被称为 ECMAScript 2009,因为它于 2009 年发布。它是一个函数承包商,专注于如何实例化对象。对于 ES5,你必须编写函数关键字和 return,用于定义函数,就像普通的通用 JavaScript 语言一样。
2. ECMAScript 6 (ES6):
ES6 也被称为 ECMAScript 2015,因为它于 2015 年发布。它的类允许开发人员使用 new运算符实例化一个对象,使用箭头函数,以防它不需要使用函数关键字来定义函数,也可以避免使用 return 关键字来获取计算机值。
ES5 和 ES6 的区别:
SR.NO. | ES5 | ES6 |
1. | ECMA script is a trademarked scripting language specification defined by Ecma international. The fifth edition of the same is known as ES5 | ECMA script is a trademarked scripting language specification defined by Ecma international. The sixth edition of the same is known as ES6 |
2. | It was introduced in 2009. | It was introduced in 2015. |
3. | It supports primitive data types that are string, number, boolean, null, and undefined. | In ES6, there are some additions to JavaScript data types. It introduced a new primitive data type ‘symbol’ for supporting unique values. |
4. | There are only one way to define the variables by using the var keyword. | There are two new ways to define variables that are let and const. |
5. | It has a lower performance as compared to ES6. | It has a higher performance than ES5. |
6. | Object manipulation is time-consuming in ES5. | Object manipulation is less time-consuming in ES6. |
7. | In ES5, both function and return keywords are used to define a function. | An arrow function is a new feature introduced in ES6 by which we don’t require the function keyword to define the function. |
8. | It provides a larger range of community supports than that of ES6 | It provides a less range of community supports than that of ES5 |