敏捷框架有两种主要模型,即:Scrum 和极限编程(XP)。
Scrum 是一种敏捷框架。它是一个框架,人们可以在该框架内解决复杂的适应性问题,同时交付产品的生产力和创造力可能达到最高值。 Scrum 使用迭代过程。
Scrum 的生命周期:
- 沟通
- 简单
- 反馈
- 尊重
- 勇气
Scrum | Extreme Programming (XP) |
In Scrum framework, team work in iterations called Sprint which are 1-2 month long. |
In Extreme Programming(XP), teamwork for 1-2 weeks only. |
Scrum model do not allow changes in their timeline or their guidelines. | Extreme Programming allow changes in their set timelines. |
Scrum emphasizes self-organization. | Extreme Programming emphasizes strong engineering practices |
In Scrum framework, team determines the sequence in which the product will be developed. | In Extreme Programming, team have to follow a strict priority order or pre-determined priority order. |
Scrum framework is not fully described. If you want to adopt it then you need to fill the framework with your own frameworks method like XP, DSDM or Kanban. | Extreme Programming(XP) can be directly applied to a team. Extreme Programming is also known for its Ready-to-apply features. |