📜  OODM和CDM的区别

📅  最后修改于: 2021-09-13 03:06:35             🧑  作者: Mango

1. 面向对象的数据建模(OODM):
在 OODM 中,数据和/或它们的关系都组织或包含在称为对象的单个结构中。对象包括对象内部事实之间关系的信息,以及它与其他对象的关系信息。它也被称为语义数据模型。



  • 它支持复杂对象的表示。
  • 它支持封装。
  • 它表现出继承性。
  • 它支持对象身份的概念。

例子 :
形状、圆形、矩形和三角形。 Circle 具有属性 Center 和 Radius。三角形具有 Base 和 Height 等属性。

2. 概念数据模型(CDM):


  • 它包括重要的实体以及它们之间的关系。
  • 没有指定属性。
  • 没有指定主键。

例子 :


Stands for Object-Oriented Data Modeling. Stands for Conceptual Data Modeling.
It has object and object includes behavior. It has no object.
Both the data and or their relationship is organized or contained in a single structure known as object. It identifies the highest-level relationship between the different entities.
It is an instance of an object. It has entity.
Inheritance includes both state and behavior. It does not include state and behavior.
It has a concept of Message. No corresponding concept in CDM.
Encapsulation is present in OODM. No such concept is present in CDM.
It has attributes like triangle has the attributes Base and Height is the example of OODM. Entity relationship model, which uses main concepts like entities, attributes and relationships are the examples of CDM.