📜  Go vs Java

📅  最后修改于: 2021-09-14 01:24:19             🧑  作者: Mango

Go 是一种过程式编程语言。它由 Google 的 Robert Griesemer、Rob Pike 和 Ken Thompson 于 2007 年开发,但于 2009 年作为开源编程语言推出。程序是通过使用包来组装的,用于有效管理依赖关系。该语言还支持采用类似于动态语言的模式的环境。

Java是最流行和广泛使用的编程语言和平台之一。平台是一种有助于开发和运行用任何编程语言编写的程序的环境。 Java快速、可靠且安全。从桌面到 Web 应用程序,从科学超级计算机到游戏机,从手机到互联网, Java无处不在。


以下是 Go 语言和Java语言之间的一些差异:

Go Java
Go is a procedural and concurrent programming language. Java is an Object-Oriented programming language.
It does not support classes with constructors and deconstructors. It supports classes with constructors and deconstructors.
It does not contain the concept of exception handling instead of exception handling Go has errors. It contains the concept of exception handling.
It does not support implicit type conversion. It supports implicit type conversion.
It does not support inheritance. It supports inheritance.
It supports Goroutine. It does not support Goroutines.
It does not support function overloading. It supports function overloading.
It does not support generics. It supports generics.
It support channel. It does not support channel.
It does not contain do-while and while statement. It contains do-while and while statement.
Go language programs are more compact than Java programs. Java programs are less compact than Go programs.
Threads in Go are cheap. Threads in Java are expensive in comparison to Go.
Go supports public and private functionalities in different way than Java. Although Go doesn’t support private and public keywords, the first letter of the function name decides if it’s Public(Upper case) or private(lower case). In Java, methods can be public or private.