📜  Go vs C++

📅  最后修改于: 2021-09-14 01:28:24             🧑  作者: Mango

C++ 是一种通用编程语言,如今广泛用于竞争性编程。它具有命令式、面向对象和通用编程功能。 C++ 可以在很多平台上运行,比如 Windows、Linux、Unix、Mac 等。
Go 是一种过程式编程语言。它由 Google 的 Robert Griesemer、Rob Pike 和 Ken Thompson 于 2007 年开发,但于 2009 年作为开源编程语言推出。程序是通过使用包来组装的,用于有效管理依赖关系。该语言还支持采用类似于动态语言的模式的环境。


以下是 Golang 和 C++ 语言之间的一些差异:



Go is a procedural and concurrent programming language. C++ is an object-oriented programming language.
Go does not contain classes with constructors and deconstructors. C++ does contain classes with constructors and deconstructors.
Go language provides automatic garbage collection for allocating memory. C++ language does not provide automatic garbage collection for allocating memory.
Go language contains pointers, but does not contain arithmetic pointer. C++ language contains both pointers as well as arithmetic pointers.
In Go language, map is passed by reference. In C++, map is passed by value.
It does not use header files. Instead of header file, go use packages. It uses import to import external packages. It contain header file and does not contain package.
It does not support implicit type conversion. It support implicit type conversion.
It does not support function overloading and also does not support user defined operators. It support function overloading and also support user defined operators.
It does not support const or volatile qualifiers. It supports const and volatile qualifiers.
It provides nil for invalid pointers. It provides NULL or 0 or nullptr for invalid pointers
Go use panic and recover for resolving error. C++ use try, catch, and throw for resolving error.
It does not have while or do-while statements. But for loop can be used like a while loop. It have while or do-while statements.
It is more strong typed as comparison to C++ language. It is less strong typed as compare to Go language.
Go contains goroutines and channel. C++ has threads.
Go does not support inheritance. But it provides an alternative in the form of Embedding. C++ supports inheritance.
想要从精选的视频和练习题中学习,请查看C++ 基础课程,从基础到高级 C++ 和C++ STL 课程,了解基础加 STL。要完成从学习语言到 DS Algo 等的准备工作,请参阅完整的面试准备课程