1. 域名:
域是一个客户端/服务器网络,用户可以从办公室的任何设备登录。也称为远程登录。它具有集中管理,所有设备都可以从一个集中设备进行管理。它更喜欢集中存储,所有用户数据都存储在可以是 NAS 或 SAN 的集中存储设备中。
2. 工作组:
工作组是一个点对点的 Windows 计算机网络,用户只能在他或她的系统上使用他的登录凭据,而不能在其他系统上使用。它拥有分布式管理,其中每个用户都可以独立管理他的机器。大多数存储是分布式的。每个设备都有自己的专用存储。
S.NO. | Domain | Workgroup |
1. | The computers in a domain have a centralized database. | The computers in workgroup mainly has its own local database. |
2. | A domain is mainly to transfer and share sensitive and important data only. | A Workgroup is used to share less secure and personal data only due to less security. |
3. | A domain is mainly preferred for large public and business networks. | A workgroup is mainly preferred for small local area networks like schools, colleges, buildings, etc. |
4. | A domain is used to transfer and share sensitive and important data due to security. | A workgroup is used to share personal data as it is less secure. |
5. | A domain can work better for large numbers of devices. | A workgroup works better for fewer computers. |
6. | The domain names are provided by domain controller on the basis of IP address. | In workgroup there is no dependencies on any hardware components and server for assigning the name. |
7. | Data can be recovered in a domain from the centralized storage. | Data recovery is not possible in a workgroup due to the local storage of each device. |
8. | A Domain can be formed using the devices of one or more different networks domain and adding all the intended devices to it. | The devices of the same network can only be added to a workgroup. |