- 公共云:它是一种云方法,以按使用量付费的方式对互联网上的所有人开放。
- 私有云:这是组织用来构建数据中心的一种云方法,只有在组织许可的情况下才能访问。
- 混合云:它是一种结合了公共云和私有云的云方法。它满足组织对其服务的不同需求。
- 社区云:它是一种为组织或单个社区中的一群人提供服务的云方法。
- 电信数据中心:它是一种由电信或服务提供商运营的数据中心。它需要高速连接才能函数。
- 企业数据中心:它是一种由公司建造和拥有的数据中心,该公司可能在现场也可能不在现场。
- 托管数据中心:这是一种数据中心,由一个数据中心所有者组成,为多个企业提供冷却并超大规模其客户。
- 超大规模数据中心:是一种由公司自己拥有和运营的数据中心。
S.No | Cloud | Data Center |
1. | Cloud is a virtual resource that helps businesses to store, organize, and operate data efficiently. | Data Center is a physical resource that helps businesses to store, organize, and operate data efficiently. |
2. | The scalability of the cloud required less amount of investment. | The scalability of Data Center is huge in investment as compared to the cloud. |
3. | The maintenance cost is less than service providers maintain it. | The maintenance cost is high because developers of the organization do maintenance. |
4. | Third-Party needs to be trusted for the organization’s data to be stored. | The organization’s developers are trusted for the data stored in data centers. |
5. | Performance is huge as compared with investment. | Performance is less than compared to investment. |
6. | It requires a plan to customize the cloud. | It is easily customizable without any hard plan. |
7. | It requires a stable internet connection to provide the function. | It may and may not require an internet connection. |
8. | Cloud is easy to operate and is considered a viable option. | Data Centers require experienced developers to operate and are considered not a viable option. |