1. 运营支持系统(OSS):
运营支持系统(Operation Support System,OSS),顾名思义,是一种软件工具,通常用于组织管理其运营系统或通信网络。
2. 业务支持系统(BSS):
OSS mainly focuses on network management. | BSS mainly focuses on all activities within organization. |
OSS support and automate all network functions. | BSS support and automate other management functions such product management, customer management, revenue management, order management. |
It manages operations like network planning, maintain all network inventories such as computers, routers, servers that are usually connected to network. | It manages operations like taking orders, payment issues, processing bills, etc. |
It includes information such as information regarding networks that are available, about its performance, allows members to manage networks, etc. | It includes information such as information regarding customer relationship, payment orders, new sign-ups, etc. |
It usually helps telecommunication service provider to simply control, manage, and analyze all network connections. | It includes components that are basically used by telecommunication service provider for better running of business. |
OSS does not focus on customer requirement. | BSS also focuses on customer requirements. |
OSS is mainly handled by backend staff i.e. employees or developers or engineers, etc. | BSS is mainly handled by frontend staff i.e. professionals. |
OSS is also used for CORE infrastructure (components that are used in providing services to customers) implementation, operation, etc. | BSS is generally used to support CORE infrastructure. |