📜  多路复用器和解码器的区别

📅  最后修改于: 2021-09-16 10:29:12             🧑  作者: Mango

1. 多路复用器:
多路复用器是一个数据选择器,它接受多个输入并给出一个输出。在多路复用器中,我们有 2 n 条输入线和 1 条输出线,其中 n 是选择线的数量。

解码器是一种将 n 条输入线转换为 m 条输出线的逻辑电路。解码器被称为最小项和最大项生成器,因为对于每个输入组合,只有一个输出为真。


S.NO. Multiplexer Decoder
1. MUX accepts several inputs and allow only one data output. It takes n input binary code and convert it into a corresponding outputs.
2. Select line are used to select data inputs and allow only one of them. Enable inputs are used to control the operation of the decoder.
3. It can be used in data routing and waveform generation. Application of decoder is in Decimal to BCD encoder.
4. Multiplexer converts the unary code into binary code Decoder converts binary code into unary..