1. 编码器:
编码器是将活动数据信号转换为编码信息格式的设备,或者是将模拟信号转换为数字信号的设备。它是一个组合电路,将 2N 条输入线形式的二进制信息转换为 N 条输出线,代表输入的 N 位代码。当输入信号施加到编码器时,其中涉及的逻辑电路将该特定输入转换为编码的二进制输出。
解码器也是作为编码器的组合电路,但其操作与编码器完全相反。解码器是一种设备,它从编码的输入信号中生成原始信号作为输出,并将 n 行输入转换为 2n 行输出。与门可用作基本解码元件,因为它仅在所有输入均为高电平时才产生高电平输出。
1 | Encoder circuit basically converts the applied information signal into a coded digital bit stream. | Decoder performs reverse operation and recovers the original information signal from the coded bits. |
2 | In case of encoder, the applied signal is the active signal input. | Decoder accepts coded binary data as its input. |
3 | The number of inputs accepted by an encoder is 2n. | The number of input accepted by decoder is only n inputs. |
4 | The output lines for an encoder is n. | The output lines of an decoder is 2n. |
5 | The encoder generates coded data bits as its output. | The decoder generates an active output signal in response to the coded data bits. |
6 | The operation performed is simple. | The operation performed is complex. |
7 | The encoder circuit is installed at the transmitting end. | The decoder circuit is installed at the receiving side. |
8 | OR gate is the basic logic element used in it. | AND gate along with NOT gate is the basic logic element used in it. |
9 | It is used in E-mail, video encoders etc. | It is used in Microprocessors, memory chips etc. |