给定 N 个工作,其中每个工作都由以下三个元素表示。
1. 开始时间
2. 完成时间
3. 利润或价值相关
Number of Jobs n = 4
Job Details {Start Time, Finish Time, Profit}
Job 1: {1, 2, 50}
Job 2: {3, 5, 20}
Job 3: {6, 19, 100}
Job 4: {2, 100, 200}
Jobs involved in maximum profit are
Job 1: {1, 2, 50}
Job 4: {2, 100, 200}
令 arr[0..n-1] 是 Jobs 的输入数组。我们定义了一个数组 DP[],使得 DP[i] 存储所涉及的工作,以实现数组 arr[0..i] 的最大利润。即 DP[i] 存储子问题 arr[0..i] 的解。算法的其余部分与上一篇文章中讨论的相同。
下面是它的 C++ 实现——
// C++ program for weighted job scheduling using Dynamic
// Programming and Binary Search
using namespace std;
// A job has start time, finish time and profit.
struct Job
int start, finish, profit;
// to store subset of jobs
struct weightedJob
// vector of Jobs
vector job;
// find profit associated with included Jobs
int value;
// A utility function that is used for sorting events
// according to finish time
bool jobComparator(Job s1, Job s2)
return (s1.finish < s2.finish);
// A Binary Search based function to find the latest job
// (before current job) that doesn't conflict with current
// job. "index" is index of the current job. This function
// returns -1 if all jobs before index conflict with it. The
// array jobs[] is sorted in increasing order of finish time
int latestNonConflict(Job jobs[], int index)
// Initialize 'lo' and 'hi' for Binary Search
int lo = 0, hi = index - 1;
// Perform binary Search iteratively
while (lo <= hi)
int mid = (lo + hi) / 2;
if (jobs[mid].finish <= jobs[index].start)
if (jobs[mid + 1].finish <= jobs[index].start)
lo = mid + 1;
return mid;
hi = mid - 1;
return -1;
// The main function that finds the subset of jobs
// associated with maximum profit such that no two
// jobs in the subset overlap.
int findMaxProfit(Job arr[], int n)
// Sort jobs according to finish time
sort(arr, arr + n, jobComparator);
// Create an array to store solutions of subproblems.
// DP[i] stores the Jobs involved and their total profit
// till arr[i] (including arr[i])
weightedJob DP[n];
// initialize DP[0] to arr[0]
DP[0].value = arr[0].profit;
// Fill entries in DP[] using recursive property
for (int i = 1; i < n; i++)
// Find profit including the current job
int inclProf = arr[i].profit;
int l = latestNonConflict(arr, i);
if (l != - 1)
inclProf += DP[l].value;
// Store maximum of including and excluding
if (inclProf > DP[i - 1].value)
DP[i].value = inclProf;
// including previous jobs and current job
DP[i].job = DP[l].job;
// excluding the current job
DP[i] = DP[i - 1];
// DP[n - 1] stores the result
cout << "Optimal Jobs for maximum profits are\n" ;
for (int i=0; i
Optimal Jobs for maximum profits are
(1, 2, 50)
(2, 100, 200)
Total Optimal profit is 250
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