- 开始时间
- 结束时间
- 关联的利润或价值
Input: Number of Jobs n = 4
Job Details {Start Time, Finish Time, Profit}
Job 1: {1, 2, 50}
Job 2: {3, 5, 20}
Job 3: {6, 19, 100}
Job 4: {2, 100, 200}
Output: The maximum profit is 250.
We can get the maximum profit by scheduling jobs 1 and 4.
Note that there is longer schedules possible Jobs 1, 2 and 3
but the profit with this schedule is 20+50+100 which is less than 250.
1) First sort jobs according to finish time.
2) Now apply following recursive process.
// Here arr[] is array of n jobs
findMaximumProfit(arr[], n)
a) if (n == 1) return arr[0];
b) Return the maximum of following two profits.
(i) Maximum profit by excluding current job, i.e.,
findMaximumProfit(arr, n-1)
(ii) Maximum profit by including the current job
How to find the profit including current job?
The idea is to find the latest job before the current job (in
sorted array) that doesn't conflict with current job 'arr[n-1]'.
Once we find such a job, we recur for all jobs till that job and
add profit of current job to result.
In the above example, "job 1" is the latest non-conflicting
for "job 4" and "job 2" is the latest non-conflicting for "job 3".
在上一篇文章中,我们讨论了基于递归和动态编程的方法。以上文章中讨论的实现使用线性搜索来找到先前的非冲突作业。在这篇文章中,讨论了基于二进制搜索的解决方案。基于二进制搜索的解决方案的时间复杂度为O(n Log n)。
- 按不减少的完成时间对作业进行排序。
- 对于从1到n的每个i,从作业[0..i]的子序列确定时间表的最大值。为此,可将作业[i]包含在计划中,将作业[i]包含在计划中,然后取最大值。
寻找包含工作的利润[i]。我们需要找到与job [i]不冲突的最新工作。想法是使用二进制搜索来找到最新的不冲突的作业。
// C++ program for weighted job scheduling using Dynamic
// Programming and Binary Search
using namespace std;
// A job has start time, finish time and profit.
struct Job
int start, finish, profit;
// A utility function that is used for sorting events
// according to finish time
bool myfunction(Job s1, Job s2)
return (s1.finish < s2.finish);
// A Binary Search based function to find the latest job
// (before current job) that doesn't conflict with current
// job. "index" is index of the current job. This function
// returns -1 if all jobs before index conflict with it.
// The array jobs[] is sorted in increasing order of finish
// time.
int binarySearch(Job jobs[], int index)
// Initialize 'lo' and 'hi' for Binary Search
int lo = 0, hi = index - 1;
// Perform binary Search iteratively
while (lo <= hi)
int mid = (lo + hi) / 2;
if (jobs[mid].finish <= jobs[index].start)
if (jobs[mid + 1].finish <= jobs[index].start)
lo = mid + 1;
return mid;
hi = mid - 1;
return -1;
// The main function that returns the maximum possible
// profit from given array of jobs
int findMaxProfit(Job arr[], int n)
// Sort jobs according to finish time
sort(arr, arr+n, myfunction);
// Create an array to store solutions of subproblems. table[i]
// stores the profit for jobs till arr[i] (including arr[i])
int *table = new int[n];
table[0] = arr[0].profit;
// Fill entries in table[] using recursive property
for (int i=1; i
# Python program for weighted job scheduling using Dynamic
# Programming and Binary Search
# Class to represent a job
class Job:
def __init__(self, start, finish, profit):
self.start = start
self.finish = finish
self.profit = profit
# A Binary Search based function to find the latest job
# (before current job) that doesn't conflict with current
# job. "index" is index of the current job. This function
# returns -1 if all jobs before index conflict with it.
# The array jobs[] is sorted in increasing order of finish
# time.
def binarySearch(job, start_index):
# Initialize 'lo' and 'hi' for Binary Search
lo = 0
hi = start_index - 1
# Perform binary Search iteratively
while lo <= hi:
mid = (lo + hi) // 2
if job[mid].finish <= job[start_index].start:
if job[mid + 1].finish <= job[start_index].start:
lo = mid + 1
return mid
hi = mid - 1
return -1
# The main function that returns the maximum possible
# profit from given array of jobs
def schedule(job):
# Sort jobs according to finish time
job = sorted(job, key = lambda j: j.finish)
# Create an array to store solutions of subproblems. table[i]
# stores the profit for jobs till arr[i] (including arr[i])
n = len(job)
table = [0 for _ in range(n)]
table[0] = job[0].profit;
# Fill entries in table[] using recursive property
for i in range(1, n):
# Find profit including the current job
inclProf = job[i].profit
l = binarySearch(job, i)
if (l != -1):
inclProf += table[l];
# Store maximum of including and excluding
table[i] = max(inclProf, table[i - 1])
return table[n-1]
# Driver code to test above function
job = [Job(1, 2, 50), Job(3, 5, 20),
Job(6, 19, 100), Job(2, 100, 200)]
print("Optimal profit is"),
print schedule(job)
// Java program for Weighted Job Scheduling in O(nLogn)
// time
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Comparator;
// Class to represent a job
class Job
int start, finish, profit;
// Constructor
Job(int start, int finish, int profit)
this.start = start;
this.finish = finish;
this.profit = profit;
// Used to sort job according to finish times
class JobComparator implements Comparator
public int compare(Job a, Job b)
return a.finish < b.finish ? -1 : a.finish == b.finish ? 0 : 1;
public class WeightedIntervalScheduling
/* A Binary Search based function to find the latest job
(before current job) that doesn't conflict with current
job. "index" is index of the current job. This function
returns -1 if all jobs before index conflict with it.
The array jobs[] is sorted in increasing order of finish
time. */
static public int binarySearch(Job jobs[], int index)
// Initialize 'lo' and 'hi' for Binary Search
int lo = 0, hi = index - 1;
// Perform binary Search iteratively
while (lo <= hi)
int mid = (lo + hi) / 2;
if (jobs[mid].finish <= jobs[index].start)
if (jobs[mid + 1].finish <= jobs[index].start)
lo = mid + 1;
return mid;
hi = mid - 1;
return -1;
// The main function that returns the maximum possible
// profit from given array of jobs
static public int schedule(Job jobs[])
// Sort jobs according to finish time
Arrays.sort(jobs, new JobComparator());
// Create an array to store solutions of subproblems.
// table[i] stores the profit for jobs till jobs[i]
// (including jobs[i])
int n = jobs.length;
int table[] = new int[n];
table[0] = jobs[0].profit;
// Fill entries in M[] using recursive property
for (int i=1; i
Optimal profit is 250