先决条件 – 网络设备
2. 桥:
网桥基本上是负责将单个网络划分为多个网段的设备。因此将单个网络划分为多个多个网段的过程称为网络桥接。因此每个网段代表一个单独的冲突域,其中每个域具有不同的带宽。当网络上发生的冲突数量减少时,可以通过使用网桥来提高网络性能。网桥决定必须转发或过滤传入的网络流量。网桥也负责用于维护 MAC(媒体访问控制)地址表。
S.NO. | Switch | Bridge |
1. | It is a device which is responsible for channeling the data that is coming into the various input ports to a particular output port which will further take the data to the desired destination. | It is basically a device which is responsible for dividing a single network into various network segments. |
2. | A switch can have a lot of ports. | A bridge can have 2 or 4 ports only. |
3. | The switch performs the packet forwarding by using hardwares such as ASICS hence, it is hardware based. | The bridge performs the packet forwarding by using softwares so it is software based. |
4. | The switching method in case of a switch can thus be store, forward, fragment free or cut through. | The switching method in case of a bridge is store and forward. |
5. | The task of error checking is performed by a switch. | A bridge cannot perform the error checking. |
6. | A switch has buffers. | A bridge may not have a buffer. |