这是 IBM 的 Verbal Aptitude 模型论文。这份实习论文将涵盖 IBM 实习中要求的能力,并严格遵循 IBM 论文中提出的问题模式。建议解决以下每个问题,以增加清除 IBM 安置的机会。
- 在关于最近的骗局的新闻发布会上,部长说,“降压到此为止”。部长通过声明传达了什么?
- 他想要所有的钱
- 他会还钱
- 他将承担最终责任
- 他会拒绝所有的询问
He will assume final responsibility
’The buck stops here’ means – Responsibility is not passed on beyond this point.
- 考虑语句
“Not all that glitters is gold”
- 一种
- 乙
- C
- D
- 乙
The statement “Not all that glitters is gold” can be expressed as follows :
¬(?x(glitters(x)?gold(x)) … (1)
Where ?x(glitters(x)?gold(x) refers that all glitters is gold. Now,
?x¬(glitters(x)?gold(x)) … (2), Since we know ¬?x() = ?x¬()
(Where => refers to -> All and ?x refers to -> There exists some).
As we know, A?B is true only in the case that either A is false or B is true. It can also defined in the other way :
A?B=¬A?B (negationA or B ) … (3)
From equation (2) and (3), we have
?x(¬(¬glitters(x)?gold(x))??x(glitters(x)?¬gold(x)) … (4), Negation cancellation ¬(¬) = () : and ¬(()?()) = (¬()?¬()) .
So Answer is (D) .
- 从下面给出的选项中选择最合适的短语来完成下面的句子。
“印度是一个后殖民国家,因为”- 它曾是英国的殖民地
- 印度信息技术专业人士已殖民世界
- 印度不遵循任何殖民做法
- 印度帮助其他国家获得自由
it was a former British colony
A country is called postcolonial if it came into existence after the colonies of the British and the Europeans were abolished and the countries then under their rule were declared independent. India was under the British colonial rule till 1947, i.e. it was a former British colony and thus is called a postcolonial country. So, A is the correct option.
- 谁_________今晚来看我们?
- 你说
- 你刚才说
- 你说了吗
- 你有没有
did you say
- 匹配列。
Column 1 Column 2 1) eradicate P) misrepresent 2) distort Q) soak completely 3) saturate R) use 4) utilize S) destroy utterly
- 1:S, 2:P, 3:Q, 4:R
- 1:P, 2:Q, 3:R, 4:S
- 1:Q, 2:R, 3:S, 4:P
- 1:S, 2:P, 3:R, 4:Q
1:S, 2:P, 3:Q, 4:R
“eradicate” means “destroy utterly”
“distort” matches with “misrepresent”
“saturate” matches with “soak completely”
“utilize” matches with “use” - 科尼斯堡老城在第二次世界大战前曾是德国人占多数的城市,现在被称为加里宁格勒。战争结束后,加里宁格勒现在是俄罗斯领土,人口主要是俄罗斯人。它北临波罗的海,南面和西面分别与波兰和立陶宛接壤。从这段话中可以推断出以下哪些陈述?
- 加里宁格勒的民族构成历来是俄罗斯人
- 加里宁格勒是俄罗斯的一部分,尽管它与俄罗斯其他地区不相邻
- 柯尼斯堡更名为加里宁格勒,因为那是它原来的俄语名字
- 波兰和立陶宛正在从加里宁格勒到俄罗斯其他地区的路线上
Kaliningrad is a part of Russia despite it not being contiguous with the rest of Russia
A is not true in the light of the given facts
- A is incorrect because the First line says that Kaliningrad (Koenigsberg before war) had a majority of the German population before the war. So, it was historically German and not Russian.
- B is correct as although Kaliningrad is not contiguous with the rest of Russia (being surrounded by countries of Poland in the south and west, Lithuania in the east and Baltic sea on the north), it has a predominantly Russian population.
- C cannot be inferred from the passage as it is nowhere in the passage what the original Russian name of Koenigsberg was.
- D is also not true because no data about the route is mentioned in the passage.
So, B is the correct option
- 印度北部被诊断出患有登革热(因蚊虫叮咬而感染)的人数是去年诊断人数的两倍。市政当局得出的结论是,该地区控制蚊子数量的措施失败了。以下哪一项陈述如果为真,与该结论不矛盾?
- 很大一部分受影响人口是从登革热流行的邻国返回的
- 由于市政办公室的行政效率提高,现在报告了更多的登革热病例
- 自从引入新的有效诊断测试以来,今年诊断出更多登革热病例
- 今年患有疟疾热(也因蚊虫叮咬而感染)的人数有所增加
The number of people with malarial fever (also contracted from mosquito bites) has increased this year
- A contradicts the conclusion of the municipal authorities. So, A is not the correct choice.
- B is an incorrect choice because there is no data in the passage relating the reporting of cases and the efficiency of the administrative capabilities of the municipal authorities.
- C is also incorrect as it contradicts the conclusion of the municipal authorities.
- D is the correct choice as both malarial fever and dengue fever are caused by mosquito bite. If dengue fever had increased because of some other reason other than that concluded by the municipal authorities, then there would not have been an increase in the people with malarial fever. This statement supports the conclusion of the municipal authorities.
- 从给定的选项中选择最适合空白的单词。
- 到
- 和
- 在
- 的
- 从给定的选项中选择最适合空白的单词。
- 一种
- 在
- 这
- 之内
- 选择正确的同义词:
一起- 常见的
- 顽固
- 相同的
- 共同
- 选择正确的同义词:
几乎- 狡猾
- 几乎
- 相关的
- 概括
- 选择正确的反义词:
出现- 出现
- 潜水
- 发生
- 出现
- 从下面给出的选项中选择最合适的词来完成以下句子: 他对政治的相当随意的评论 ___________ 他对这个主题缺乏严肃性。
- 蒙面
- 说谎
- 背叛
- 压制
There should be word like showed or revealed or betrayed.
- 以下哪个选项在含义上与“迂回”一词最接近。
- 循环的
- 间接
- 令人困惑
- 歪
- 从下面给出的选项中选择最合适的词来完成以下句子:如果我们设法____________我们的自然资源,我们将为我们的孩子留下一个更美好的星球。
- 坚持
- 抑制
- 珍惜
- 养护
- 下面的问题由一对相关的单词和四对单词组成。选择最能表达原始对中关系的对。失业:工人
- 休耕:土地
- 不知道:卧铺
- 机智:小丑
- 装修:房子
fallow: land
- 现代战争已经从大规模的军队冲突转变为镇压平民。默默工作的化学制剂似乎适合这种战争;遗憾的是,军事机构中有人认为化学制剂是他们事业的有用工具。下列哪一项最能概括上述段落的意思:
- 现代战争导致内乱。
- 化学试剂在现代战争中很有用。
- 在战争中使用化学制剂是不可取的
- 在战争中使用化学制剂是不可取的
People in military establishments like to use chemical agents in war.
Civil Strife means civil disorder, a term used to describe unrest caused by a group of people, which is not true in the light of the given passage. So, A is not the correct option. B is incorrect because there is no fact in the data justifying the use of chemical agents for warfare. C is also incorrect because it is mentioned in the second line that chemical agents appear to be suited for such warfare, which implies that they are desirable. It is mentioned in the last line that there exist people in military establishments who think that chemical agents are useful for warfare, which makes D correct.
- 以下哪个选项与下面句子中划线的短语的含义最接近=> 看到生命形式应对不同的环境条件很有趣。
- 采纳
- 适应于
- 擅长
- 接受
adapt to
In the above phrase, the underlined part is *cope with*. “Cope” – It’s a verb. Meaning – deal effectively with some difficulty. Example Sentence – “his ability to cope with stress” “adopt” – verb. Meaning – choose to take up or follow (an idea, method, or course of action). Sentence – “this approach has been adopted by many big banks” “adapt” – verb. Meaning – become adjusted to new conditions. sentence -“a large organization can be slow to adapt to change” “adept” – adjective Meaning – very skilled or proficient at something. Sentence – “she is adept at cutting through red tape” “accept” – verb Meaning – consent to receive or undertake (something offered). Sentence – “he accepted a pen as a present” Hence, only “adapt” goes right with the phrase described in the question.
- 从下面给出的选项中选择最合适的词来完成下面的句子。他无法理解评委给她颁发的一等奖,因为他认为她的表现相当__________。
- 高超
- 中等的
- 平庸
- 令人振奋的
Here, superb and exhilarating would imply that the performance was brilliant. But, the fact that he could not understand why she got awarded the first prize indicates that her performance was not that amazing in his opinion. So, A and D are incorrect. Medium is more used as a noun, and denoted intermediate in quality, value, etc. So, B is incorrect Mediocre is used as an adjective (to represent quality) and means low in performance, i.e., normal and not extraordinary and C is the correct choice.
- 选择正确的同义词:
冷静的- 常见的
- 仍然
- 紧张的
- 生气的
- 选择正确的同义词:
狂怒- 冷静的
- 快乐的
- 轻度
- 凶猛的
- 选择正确的反义词:
激烈的- 急性
- 渴望的
- 难的
- 温和的