📜  使用结构体作为映射键的 Golang 程序

📅  最后修改于: 2021-10-24 13:19:31             🧑  作者: Mango

Golang 中的映射是无序键值对的集合。它被广泛使用,因为它提供了快速查找和值,可以在键的帮助下检索、更新或删除。



示例: var sample map[字符串]int

这里的示例是一个映射,它以字符串为键,以 int 类型为值。

在映射中,大多数数据类型都可以用作键,如 int、 字符串、float64、rune 等。映射还允许将结构用作键。这些结构应该相互比较。 Golang 中的结构体或结构体是用户定义的类型,它允许将不同类型的字段组合成单一类型。


type Student struct {
      name string 
      rollno int
      class string
      city string


示例 1:

// Golang program to show how to
// use structs as map keys
package main
// importing required packages
import "fmt"
//declaring a struct
type Address struct {
    Name    string
    city    string
    Pincode int
func main() {
    // Creating struct instances
    a2 := Address{Name: "Ram", city: "Delhi", Pincode: 2400}
    a1 := Address{"Pam", "Dehradun", 2200}
    a3 := Address{Name: "Sam", city: "Lucknow", Pincode: 1070}
    // Declaring a map
    var mp map[Address]int
    // Checking if the map is empty or not
    if mp == nil {
    } else {
    // Declaring and initialising
    // using map literals
    sample := map[Address]int{a1: 1, a2: 2, a3: 3}


map[{Pam Dehradun 2200}:1 {Ram Delhi 2400}:2 {Sam Lucknow 1070}:3]


示例 2:

// Golang program to show how to
// use structs as map keys
package main
// importing required packages
import "fmt"
// declaring a struct
type Address struct {
    Name    string
    city    string
    Pincode int
func main() {
    // Creating struct instances
    a1 := Address{"Pam", "Mumbai", 2200}
    a2 := Address{Name: "Ram", city: "Delhi", Pincode: 2400}
    a3 := Address{Name: "Sam", city: "Lucknow", Pincode: 1070}
    // Declaring and initialising using map literals
    sample := map[Address]int{a1: 1, a2: 2, a3: 3}
    for str, val := range sample {
        fmt.Println(str, val)
    // You can also access a struct
    // field while using a loop
    for str := range sample {


{Ram Delhi 2400} 2
{Sam Lucknow 1070} 3
{Pam Mumbai 2200} 1




示例 3:

// Adding key:value pair in a map
package main
// importing required packages
import "fmt"
// declaring a struct
type Student struct {
    Name   string
    rollno int
    course string
func main() {
    // Creating struct instances
    a1 := Student{"Asha", 1, "CSE"}
    a2 := Student{"Aishwarya", 1, "ECE"}
    a3 := Student{"Priya", 2, "MECH"}
    // Declaring and initialising
    // using map literals
    mp := map[Student]int{a1: 1, a2: 2}
    fmt.Println("Original map was", mp)
    mp[a3] = 3
    mp[Student{"Ram", 3, "CSE"}] = 4
    // Values have their zero values
    // Here initial value was 0 after 
    // incrementing it became 1
    mp[Student{"Tina", 44, "EEE"}]++
    fmt.Println("After adding key:value "+
     "pairs to the map, Updated map is:", mp)


从映射中删除结构键您可以使用 delete()函数从映射中删除结构键。它是一个内置函数,不返回任何值,如果给定映射中不存在键,则不执行任何操作。相同的语法如下:

delete(map_name, struct_key)

示例 4:

// Deleting key: value pair in a map
package main
// importing required packages
import "fmt"
// declaring a struct
type Student struct {
    Name   string
    rollno int
    course string
func main() {
    // Creating struct instances
    a1 := Student{"Asha", 1, "CSE"}
    a2 := Student{"Aishwarya", 1, "ECE"}
    a3 := Student{"Priya", 2, "MECH"}
    a4 := Student{"Ram", 3, "CSE"}
    // Declaring and initialising using map literals
    mp := map[Student]int{a1: 1, a2: 2, a3: 3, a4: 4}
    delete(mp, a4)
    fmt.Println("The remaining map after deletion:")
    for str, i := range mp {
        fmt.Println(str, "=", i)


The remaining map after deletion:
{Asha 1 CSE} = 1
{Aishwarya 1 ECE} = 2
{Priya 2 MECH} = 3

检查键:值对是否存在您可以检查映射中是否存在结构。下面给出了检查映射中 struct_key: 值对是否存在的语法:

示例 6:

// Golang program to check if a
// struct key is present
package main
// importing required packages
import "fmt"
// declaring a struct
type Student struct {
    Name   string
    rollno int
    course string
func main() {
    // Creating struct instances
    a1 := Student{"Asha", 1, "CSE"}
    a2 := Student{"Aishwarya", 1, "ECE"}
    a3 := Student{"Priya", 2, "MECH"}
    a4 := Student{"Ram", 3, "CSE"}
    // Declaring and initialising
    // using map literals
    mp := map[Student]string{a1: "First", 
     a2: "Second", a3: "Third", a4: "Fourth"}
    value, check := mp[a4]
    fmt.Println("Is the key present:", check)
    fmt.Println("Value of the key:", value)
    _, check2 := mp[a2]
    fmt.Println("Is the key present:", check2)


Is the key present: true
Value of the key: Fourth
Is the key present: true