Golang 中的结构体或结构体是用户定义的类型,它允许我们将一组不同类型的元素创建为一个单元。任何具有某些属性或字段集的现实世界实体都可以表示为一个结构体。我们知道,在 Go 语言中,函数也是用户定义的类型,因此允许在 Go 结构中创建函数字段。您还可以使用匿名函数在 Go 结构中创建函数字段,如示例 2 所示。
type function_name func()
type strcut_name struct{
var_name function_name
示例 1:
// Go program to illustrate the function
// as a field in Go structure
package main
import "fmt"
// Finalsalary of function type
type Finalsalary func(int, int) int
// Creating structure
type Author struct {
name string
language string
Marticles int
Pay int
// Function as a field
salary Finalsalary
// Main method
func main() {
// Initializing the fields
// of the structure
result := Author{
name: "Sonia",
language: "Java",
Marticles: 120,
Pay: 500,
salary: func(Ma int, pay int) int {
return Ma * pay
// Display values
fmt.Println("Author's Name: ", result.name)
fmt.Println("Language: ", result.language)
fmt.Println("Total number of articles published in May: ", result.Marticles)
fmt.Println("Per article pay: ", result.Pay)
fmt.Println("Total salary: ", result.salary(result.Marticles, result.Pay))
Author's Name: Sonia
Language: Java
Total number of articles published in May: 120
Per article pay: 500
Total salary: 60000
示例 2:
// Go program to illustrate the function
// as a field in Go structure
// Using anonymous function
package main
import "fmt"
// Creating structure
type Author struct {
name string
language string
Tarticles int
Particles int
Pending func(int, int) int
// Main method
func main() {
// Initializing the fields
// of the structure
result := Author{
name: "Sonia",
language: "Java",
Tarticles: 340,
Particles: 259,
Pending: func(Ta int, Pa int) int {
return Ta - Pa
// Display values
fmt.Println("Author's Name: ", result.name)
fmt.Println("Language: ", result.language)
fmt.Println("Total number of articles: ", result.Tarticles)
fmt.Println("Total number of published articles: ",
fmt.Println("Pending articles: ", result.Pending(result.Tarticles,
Author's Name: Sonia
Language: Java
Total number of articles: 340
Total number of published articles: 259
Pending articles: 81