📜  最长剩余时间优先 (LRTF) CPU 调度程序

📅  最后修改于: 2021-10-25 09:23:41             🧑  作者: Mango

先决条件 – CPU 调度 |最长剩余时间优先 (LRTF) 算法
我们给出了一些到达时间和突发时间的过程,我们必须找到完成时间(CT)、周转时间(TAT)、平均周转时间(Avg TAT)、等待时间(WT)、平均等待时间(AWT) ) 对于给定的进程。

示例:考虑以下四个进程 P1、P2、P3 和 P4 的到达时间和突发时间表。

Process   Arrival time   Burst Time
P1            1 ms          2 ms
P2            2 ms          4 ms
P3            3 ms          6 ms
p4            4 ms          8 ms  



Turn Around Time (TAT)
= (Complition Time) - (Arrival Time)

Also, Waiting Time (WT)
= (Turn Around Time) - (Burst Time) 



Total Turn Around Time = 68 ms
So, Average Turn Around Time = 68/4 = 17.00 ms

And, Total Waiting Time = 48 ms
So, Average Waiting Time = 12.00 ms 

算法 –

  • 步骤 1:创建一个包含所有必要字段的流程结构,如 AT(到达时间)、BT(突发时间)、CT(完成时间)、TAT(周转时间)、WT(等待时间)。
  • Step-2:按照AT排序;
  • 第 3 步:找到具有最大突发时间的进程并为每个单个单元执行。将总时间增加 1,并将该过程的 Burst Time 减少 1。
  • Step-4:当任一进程剩余0 BT时,更新CT(该进程CT的完成时间即为当时的总时间)。
  • Step-2:计算每个进程的CT后,找到TAT和WT。
(TAT = CT - AT) 
(WT  = TAT - BT) 


using namespace std;
// creating a structure of a process
struct process {
    int processno;
    int AT;
    int BT;
    // for backup purpose to print in last
    int BTbackup;
    int WT;
    int TAT;
    int CT;
// creating a structe of 4 processes
struct process p[4];
// variable to find the total time
int totaltime = 0;
int prefinaltotal = 0;
// comparator function for sort()
bool compare(process p1, process p2)
    // compare the Arrival time of two processes
    return p1.AT < p2.AT;
// finding the largest Arrival Time among all the available
// process at that time
int findlargest(int at)
    int max = 0, i;
    for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
        if (p[i].AT <= at) {
            if (p[i].BT > p[max].BT)
                max = i;
    // returning the index of the process having the largest BT
    return max;
// function to find the completion time of each process
int findCT()
    int index;
    int flag = 0;
    int i = p[0].AT;
    while (1) {
        if (i <= 4) {
            index = findlargest(i);
            index = findlargest(4);
        cout << "Process executing at time " << totaltime
             << " is: P" << index + 1 << "\t";
        p[index].BT -= 1;
        totaltime += 1;
        if (p[index].BT == 0) {
            p[index].CT = totaltime;
            cout << " Process P" << p[index].processno
                 << " is completed at " << totaltime;
        cout << endl;
        // loop termination condition
        if (totaltime == prefinaltotal)
int main()
    int i;
    // initializing the process number
    for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
        p[i].processno = i + 1;
    // cout<<"arrival time of 4 processes : ";
    for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) // taking AT
        p[i].AT = i + 1;
    // cout<<" Burst time of 4 processes : ";
    for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
        // assigning {2, 4, 6, 8} as Burst Time to the processes
        // backup for displaying the output in last
        // calculating total required time for terminating
        // the function().
        p[i].BT = 2 * (i + 1);
        p[i].BTbackup = p[i].BT;
        prefinaltotal += p[i].BT;
    // displaying the process before executing
    cout << "PNo\tAT\tBT\n";
    for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
        cout << p[i].processno << "\t";
        cout << p[i].AT << "\t";
        cout << p[i].BT << "\t";
        cout << endl;
    cout << endl;
    // soritng process according to Arrival Time
    sort(p, p + 4, compare);
    // calculating initial time when execution starts
    totaltime += p[0].AT;
    // calculating to terminate loop
    prefinaltotal += p[0].AT;
    int totalWT = 0;
    int totalTAT = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
        // since, TAT = CT - AT
        p[i].TAT = p[i].CT - p[i].AT;
        p[i].WT = p[i].TAT - p[i].BTbackup;
        // finding total waiting time
        totalWT += p[i].WT;
        // finding total turn around time
        totalTAT += p[i].TAT;
    cout << "After execution of all processes ... \n";
    // after all process executes
    cout << "PNo\tAT\tBT\tCT\tTAT\tWT\n";
    for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
        cout << p[i].processno << "\t";
        cout << p[i].AT << "\t";
        cout << p[i].BTbackup << "\t";
        cout << p[i].CT << "\t";
        cout << p[i].TAT << "\t";
        cout << p[i].WT << "\t";
        cout << endl;
    cout << endl;
    cout << "Total TAT = " << totalTAT << endl;
    cout << "Average TAT = " << totalTAT / 4.0 << endl;
    cout << "Total WT = " << totalWT << endl;
    cout << "Average WT = " << totalWT / 4.0 << endl;
    return 0;

# Python3 program to implement
# Longest Remaining Time First
# creating a structure of 4 processes
p = []
for i in range(4):
    p.append([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])
# variable to find the total time
totaltime = 0
prefinaltotal = 0
# finding the largest Arrival Time
# among all the available process
# at that time
def findlargest(at):
    max = 0
    for i in range(4):
        if (p[i][1] <= at):
            if (p[i][2] > p[max][2]) :
                max = i
    # returning the index of the
    # process having the largest BT
    return max
# function to find the completion
# time of each process
def findCT(totaltime):
    index = 0
    flag = 0
    i = p[0][1]
    while (1):
        if (i <= 4):
            index = findlargest(i)
            index = findlargest(4)
        print("Process execute at time ",
                    totaltime, end = " ")
        print(" is: P", index + 1,
                        sep = "", end = " ")
        p[index][2] -= 1
        totaltime += 1
        i += 1
        if (p[index][2] == 0):
                p[index][6] = totaltime
                print("Process P", p[index][0],
                           sep = "", end = " ")
                print(" is completed at ",
                     totaltime, end = " ")
        # loop termination condition
        if (totaltime == prefinaltotal):
# Driver code
if __name__ =="__main__":
    # initializing the process number
    for i in range(4):
        p[i][0] = i + 1
    for i in range(4): # taking AT
        p[i][1] = i + 1
    for i in range(4):
        # assigning 2, 4, 6, 8 as Burst Time
        # to the processes backup for displaying
        # the output in last calculating total
        # required time for terminating the function().
        p[i][2] = 2 * (i + 1)
        p[i][3] = p[i][2]
        prefinaltotal += p[i][2]
    # displaying the process before executing
    for i in range(4):
        print(p[i][0], "\t",
              p[i][1], "\t", p[i][2])
    # soritng process according to Arrival Time
    p = sorted(p, key = lambda p:p[1])
    # calculating initial time when
    # execution starts
    totaltime += p[0][1]
    # calculating to terminate loop
    prefinaltotal += p[0][1]
    totalWT = 0
    totalTAT = 0
    for i in range(4):
        # since, TAT = CT - AT
        p[i][5] = p[i][6]- p[i][1]
        p[i][4] = p[i][5] - p[i][3]
        # finding total waiting time
        totalWT += p[i][4]
        # finding total turn around time
        totalTAT += p[i][5]
    print("\nAfter execution of all processes ... ")
    # after all process executes
    print("PNo\tAT\tBT\tCT\tTAT\tWT" )
    for i in range(4):
        print(p[i][0], "\t", p[i][1], "\t",
              p[i][3], "\t", end = " ")
        print(p[i][6], "\t",
              p[i][5], "\t", p[i][4])
    print("Total TAT = ", totalTAT)
    print("Average TAT = ", totalTAT / 4.0)
    print("Total WT = ", totalWT)
    print("Average WT = ", totalWT / 4.0)
# This code is contributed by
# Shubham Singh(SHUBHAMSINGH10)


PNo    AT    BT
1    1    2    
2    2    4    
3    3    6    
4    4    8    

Process executing at time 1 is: P1    
Process executing at time 2 is: P2    
Process executing at time 3 is: P3    
Process executing at time 4 is: P4    
Process executing at time 5 is: P4    
Process executing at time 6 is: P4    
Process executing at time 7 is: P3    
Process executing at time 8 is: P4    
Process executing at time 9 is: P3    
Process executing at time 10 is: P4    
Process executing at time 11 is: P2    
Process executing at time 12 is: P3    
Process executing at time 13 is: P4    
Process executing at time 14 is: P2    
Process executing at time 15 is: P3    
Process executing at time 16 is: P4    
Process executing at time 17 is: P1     Process P1 is completed at 18
Process executing at time 18 is: P2     Process P2 is completed at 19
Process executing at time 19 is: P3     Process P3 is completed at 20
Process executing at time 20 is: P4     Process P4 is completed at 21
After execution of all processes ... 
PNo    AT    BT    CT    TAT    WT
1    1    2    18    17    15    
2    2    4    19    17    13    
3    3    6    20    17    11    
4    4    8    21    17    9    

Total TAT = 68
Average TAT = 17
Total WT = 48
Average WT = 12