📜  最长剩余时间优先 (LRTF) CPU 调度程序(1)

📅  最后修改于: 2023-12-03 14:55:22.880000             🧑  作者: Mango

最长剩余时间优先 (LRTF) CPU 调度程序介绍


最长剩余时间优先(LRTF)是一种贪心的 CPU 调度算法,它将 CPU 时间片的分配方法更改为基于进程的剩余时间,并在每个时刻为剩余时间最长的进程分配 CPU 时间。

LRTF 调度算法是非抢占式的,也就是说,在分配 CPU 时间片时,如果有多个进程剩余时间相同,则不会被抢占而是顺序执行,直到该进程运行完或者被阻塞。


与其他调度算法相比,LRTF 调度算法的优势在于能更好地利用 CPU 时间,同时可以防止低优先级进程饥饿。

LRTF 调度算法避免了短进程优先(SJF)算法中的潜在问题,即长期运行的进程可能永远无法得到 CPU 时间片,因为每次都有短进程到来。而 LRTF 算法会在有剩余时间最长的进程时一直为其分配 CPU 时间,从而避免了此类问题。


实现 LRTF 调度算法的一种简单方法是使用一个优先队列,队列的排序方式为进程的剩余时间,每次分配 CPU 时间时,取队首元素(剩余时间最长的进程)执行。当一个进程完成其执行时,从队列中移除该进程。


下面是使用 Python 实现 LRTF 调度算法的示例代码:

class Process:
    def __init__(self, pid, arrival_time, burst_time):
        self.pid = pid
        self.arrival_time = arrival_time
        self.burst_time = burst_time
        self.remaining_time = burst_time

class LRTFScheduler:
    def __init__(self, processes):
        self.processes = processes

    def schedule(self):
        process_queue = []
        waiting_time = {}
        turnaround_time = {}

        current_time = 0
        while True:
            # Add newly arrived processes to queue
            for process in self.processes:
                if process.arrival_time == current_time:
                    waiting_time[process.pid] = 0

            # If queue is empty, advance current_time
            if len(process_queue) == 0:
                current_time += 1

            # Get process with longest remaining time
            process_queue.sort(key=lambda x: x.remaining_time, reverse=True)
            current_process = process_queue[0]

            # Execute process for 1 unit of time
            current_process.remaining_time -= 1

            # Update waiting time for other processes
            for process in process_queue[1:]:
                waiting_time[process.pid] += 1

            # If process completes, record turnaround time and remove from queue
            if current_process.remaining_time == 0:
                turnaround_time[current_process.pid] = current_time - current_process.arrival_time + 1

            # Advance current_time
            current_time += 1

            # If all processes are completed, exit
            if len(process_queue) == 0:

        # Calculate average waiting time and turnaround time
        avg_waiting_time = sum(waiting_time.values()) / len(waiting_time)
        avg_turnaround_time = sum(turnaround_time.values()) / len(turnaround_time)

        print("Average waiting time:", avg_waiting_time)
        print("Average turnaround time:", avg_turnaround_time)

# Example usage
processes = [
    Process(1, 0, 4),
    Process(2, 1, 3),
    Process(3, 2, 2),
    Process(4, 3, 1),
scheduler = LRTFScheduler(processes)

以上是一个简单的 LRTF 调度算法的实现,该算法可用于单 CPU 系统中,但是在多 CPU 系统中,需要使用更复杂的算法进行调度。