📜  计算循环正则括号的所有索引

📅  最后修改于: 2021-10-26 06:50:44             🧑  作者: Mango

给定一个长度为N的字符串S ,仅由左括号 ‘ ( ‘ 和右括号 ‘ ) ‘ 组成。任务是找到所有索引 ‘ K ‘ 使得S[K…N-1] + S[0…K-1]是一个正则括号。


朴素的方法:朴素的方法是在每个可能的索引(比如K )处拆分给定的字符串str并检查str[K, N-1] + str[0, K-1]是否是回文。如果是,则打印K 的特定值。
时间复杂度: O(N 2 )
辅助空间: O(1)
有效的方法:我们的想法是观察,如果在任何索引(比如K )处,右括号的计数大于左括号的计数,那么该索引是拆分字符串的可能索引。以下是步骤:

  1. 只有当左括号的数量必须等于右括号的数量时,才能进行分区。否则我们不能形成任何分区来平衡括号。
  2. 创建一个字符串长度的辅助数组(比如aux[] )。
  3. 如果任何索引处的字符(比如i )是‘(‘然后将aux[i]更新为 1否则将 strong>aux[i] 更新为 -1,则遍历给定的字符串。
  4. 上述辅助数组中最小元素的频率是使S[K…N-1] + S[0…K-1]成为正则括号字符串所需的分裂次数(例如在索引K 处)。


// C++ program for the above approach
using namespace std;
// Function to find all indices which
// cyclic shift leads to get
// balanced parenthesis
int countCyclicShifts(string& S, int n)
    int aux[n] = { 0 };
    // Create auxiliary array
    for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
        if (S[i] == '(')
            aux[i] = 1;
            aux[i] = -1;
    // Finding prefix sum and
    // minimum element
    int mn = aux[0];
    for (int i = 1; i < n; ++i) {
        aux[i] += aux[i - 1];
        // Update the minimum element
        mn = min(mn, aux[i]);
    // ChecK if count of '(' and
    // ')' are equal
    if (aux[n - 1] != 0)
        return 0;
    // Find count of minimum
    // element
    int count = 0;
    // Find the frequency of mn
    for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
        if (aux[i] == mn)
    // Return the count
    return count;
// Driver Code
int main()
    // Given string S
    string S = ")()(";
    int N = S.length();
    // Function Call
    cout << countCyclicShifts(S, N);
    return 0;

// Java program for the above approach
import java.util.*;
class GFG{
// Function to find all indices which
// cyclic shift leads to get
// balanced parenthesis
static int countCyclicShifts(String S, int n)
    // Create auxiliary array
    int[] aux = new int[n];
    for(int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
       if (S.charAt(i) == '(')
           aux[i] = 1;
           aux[i] = -1;
    // Finding prefix sum and
    // minimum element
    int mn = aux[0];
    for(int i = 1; i < n; ++i)
       aux[i] += aux[i - 1];
       // Update the minimum element
       mn = Math.min(mn, aux[i]);
    // Check if count of '(' and ')'
    // are equal
    if (aux[n - 1] != 0)
        return 0;
    // Find count of minimum
    // element
    int count = 0;
    // Find the frequency of mn
    for(int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
       if (aux[i] == mn)
    // Return the count
    return count;
// Driver code
public static void main(String[] args)
    // Given string S
    String S = ")()(";
    // length of the string S
    int N = S.length();
    System.out.print(countCyclicShifts(S, N));
// This code is contributed by sanjoy_62

# Python3 program for the above approach
# Function to find all indices which
# cyclic shift leads to get
# balanced parenthesis
def countCyclicShifts(S, n):
    aux = [0 for i in range(n)]
    # Create auxiliary array
    for i in range(0, n):
        if (S[i] == '('):
            aux[i] = 1
            aux[i] = -1
    # Finding prefix sum and
    # minimum element
    mn = aux[0]
    for i in range(1, n):
        aux[i] += aux[i - 1]
        # Update the minimum element
        mn = min(mn, aux[i])
    # ChecK if count of '(' and
    # ')' are equal
    if (aux[n - 1] != 0):
        return 0
    # Find count of minimum
    # element
    count = 0
    # Find the frequency of mn
    for i in range(0, n):
        if (aux[i] == mn):
            count += 1
    # Return the count
    return count
# Driver Code
# Given string S
S = ")()("
N = len(S)
# Function call
print(countCyclicShifts(S, N))
# This code is contributed by Sanjit_Prasad

// C# program for the above approach
using System;
class GFG{
// Function to find all indices which
// cyclic shift leads to get
// balanced parenthesis
static int countCyclicShifts(string S, int n)
    // Create auxiliary array
    int[] aux = new int[n];
    for(int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
        if (S[i] == '(')
            aux[i] = 1;
            aux[i] = -1;
    // Finding prefix sum and
    // minimum element
    int mn = aux[0];
    for(int i = 1; i < n; ++i)
        aux[i] += aux[i - 1];
        // Update the minimum element
        mn = Math.Min(mn, aux[i]);
    // Check if count of '(' and ')'
    // are equal
    if (aux[n - 1] != 0)
        return 0;
    // Find count of minimum
    // element
    int count = 0;
    // Find the frequency of mn
    for(int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
        if (aux[i] == mn)
    // Return the count
    return count;
// Driver code
public static void Main(string[] args)
    // Given string S
    string S = ")()(";
    // length of the string S
    int N = S.Length;
    Console.Write(countCyclicShifts(S, N));
// This code is contributed by rutvik_56



时间复杂度: O(N) ,其中 N 是字符串的长度。
辅助空间: O(N) ,其中 N 是字符串的长度。