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📜  不同边对的数量,以便将两棵树划分为相同的节点子集

📅  最后修改于: 2021-10-28 01:30:11             🧑  作者: Mango

给定两棵树,每棵树都有 N 个节点。移除树的边将树划分为两个子集。

找出不同边的最大总数 (e1, e2):来自第一棵树的 e1 和来自第二棵树的 e2,这样它将两棵树划分为具有相同节点的子集。


方法 :

  • 这个想法是在树上使用散列,我们将在节点 1 处为两棵树生根,然后我们将为树的每个节点分配随机值。
  • 我们将在树上做一个 dfs,假设我们在节点 x,那么我们将保留一个变量
    subtree[x] 将存储其子树中所有节点的哈希值。
  • 我们完成了上述两个步骤,我们只需要为我们得到的两棵树存储每个节点子树的值。
  • 我们可以使用无序映射。最后一步是找出两棵树中 subtree[x] 的公共值有多少。
  • 对于两棵树的 subtree[x] 的每个公共值,将不同边的计数增加 +1。


// C++ implementation of the approach
using namespace std;
const long long p = 97, MAX = 300005;
// This function checks whether
// a node is leaf node or not.
bool leaf1(long long NODE, long long int deg1[])
    if (deg1[NODE] == 1 and NODE != 1)
        return true;
    return false;
// This function calculates the Hash sum
// of all the children of a
// particular node for subtree 1
void dfs3(long long curr, long long par,
          vector tree1[],
          long long int subtree1[], long long int deg1[],
          long long int node[])
    for (auto& child : tree1[curr]) {
        if (child == par)
        dfs3(child, curr, tree1, subtree1, deg1, node);
    // If the node is leaf node then
    // there is no child, so hash sum
    // will be same as the
    // hash value for the node.
    if (leaf1(curr, deg1) == true) {
        subtree1[curr] = node[curr];
    long long sum = 0;
    // Else calculate hash sum of all the
    // children of a particular node, this is done
    // by iterating on all the children of a node.
    for (auto& child : tree1[curr]) {
        sum = sum + subtree1[child];
    // store the hash value for
    // all the subtree of current node
    subtree1[curr] = node[curr] + sum;
// This function checks whether
// a node is leaf node or not.
bool leaf2(long long NODE, long long int deg2[])
    if (deg2[NODE] == 1 and NODE != 1)
        return true;
    return false;
// This function calculates the Hash
// sum of all the children of
// a particular node for subtree 2.
void dfs4(long long curr, long long par,
          vector tree2[],
          long long int subtree2[], long long int deg2[],
          long long int node[])
    for (auto& child : tree2[curr]) {
        if (child == par)
        dfs4(child, curr, tree2, subtree2, deg2, node);
    // If the node is leaf node then
    // there is no child, so hash sum will be
    // same as the hash value for the node.
    if (leaf2(curr, deg2) == true) {
        subtree2[curr] = node[curr];
    long long sum = 0;
    // Else calculate hash sum of all
    // the children of a particular node, this is
    // done by iterating on all the children of a node.
    for (auto& child : tree2[curr]) {
        sum = sum + subtree2[child];
    // store the hash value for
    // all the subtree of current node
    subtree2[curr] = node[curr] + sum;
// Calculates x^y in logN time.
long long exp(long long x, long long y)
    if (y == 0)
        return 1;
    else if (y & 1)
        return x * exp(x, y / 2) * exp(x, y / 2);
        return exp(x, y / 2) * exp(x, y / 2);
// This function helps in building the tree
void Insertt(vector tree1[],
             vector tree2[],
             long long int deg1[], long long int deg2[])
    // Building Tree 1
    // Since 6 is a leaf node for tree 1
    deg1[6] = 1;
    // Building Tree 2
    // since both 3 and 4 are leaf nodes of tree 2 .
    deg2[3] = 1;
    deg2[4] = 1;
// Function to make the hash values
void TakeHash(long long n, long long int node[])
    // Take a very high prime
    long long p = 97 * 13 * 19;
    // Initialize random values to each node .
    for (long long i = 1; i <= n; ++i) {
        // A good random function is
        // choosen for each node .
        long long val = (rand() * rand() * rand())
                        + rand() * rand() + rand();
        node[i] = val * p * rand() + p * 13 * 19 * rand() * rand() * 101 * p;
        p *= p;
        p *= p;
// Function that returns the required answer
void solve(long long n, vector tree1[],
           vector tree2[], long long int subtree1[],
           long long int subtree2[], long long int deg1[],
           long long int deg2[], long long int node[])
    // Do dfs on both trees to
    // get subtree[x] for each node.
    dfs3(1, 0, tree1, subtree1, deg1, node);
    dfs4(1, 0, tree2, subtree2, deg2, node);
    // cnt_tree1 and cnt_tree2 is used
    // to store the count of all
    // the hashes of every node .
        cnt_tree1, cnt_tree2;
    vector values;
    for (long long i = 1; i <= n; ++i) {
        long long value1 = subtree1[i];
        long long value2 = subtree2[i];
        // Store the subtree value of tree 1
        // in a vector to compare it later
        // with subtree value of tree 2.
        // increment the count of hash
        // value for a subtree of a node.
    // Stores the sum of all the hash values
    // of children for root node of subtree 1.
    long long root_tree1 = subtree1[1];
    long long root_tree2 = subtree2[1];
    // Stores the sum of all the hash values
    // of children for root node of subtree 1.
    cnt_tree1[root_tree1] = 0;
    cnt_tree2[root_tree2] = 0;
    long long answer = 0;
    for (auto& x : values) {
        // Check if for a given hash value for
        // tree 1 is there any hash value which
        // matches to hash value of tree 2
        // If yes, then its possible to divide
        // the tree for this hash value
        // into two equal subsets.
        if (cnt_tree1[x] != 0 and cnt_tree2[x] != 0)
    cout << answer << endl;
// Driver Code
int main()
    vector tree1[MAX], tree2[MAX];
    long long int node[MAX], deg1[MAX], deg2[MAX];
    long long int subtree1[MAX], subtree2[MAX];
    long long n = 6;
    // To generate a good random function
    Insertt(tree1, tree2, deg1, deg2);
    TakeHash(n, node);
    solve(n, tree1, tree2, subtree1, subtree2, deg1, deg2, node);
    return 0;


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