HTML DOM 中的Video 对象代表一个 元素。可以使用 getElementById()方法访问视频元素。
其中 id 分配给
Value | Description |
audioTracks | It returns an AudioTrackList object represents the available audio tracks. |
autoplay | It is used to set or return if the video should start playing as soon as it is ready. |
buffered | It returns the TimeRanges object that represents the buffered parts of a video. |
controller | It returns the MediaController object that represents the current media controller of a video. |
controls | It is used to set or returns whether a video should have play and pause controls are to be displayed. |
crossOrigin | It sets or returns the CORS settings of a video. |
currentSrc | It returns the URL of the current video. |
currentTime | It set or return the current playback position in a video. |
defaultMuted | It set or return whether the video should be muted by default. |
defaultPlaybackRate | It set or return whether the default playback speed of the video. |
duration | It returns the length of a video. |
ended | It is used to return whether the playback of the video has ended. |
error | It returns a MediaError object represents the error state of the video. |
height | It is used to set or return the value of the height attribute of a video. |
loop | It is used to set or return whether the video should start playing over again, every time it is finished |
mediagroup/td> | It is used to set or return the name of the media group of that video. |
muted | It is used to set or return whether the sound of the video should be turned off. |
networkState | It returns the current network state of a video. |
paused | It returns whether a video is paused or not. |
playbackRate | It is used to set or return the speed of the video playback. |
played | It returns a TimeRanges object represents the played parts of the video. |
poster | It is used to set or return the value of the poster attribute of a video. |
preload | It is used to set or return the value of the preload attribute of a video. |
readyState | It is used to return the current ready state of a video. |
seekable | It is used to return the TimeRanges object representing the seekable parts of a video. |
seeking | It returns whether the user is currently seeking in the video. |
src | It is used to set or return the value of the src attribute of a video. |
startDate | It is used to set or return the value of the src attribute of a video. |
textTracks | It is used to return the TextTrackList object representing the available text tracks. |
videoTracks | It is used to return the VideoTrackList object representing the available video tracks. |
volume | It is used to set or return the audio volume of a video. |
width | It is used to set or return the value of the width attribute of a video. |
- pause:用于暂停当前播放的视频。
- load:用于重新加载视频元素。
- play:用于开始播放视频。
- addTextTrack:用于为视频添加新的文本轨道。
- canPlayType:用于检查浏览器是否可以播放指定的视频类型。
示例 1:
DOM Input Video Object
DOM Video Object
- 点击按钮前:
- 点击按钮后:
示例 2:
DOM Input Video Object
DOM Video Object
- 点击按钮前:
- 点击按钮后:
支持的浏览器: HTML支持的浏览器 |下面列出了DOM 视频对象:
- 谷歌浏览器
- 边缘
- 火狐浏览器
- 歌剧
- 苹果浏览器