📜  Foundation-全局样式

📅  最后修改于: 2020-10-25 05:50:43             🧑  作者: Mango


在本章中,我们将研究全局样式。 Foundation框架的全局CSS包括有用的重置,以确保样式在各个浏览器中保持一致。


默认情况下,浏览器样式表的字体大小设置为100%。默认字体大小设置为16像素。根据字体大小,将计算网格大小。若要具有不同的基本字体大小和不受影响的网格断点,请将$ rem-base设置$ global-font-size值,该值必须以像素为单位。


诸如链接按钮之类的交互元素使用默认的蓝色阴影,该阴影来自SASS变量$ primary-color 。组件也可以具有颜色,例如:次要,警报,成功和警告。欲了解更多信息,请点击这里




Sr.No. Name & Description Type Default Value
1 $global-width

It represents the site’s global width. Used to determine the grid’s row width.

Number rem-calc(1200)
2 $global-font-size

It represents the font size applied to and . It is set 100% by default and the user’s browser settings value will be inherited.

Number 100%
3 $global-lineheight

It represents all types of default line height. $global-lineheight is 24px while $global-font-size set to 16px.

Number 1.5
4 $primary-color

It gives color to the interactive components such as links and buttons.

Color #2199e8
5 $secondary-color

It is used with components, which support .secondary class.

Color #777
6 $success-color

It represents the positive status or action when used with .success class.

Color #3adb76
7 $warning-color

It represents a caution status or action when used with .warning class.

Color #ffae00
8 $alert-color

It represents a negative status or action when used with .alert class.

Color #ec5840
9 $light-gray

It is used for light gray UI items.

Color #e6e6e6
10 $medium-gray

It is used for medium gray UI items.

Color #cacaca
11 $dark-gray

It is used for dark gray UI items.

Color #8a8a8a
12 $black

It is used for black UI items.

Color #0a0a0a
13 $white

It is used for white UI items.

Color #fefefe
14 $body-background

It represents the background color of the body.

Color $white
15 $body-font-color

It represents the text color of the body.

Color $black
16 $body-font-family

It represents the list of fonts of the body.

List ‘Helvetica Neue’, Helvetica, Roboto, Arial, sans-serif
17 $body-antialiased

Antialiased type is enabled by setting this attribute to true using the CSS properties -webkit-font-smoothing and -moz-osx-font-smoothing.

Boolean true
18 $global-margin

It represents the global margin value on components.

Number 1rem
19 $global-padding

It represents global padding value on components.

Number 1rem
20 $global-margin

It represents global margin value used between components.

Number 1rem
21 $global-weight-normal

It represents global font weight for normal type.

Keyword or Number normal
22 $global-weight-bold

It represents global font weight for bold type.

Keyword or Number bold
23 $global-radius

It represents the global value of all elements which has a border radius.

Number 0
24 $global-text-direction

It sets the text direction of the CSS to ltr or rtl
