使用 rand()函数在 C++ 中猜数游戏
在本文中,我们将开发一个 C++ 游戏,用于猜三个难度级别的秘密数字。
- 在这个游戏中,计算机生成一个 1 到 100 范围内的秘密数字,玩家必须猜测它。
- 游戏分为三个难度级别。玩家猜测的机会受到他们选择的级别的限制。简单级别给予玩家 10 次猜测秘密数字的机会,中等级别 7 次机会,而困难级别仅提供 5 次机会。
- 在游戏过程中,玩家告诉计算机他对一个数字的假设,计算机会告诉玩家是否正确。如果他的号码小于或大于密码,计算机会通知玩家,玩家再试一次。
- 玩家也可以随时结束游戏。
第 1 步:生成1 到 100 之间的随机密码
C++ 中的任何函数都不会在给定范围内生成随机函数。因此,我们将使用 rand()函数。我们将需要 cstdlib 库来使用 rand()。在一个范围内生成随机函数的公式是
randomNumber = (rand() % (upper-lower) + 1)
假设我们希望生成一个介于 1 和 100 之间的数字,因此上等于 100,下等于 1。所以,公式变为
randomNumber = (rand() % (100-1) + 1)
为了在程序每次运行时生成不同的随机数,我们将使用 srand(time(0))函数。每次程序运行时,此函数都会更改种子。 time(0) 返回系统时钟显示的秒数。由于我们将使用 time函数,因此我们必须包含 ctime 库。
第 2 步:让用户选择难度级别
While 循环让我们实现了一个菜单驱动的程序,玩家可以在其中选择难度。用户可以按 1 选择简单级别,按 2 选择中等,按 3 选择难度级别。
第 3 步:根据难度级别确定玩家的机会数量
当玩家选择简单关卡时,他有 10 次机会猜出秘密数字。中等,他有 7 次机会,而硬,他有 5 次机会。
使用 if-else 构造,我们将检查输入的数字是否与秘密数字匹配。
- 由于玩家在简单级别有 10 次机会,我们将从 1 迭代到 10 以确定输入的数字是否与实际的秘密数字匹配。由于玩家在中等级别只有七个选择,我们从 1 到 7 迭代以检查数字是否与秘密数字匹配。如果玩家选择困难级别,我们将从 1 迭代到 5,因为只有 5 个选项。
- 如果输入的数字小于密码,我们将显示密码小于选择的数字。
- 每当输入的数字超过秘密数字时,我们会显示秘密数字更大,作为对玩家的提示。
- 我们还将显示剩下的选择数量。
- 一旦输入的数字与密码匹配,玩家将被通知他中奖了。
- 如果玩家无法猜出数字并且他或她没有更多选择,则游戏结束。这将终止游戏。
using namespace std;
int main()
cout << "\n\t\t\tWelcome to GuessTheNumber game!"
<< endl;
cout << "You have to guess a number between 1 and 100. "
"You'll have limited choices based on the "
"level you choose. Good Luck!"
<< endl;
while (true) {
cout << "\nEnter the difficulty level: \n";
cout << "1 for easy!\t";
cout << "2 for medium!\t";
cout << "3 for difficult!\t";
cout << "0 for ending the game!\n" << endl;
// select the level of difficulty
int difficultyChoice;
cout << "Enter the number: ";
cin >> difficultyChoice;
// generating the secret number
int secretNumber = 1 + (rand() % 100);
int playerChoice;
// Difficulty Level:Easy
if (difficultyChoice == 1) {
cout << "\nYou have 10 choices for finding the "
"secret number between 1 and 100.";
int choicesLeft = 10;
for (int i = 1; i <= 10; i++) {
// prompting the player to guess the secret
// number
cout << "\n\nEnter the number: ";
cin >> playerChoice;
// determining if the playerChoice matches
// the secret number
if (playerChoice == secretNumber) {
cout << "Well played! You won, "
<< playerChoice
<< " is the secret number" << endl;
cout << "\t\t\t Thanks for playing...."
<< endl;
cout << "Play the game again with "
<< endl;
else {
cout << "Nope, " << playerChoice
<< " is not the right number\n";
if (playerChoice > secretNumber) {
cout << "The secret number is "
"smaller than the number "
"you have chosen"
<< endl;
else {
cout << "The secret number is "
"greater than the number "
"you have chosen"
<< endl;
cout << choicesLeft << " choices left. "
<< endl;
if (choicesLeft == 0) {
cout << "You couldn't find the "
"secret number, it was "
<< secretNumber
<< ", You lose!!\n\n";
cout << "Play the game again to "
// Difficulty level : Medium
else if (difficultyChoice == 2) {
cout << "\nYou have 7 choices for finding the "
"secret number between 1 and 100.";
int choicesLeft = 7;
for (int i = 1; i <= 7; i++) {
// prompting the player to guess the secret
// number
cout << "\n\nEnter the number: ";
cin >> playerChoice;
// determining if the playerChoice matches
// the secret number
if (playerChoice == secretNumber) {
cout << "Well played! You won, "
<< playerChoice
<< " is the secret number" << endl;
cout << "\t\t\t Thanks for playing...."
<< endl;
cout << "Play the game again with "
<< endl;
else {
cout << "Nope, " << playerChoice
<< " is not the right number\n";
if (playerChoice > secretNumber) {
cout << "The secret number is "
"smaller than the number "
"you have chosen"
<< endl;
else {
cout << "The secret number is "
"greater than the number "
"you have chosen"
<< endl;
cout << choicesLeft << " choices left. "
<< endl;
if (choicesLeft == 0) {
cout << "You couldn't find the "
"secret number, it was "
<< secretNumber
<< ", You lose!!\n\n";
cout << "Play the game again to "
// Difficulty level : Medium
else if (difficultyChoice == 3) {
cout << "\nYou have 5 choices for finding the "
"secret number between 1 and 100.";
int choicesLeft = 5;
for (int i = 1; i <= 5; i++) {
// prompting the player to guess the secret
// number
cout << "\n\nEnter the number: ";
cin >> playerChoice;
// determining if the playerChoice matches
// the secret number
if (playerChoice == secretNumber) {
cout << "Well played! You won, "
<< playerChoice
<< " is the secret number" << endl;
cout << "\t\t\t Thanks for playing...."
<< endl;
cout << "Play the game again with "
<< endl;
else {
cout << "Nope, " << playerChoice
<< " is not the right number\n";
if (playerChoice > secretNumber) {
cout << "The secret number is "
"smaller than the number "
"you have chosen"
<< endl;
else {
cout << "The secret number is "
"greater than the number "
"you have chosen"
<< endl;
cout << choicesLeft << " choices left. "
<< endl;
if (choicesLeft == 0) {
cout << "You couldn't find the "
"secret number, it was "
<< secretNumber
<< ", You lose!!\n\n";
cout << "Play the game again to "
// To end the game
else if (difficultyChoice == 0) {
else {
cout << "Wrong choice, Enter valid choice to "
"play the game! (0,1,2,3)"
<< endl;
return 0;