📜  Tensorflow.js tf.conv3d()函数

📅  最后修改于: 2022-05-13 01:56:18.737000             🧑  作者: Mango

Tensorflow.js tf.conv3d()函数

Tensorflow.js是 google 开发的 javascript 库,用于在浏览器或 Node.js 中运行和训练机器学习模型。

tf.conv3d()函数用于计算给定输入的 3d 卷积。输入主要是 3D 图像数据,如 CT 或 MRI 成像或任何视频。为了从这些数据中提取特征,我们使用卷积层创建卷积核并输出 4D 或 5D 张量。


tf.conv3d (x, filter, strides, pad, dataFormat?, dilations?) 


  • x :张量等级 4 和 5 被输入卷积。张量也可以是形状为 [batch, depth, height, width, channels] 的类型化数组。
  • 过滤器:过滤器的等级为 5,数据类型与 x 相同,形状为 [filterDepth, filterHeight, filterWidth, inChannels, outChannels]。过滤器和输入的输入通道必须匹配。
  • 步幅:步幅用于在输入张量上移动过滤器。为此,传递长度>=5 的列表。
  • pad :填充算法属于“相同”和“有效”类型。 'Same' 将创建与输入大小相同的输出。而“有效”输出的大小将小于输入。
  • dataFormat :在两个字符串中,它可以是:“NHWC”、“NCHW”。使用默认格式“NHWC”,数据按以下顺序存储:[batch, depth, height, width, channels]。需要指定输入和输出数据的数据格式。这是可选的。
  • dilations :膨胀率是两个整数元组,用于检查卷积的速率。[dilationDepth,dilationHeight ,dilationWidth] 作为参数传递。这是可选的。

示例 1:在此示例中,我们将手动创建输入和内核张量并执行卷积操作。我们将打印出张量的形状以记录通道数和填充算法。

// Importing libraries
import * as from "@tensorflow/tfjs"
// Input tensor
const X=tf.tensor5d([[[[[0.],[2.]],
console.log('Shape of the input:' ,X.shape);
// Kernel vector has been set
const kernel=tf.tensor5d([[[[[0.3,1.2]]],[[[0.6,1.8]]],[[[0.8,1.5]]]]]);
console.log('Shape of the kernel:' ,kernel.shape);
// Output tensor after convolution
let output=tf.conv3d(X,kernel,strides=[1,1,1,1,1],'same');
console.log('Shape of the output tensor:',output.shape);

import * as from "@tensorflow/tfjs"
// Input tensor
const X=tf.tensor5d([0.,2.,3.,1.,4.,2.,1.,0.,2.,1.,4.,2.],[1,2,3,2,1]);
// Kernel vector has been set
const kernel=tf.tensor5d([0.3,1.2,0.6,1.8,0.8,1.5],[1,1,1,2,3]);
// Output tensor after convolution
let output=tf.conv3d(X,kernel,strides=[1,1,1,2,1],'same');
console.log('Shape of the output tensor:',output.shape);

// Importing libraries
import * as from "@tensorflow/tfjs"
// A tensor with values selected from a
// normal distribution
const x=tf.randomNormal([1,2,4,1,3]);
const kernel=tf.tensor5d([0.3,1.2,0.6,1.8,0.8,1.5],[1,1,2,3,1])
// Output tensor after convolution
let out=tf.conv3d(x,kernel,strides=[1,1,1,1,1],'same')
// Printing the output tensor
console.log('First output tensor is:')
// Input tensor of bigger shape is taken
const y=tf.randomNormal([3,25,25,25,1]);
const kernel2=tf.randomNormal([1,3,3,1,1])
// Convolution is performed
let output2=tf.conv3d(y,kernel2,strides=[1,1,1,1,1],'same')
// Output2.print()
// Printing out the bigger output shape
console.log('\n The shape of the output tensor',output2.shape)


Shape of the input: 1,2,3,2,1
Shape of the kernel: 1,3,1,1,2
    [[[ [[2        , 5.0999999],],

        [[2.8000002, 7.1999998],],

        [[1.5      , 4.8000002],]],

      [ [[0.8      , 1.5      ],],

        [[2.2      , 4.8000002],],

        [[1.5      , 4.8000002],]]]]
Shape of the output tensor: 1,2,3,1,2

示例 2:在下面的代码中,将发生错误,因为 inchannels 编号即输入张量的第 5 个索引和内核张量的第 4 个索引不匹配。


import * as from "@tensorflow/tfjs"
// Input tensor
const X=tf.tensor5d([0.,2.,3.,1.,4.,2.,1.,0.,2.,1.,4.,2.],[1,2,3,2,1]);
// Kernel vector has been set
const kernel=tf.tensor5d([0.3,1.2,0.6,1.8,0.8,1.5],[1,1,1,2,3]);
// Output tensor after convolution
let output=tf.conv3d(X,kernel,strides=[1,1,1,2,1],'same');
console.log('Shape of the output tensor:',output.shape);


An error occured on line: 10
Error in conv3d: depth of input (1) must match input depth for filter 2.

示例 3:在此示例中,我们将执行两个卷积操作。首先,我们将创建一个从正态分布中随机选取的值的张量,并在卷积后打印输出张量。之后,我们采用更大尺寸的张量(可以是 3D 图像或视频)并执行卷积,这将再次生成一个大张量。我们将打印该张量的输出形状。


// Importing libraries
import * as from "@tensorflow/tfjs"
// A tensor with values selected from a
// normal distribution
const x=tf.randomNormal([1,2,4,1,3]);
const kernel=tf.tensor5d([0.3,1.2,0.6,1.8,0.8,1.5],[1,1,2,3,1])
// Output tensor after convolution
let out=tf.conv3d(x,kernel,strides=[1,1,1,1,1],'same')
// Printing the output tensor
console.log('First output tensor is:')
// Input tensor of bigger shape is taken
const y=tf.randomNormal([3,25,25,25,1]);
const kernel2=tf.randomNormal([1,3,3,1,1])
// Convolution is performed
let output2=tf.conv3d(y,kernel2,strides=[1,1,1,1,1],'same')
// Output2.print()
// Printing out the bigger output shape
console.log('\n The shape of the output tensor',output2.shape)


First output tensor is:
    [[[ [[-0.702378 ],],

        [[1.9029824 ],],



      [ [[-1.9580686],],


        [[0.0155853 ],],


 The shape of the bigger output tensor 3,25,25,25,1

参考: https://js.tensorflow.org/api/1.0.0/#conv3d