📜  Python中的刽子手游戏

📅  最后修改于: 2022-05-13 01:55:48.105000             🧑  作者: Mango


刽子手的起源是晦涩难懂的意思,没有被发现,但它似乎出现在维多利亚时代,”《牛津文字游戏指南》的作者托尼·奥加德 (Tony Augarde) 说。该游戏在 1894 年 Alice Bertha Gomme 的“传统游戏”中以“鸟、兽和鱼”的名称被提及。规则很简单;一个玩家写下一个单词的第一个和最后一个字母,另一个玩家猜中间的字母。在其他来源中,[在哪里?] 游戏被称为“绞刑架”、“Hangin 游戏”或“Hanger”。



  1. Hangman 程序从密语列表中随机选择一个密语。 random 模块将提供此功能,因此程序中的第 1 行将其导入。
  2. 游戏:在这里,从我们的收藏中随机抽取一个单词(水果名称),玩家赢得游戏的机会有限。
  3. 当该单词中的一个字母被正确猜到时,该单词中的该字母位置就会变得可见。这样,在所有机会结束之前,单词的所有字母都将被猜到。
  4. 为方便起见,我们给出了单词长度 + 2 次机会。例如,要猜的单词是 mango,那么用户有 5 + 2 = 7 次机会,因为 mango 是一个五个字母的单词。

# Python Program to illustrate
# Hangman Game
import random
from collections import Counter
someWords = '''apple banana mango strawberry
orange grape pineapple apricot lemon coconut watermelon
cherry papaya berry peach lychee muskmelon'''
someWords = someWords.split(' ')
# randomly choose a secret word from our "someWords" LIST.
word = random.choice(someWords)        
if __name__ == '__main__':
    print('Guess the word! HINT: word is a name of a fruit')
    for i in word:
         # For printing the empty spaces for letters of the word
        print('_', end = ' ')       
    playing = True
     # list for storing the letters guessed by the player
    letterGuessed = ''               
    chances = len(word) + 2
    correct = 0
    flag = 0
        while (chances != 0) and flag == 0: #flag is updated when the word is correctly guessed
            chances -= 1
                guess = str(input('Enter a letter to guess: '))
                print('Enter only a letter!')
            # Validation of the guess
            if not guess.isalpha():
                print('Enter only a LETTER')
            else if len(guess) > 1:
                print('Enter only a SINGLE letter')
            else if guess in letterGuessed:
                print('You have already guessed that letter')
            # If letter is guessed correctly
            if guess in word:
                k = word.count(guess) #k stores the number of times the guessed letter occurs in the word
                for _ in range(k):   
                    letterGuessed += guess # The guess letter is added as many times as it occurs
            # Print the word
            for char in word:
                if char in letterGuessed and (Counter(letterGuessed) != Counter(word)):
                    print(char, end = ' ')
                    correct += 1
                # If user has guessed all the letters
                else if (Counter(letterGuessed) == Counter(word)): # Once the correct word is guessed fully,
                                                                # the game ends, even if chances remain
                    print("The word is: ", end=' ')
                    flag = 1
                    print('Congratulations, You won!')
                    break # To break out of the for loop
                    break # To break out of the while loop
                    print('_', end = ' ')
        # If user has used all of his chances
        if chances <= 0 and (Counter(letterGuessed) != Counter(word)):
            print('You lost! Try again..')
            print('The word was {}'.format(word))
    except KeyboardInterrupt:
        print('Bye! Try again.')


Python-Programs$ python P37_HangmanGame.py 
Guess the word! HINT: word is a name of a fruit
_ _ _ _ _ 

Enter a letter to guess: m
_ _ m _ _ 
Enter a letter to guess: o
_ _ m o _ 
Enter a letter to guess: l
l _ m o _ 
Enter a letter to guess: e
l e m o _ 
Enter a letter to guess: n
l e m o n 
Congratulations, You won!


  • 您可以通过在每次猜测后添加计时器来进一步增强程序
  • 您还可以从一开始就给出提示,使用户更容易完成任务
  • 只有当玩家的猜测错误时,您也可以将机会减少一。如果猜对了,