📅  最后修改于: 2020-11-12 04:47:33             🧑  作者: Mango
S.No. | Class & Description |
1 | TermQuery
This class acts as a core component which creates/updates indexes during the indexing process. |
2 | TermRangeQuery
TermRangeQuery is used when a range of textual terms are to be searched. |
3 | PrefixQuery
PrefixQuery is used to match documents whose index starts with a specified string. |
4 | BooleanQuery
BooleanQuery is used to search documents which are result of multiple queries using AND, OR or NOT operators. |
5 | PhraseQuery
Phrase query is used to search documents which contain a particular sequence of terms. |
6 | WildCardQuery
WildcardQuery is used to search documents using wildcards like ‘*’ for any character sequence,? matching a single character. |
7 | FuzzyQuery
FuzzyQuery is used to search documents using fuzzy implementation that is an approximate search based on the edit distance algorithm. |
8 | MatchAllDocsQuery
MatchAllDocsQuery as the name suggests matches all the documents. |