在今天的生活中,我们无法想象没有数字的任何数量的表示。我们无法计算没有数字的事物。因此,为了消除所有这些困难,我们使用数字系统。数字系统是我们的祖先很久以前发现的。他们过去常常用数字和符号来表示不同的事物。现在我们可以在数字系统上应用不同的操作来进行计算。我们可以用单词和数字来表达它们,例如,7 可以写成数字本身,单词也可以写成“七”。
- 自然数
- 整数
- 实数
- 整数
- 有理数
- 复数
有理数是数系的一个子集。有理数以 p/q 形式表示,其中 q 不能等于 0。这里“p”被称为分子,“q”被称为分母。所有整数也称为有理数,因为它们可以用 p/q 形式表示。
例如:3/4、-2/3、0/6 等。
示例: 2/5、3/7、(-2)/(-9) 等。
示例: (-5)/(3)、(3)/(-7) 等。
When a number is multiplied by another number and if their product is 1, then these two numbers are called as multiplicative inverse of each other. Multiplicative Inverse is also termed as inverse of the number. In multiplicative inverse, basically we change numerator to denominator and denominator to numerator along with their sign.
第 1 步:假设有理数以 p/q 形式给出。
第 2 步:要找到乘法逆元,将分子更改为分母,将分母更改为分子。
第 3 步:如果给定数是负有理数,则交换它们的分子和分母以及它们的符号。
第4步:我们可以在最后验证我们的答案。如果有理数与其乘法逆数的乘积为 1,那么我们的答案是正确的。
A rational number is represented in p/q form, where q can not be equal to zero.
‘All the integers are rational numbers.’
It means that 0 is also a rational number. It can be represented as 0/1, 0/-2, 0/6, etc.
In general form we can write 0 as rational number is 0/q and here q is not equal to zero.
Now find out the multiplicative inverse of 0/q i.e. q/0.
Here q/0 is not defined and denominator of a rational number can not be equal to zero.
q/0 is something like we are dividing q things to 0 objects, which is senseless.
So we can not find the multiplicative inverse of 0.
问题 1 :找出 -6/7 的乘法逆元。
Compare -6/7 with p/q.
We got p = -6 and q = 7.
To find out the multiplicative inverse, exchange numerator and denominator.
Multiplicative inverse of -6/7 = 7/-6
问题 2:我们应该乘以哪个数字 5/9,得到答案 1?
If the product of two numbers is 1 it means that they are multiplicative inverse of each other.
So we have to find out the multiplicative inverse of 5/9.
Compare 5/9 with p/q.
We got p = 5 and q = 9.
Now change the numerator with denominator and denominator with numerator, that will be the multiplicative inverse of given rational number.
Multiplicative inverse of 5/9 is 9/5.