- 获取您的个人信息
- 接受有吸引力的交易而不寻求建议
- 基于虚假承诺汇款
- 不经检查就买东西
- 彩票或竞赛诈骗:您可能会收到来自其他国家的彩票或博彩公司的电子邮件或消息,但实际上并不存在。虽然实际上你没有参加任何比赛/抽奖活动,但它声称你通过比赛赢得了一大笔钱。诈骗者要求您支付一些预付费用(用于税收等)或分享个人信息、OTP 等强制性以获得奖励。
- 网络钓鱼:这是一种骗局,通常用于从用户那里获取敏感数据,例如登录凭据和信用卡信息。通过分发垃圾邮件、恶意网站、电子邮件和即时聊天,他们欺骗消费者提供基本信息,例如银行和信用卡信息,或访问个人帐户。
- 电子商务、分类广告和拍卖 诈骗:当欺诈者出售商品时,他或她将提供损坏或劣质的商品,或者根本不提供。他们还可能冒充销售人员以获取您的信用卡或银行账户信息。像这样的骗局也可以在合法的互联网分类页面上找到。例如,声称正在出售即将到来的非官方现场表演的门票,这些门票是无效的。在线拍卖骗局包括欺诈者说您有第二次机会购买您出价的物品,因为获胜者退出了拍卖。欺诈者将在拍卖网站的安全支付系统之外索取资金。最终,你将永远失去你的钱。
- 网上银行诈骗:诈骗的受害者通常会收到看似通过某些银行或在线支付服务发送的电子邮件、消息,但实际上是由诈骗者发送的。电子邮件或消息表明您的帐户存在问题,并要求您在伪造的银行网站上确认您的信息。此外,还可以进行卡片浏览(从信用卡或 ATM 的磁条上复制信息)。
- 小公司诈骗:如果您经营一家小企业,诈骗者可以通过发送虚假账单、非法广告、服务等来针对您。诈骗者试图为您提供免费入场、未付发票等优惠,但他们实际上将订阅协议隐藏在其中。
- 就业诈骗:诈骗者通常会向 通过最初提供象征性资金或投资企业的机会在家工作。他们承诺在付款完成后给予高薪或高利润回报。这些付款可能用于软件、税款或费用、培训课程等。这种类型的骗局是通过广告宣传的。
- 捐赠和医疗保健诈骗:诈骗者是不诚实的人,他们掠夺那些想要为慈善事业捐款或发现健康状况解决方案的人。诈骗者通过冒充合法事业或慈善机构的雇员或他们组建的虚假雇员来收钱。诈骗者经常利用最近发生的头条新闻中的灾难或危机。他们也可能试图操纵你的情绪。
- 始终使用防病毒、反恶意软件等更新您的系统。
- 出于维修目的或使您的系统无病毒,请始终访问受人尊敬的当地公司。
- 如果有人打电话给您提供免费技术支持或说您有受感染的计算机或被黑帐户,请立即挂断电话并阻止该号码。
- 切勿在电话或未经授权的网站上分享您的银行详细信息或个人信息或 OTP。
- 如果有人以不寻常的方式(例如支票、礼品卡等)要求付款,请提醒自己。
- 永远尊重:
- 尊重多样性:在教育、经验、文化等因素方面,尊重人的多样性。
- 尊重隐私:与数字公民共享的图像、文件、文件和其他个人信息可能对你们双方都是私密的。我们必须保护这种隐私,未经他们的许可,不得向任何其他数字公民披露这些照片、论文、数据和其他项目。
- 始终保持道德:
- 不侵犯版权:未经创作者或所有者同意,请勿使用受版权保护的内容。作为负责任的数字公民,我们在流式传输音频或视频或从 Internet 下载照片或文件时必须谨慎行事。
- 分享您的知识:信息和知识可以在 Internet 上共享,以便其他人从中受益。但是,所提供的信息应该准确无误。此外,请确保该信息尚未在 Internet 上可用,以避免数据重复。
- 永远负责:
- 网络欺凌:这是一种在手机、笔记本电脑和平板电脑等数字设备上发生的欺凌或骚扰行为。网络欺凌可以离线发生在人们可以观看、参与或分享内容的任何社交媒体、论坛或游戏中,也可以在线发生在人们可以参与、查看或分享内容的社交媒体平台等。这意味着为了伤害或羞辱他们而反复追求某人。我们必须认识到网络欺凌,因为它可能对他人(受害者)产生重大影响。另外,请记住,我们的数字操作可以回溯。
- 不回复巨魔:网络巨魔是那些利用互联网来激怒和挑衅他人以获取自己娱乐的人。因为巨魔试图引起注意,所以让它们远离的方法就是忽略它们。
问题 1. 写下关于印度信息技术法案 (IT Act) 的说明。
Many examples of cyber crimes, scams, cyber attacks, and cyber bullying have been documented as the Internet has grown in popularity. The type of fraudulent actions and crimes is always evolving. To combat such threats, many governments have enacted legislation to secure sensitive personal data and defend Internet users’ rights.
The Information Technology Act, 2000 (commonly known as the IT Act) of the Government of India, as revised in 2008, gives users instructions on how to process, store, and transmit sensitive data. Many Indian states have cyber cells in police stations where anyone can report any type of cyber crime. By recognizing electronic records and digital signatures, the legislation establishes a legal framework for electronic government. The act defines cyber crime and the penalties associated with it.
问题 2. 什么是网络安全?
Cybersecurity can be defined as a set of procedures aimed at promoting safe internet use and preventing exposure to internet infection, fraud, and theft.
问题 3. 就网络法和 2008 年信息技术(修正案)法案的重要性写一个简短的说明。
Cyberlaw is significant because it encompasses nearly all elements of transactions and activities on and with the Internet, the World Wide Web, and Cyberspace. In Cyberspace, every action and reply has certain legal and cyber legal implications.
The Information Technology (Amendment) Act 2008, or IITA, not only addresses more charges related to information security, cyber terrorism, data protection, and privacy, but it also increases the penalties for particular offenses to life imprisonment and a fine of up to Rs. 10 lakhs.
问题 4. 使用互联网时应遵循哪些计算机道德和良好做法?
Computer ethics is concerned with the rules, norms, and practices that govern the process of consuming computing technology and associated disciplines without endangering or violating any individual’s, organization’s, or entity’s moral ideals and beliefs.
Computer ethics is an ethical notion that deals with the ethical issues and restrictions that come from the use of computers, as well as how to reduce or prevent them.
The good practices that must be followed are :
- Use the computer in a way that does not endanger others.
- Do not use another person’s computer unless they have given you permission.
- Do not steal information using computer technology.
- Do not use digital technology in order to spread of wrong information.
- Don’t snoop on someone else’s computer data.
- Avoid copying software or purchasing pirated copies.
- Unless the software is free, you should pay for it.
- Consider the societal impact of any of software before going for its implementation.
- It is incorrect to claim ownership of a product that is the result of other’s mind.
- Do not use computer technology to disrupt the work of other users.
问题 5. 什么是网络欺诈?
The term “internet fraud” refers to a sort of deception that takes place on the internet. This type of fraud comes in a variety of shapes and sizes. It includes everything from spam e-mails to internet fraud. Internet fraud can occur whether it is partially based on the use of internet services or is entirely dependent on the use of the internet.