A capacitor is a two-conductor arrangement with an insulator between them.
电荷Q 1和Q 2以及电势V 1和V 2存在于导体中。在实践中,这两个导体通常具有电荷Q和-Q,它们之间的电位差为V= V 1 - V 2 。只考虑这种类型的电容器充电设置。 (假设另一个导体在无穷远处,甚至可以将单个导体用作电容器。)通过将导体连接到电池的两个端子,可以以这种方式对导体进行充电。虽然 Q 被称为电容器的电荷,但它实际上是指其中一个导体上的电荷;电容器的总电荷为零。
The charge Q is proportional to the electric field in the region between the conductors.
也就是说,如果电容器的电荷加倍,则电场在所有点上都会加倍。 (这是由于库仑定律和叠加原理,它暗示了场和电荷之间的直接比例。)从导体 2 到 1 的少量测试电荷对场的每单位正电荷所做的功现在称为电位差 V。
因此,V 也与 Q 成正比,并且 Q/V 的比率是一个常数,可以写为:
C = Q / V ………(1)
常数C称为电容器的电容。如上所述,C 与 Q 或 V 无关。
电容 C 仅取决于双导体系统的几何结构(形状、尺寸、间距)。它还取决于分隔两个导体的绝缘体(电介质)的性质。
1 法拉是电容的国际单位制单位(=1 库仑伏-1 )或 1 F = 1 CV –1 。固定电容的符号 (a) 和可变电容的符号 (b) 如下图所示。
等式 (1) 表明,对于给定的 Q,对于大 C,V 很小。这意味着具有高电容的电容器可以在低电压下存储大量电荷 Q。这在现实世界中至关重要。大的电势差暗示了导体周围存在强电场。高电场可以使周围的空气电离并加速电荷流向带相反电荷的极板,至少部分中和电容器极板上的电荷。换句话说,电容器的电荷由于中间介质的绝缘能力降低而泄漏。
- 电介质的介电强度是它在不丧失绝缘能力的情况下所能承受的最大电场;对于空气,约为3 × 10 6 Vm –1 。
- 该场对应于导体之间距离为 1 cm 或更短的3×10 4 V的电势差。
- 为了在不泄漏的情况下保持相当数量的电荷,电容器的电容必须足够大,以使电位差以及电场不超过击穿极限。
- 换句话说,在没有大量泄漏的情况下,可以在电容器上存储多少电荷是有限制的。 1 法拉是电容的国际单位制单位。
- 法拉实际上是一个非常大的单位。最常见的因数是1 µF = 10 –6 F、1 nF = 10 –9 F、1 pF = 10 –12 F等等。
- 电容器是大多数交流电路的重要组成部分,除了保持电荷外,它还具有重要功能。
考虑最简单的基本电容器结构:平行板电容器。它由两块平行板组成,两块平行板由介电层隔开。当直流电压源跨接电容器(板 II)时,一个板连接到正极(板 I),第二个板连接到负极(板 II)。当电池电压施加在电容器上时,板 I 相对于板 II 变为正极。在稳态条件下,电流试图从电容器的正极板流向负极板。但是,由于它们与绝缘层分离,因此无法流动。
拆下电池后,电容器的两极板保持正负电荷一段时间。结果,电容器用作电源。如果这些极板连接到负载,电流会从极板 I 流向极板 II,再流向负载,直到两个极板上的所有电荷都已消散。电容器的放电时间就是这个时间跨度的持续时间。
导电板的电荷为 q 1和 q 2 (通常,如果一个板的电荷为 +q,另一个板的电荷为 -q)。施加到导电板的电荷决定了板之间区域的电场。电场与电位差 (V) 成正比。
Q = 简历
C = Q / V
问题 1:球形电容器的内球半径为 12 cm,外球半径为 13 cm。外球接地,内球充电 2.5 µC。同心球之间的空间充满介电常数为 32 的液体。确定电容器的电容。
The radius of the inner sphere, r2 is 12 cm that is 0.12 m.
The radius of the outer sphere, r1 is 13 cm that is 0.13 m.
Charge on the inner sphere, q is 2.5 μC that is 2.5 x 10-6 C.
Dielectric constant of a liquid, ∈r is 32.
The capacitance of a spherical capacitor can be written as,
The permittivity of free space is 8.85 x 10-12 C2 N-1 m-2.
Substituting the values in the above expression,
问题 2:电容器通过 275 V 的电压源以 650 nC 的电压完全充电。上述电容器的初始气隙为 7 mm。如果气隙现在为 3 mm,存储的能量是多少?
The Charge, Q is 650 nC.
The voltage source, V is 275 V.
The Initial air gap, d1 is 7 mm.
An air gap, d2 is 3 mm.
The capacitance can be written as,
C = Q / V
Substituting the values in the above expression,
C = (650 × 10-9) / 275
C = 2.36 × 10−9 F
The gap between the plates moved from 7 mm to 3 mm.
C1d1 = C2d2
C2 = C1d1/d1
Substituting the values in the above expression,
C2 = [(2.36 × 10−9) (7 × 10−3)] / (3 × 10−3)
= 5.5 × 10−9 F
The stored energy can be written as,
E = (1/2) C2V2
Substituting the values in the above expression,
E = 5.5×10−9× (275)2
= 207.9 μ J.
问题 3:一个立方体 b 边的每个顶点都有一个电荷 q。确定由于立方体中心的电荷阵列而产生的电势和电场。
The length of the side of a cube is b Charge at each of its vertices is q.
The diagonal of one of the six face of the cube is d.
The length of the diagonal of the cube is
The distance between the center of the cube and one of the eight vertices is,
The electric potential (V) at the center of the cube is due to the presence of eight charges at the vertices.
A capacitor is an electrical component with a two-terminal that may store energy in the form of an electric charge. It is made up of two electrically conducting plates separated by a certain distance. The space between the conductors can be filled with a vacuum or a dielectric, which is an insulating substance. Capacitance refers to the capacitor’s ability to store charges. Capacitors store energy by separating opposing charge pairs. A parallel plate capacitor is the most basic form, consisting of two metal plates separated by a gap. However, capacitors come in a variety of shapes, sizes, lengths, and girths, as well as a variety of materials.
The conducting plates have charges q1 and q2 (normally, if one plate has a charge of +q, the other plate has a charge of –q). The charge applied to the conducting plates determines the electric field in the region between the plates. The electric field is proportional to the potential difference (V). Therefore, the expression for the capacitance can be written as:
Q ∝ V
Q = CV
C = Q / V
This constant of proportionality is well called the capacitance of the capacitor.
The expression for parallel plate air capacitor can be expressed as
C = (ε0A)/d
Therefore, the Capacitance of a parallel plate air capacitor depends on the Thickness of conducting plates, area of the conducting plates, and the distance of separation between the conducting plates.