📜  在Java中创建流的 10 种方法

📅  最后修改于: 2022-05-13 01:54:52.159000             🧑  作者: Mango

在Java中创建流的 10 种方法

Java 8 中引入的 Stream API,用于处理对象的集合。 Stream 是一系列对象,它支持许多不同的方法,这些方法可以通过管道处理以产生所需的结果。


  • 流不是数据结构,它从集合、数组或 I/O 通道获取输入。
  • Streams 不会更改原始数据结构,它们仅将结果作为流水线方法提供。
  • 每个中间操作都被延迟执行并返回一个流作为结果,因此各种中间操作可以被管道化。终端操作标记流的结束并返回结果。


  1. 使用集合


    1. 获取收藏
    2. 使用 Collection.stream() 方法从集合构造一个顺序流
    3. 打印流



    // Java program to create Stream from Collections
    import java.util.*;
    import java.util.stream.Stream;
    class GFG {
        // Function convert a List into Stream
        private static  void getStream(List list)
            // Create stream object with the List
            Stream stream = list.stream();
            // Iterate list first to last element
            Iterator it = stream.iterator();
            // Iterate stream object
            while (it.hasNext()) {
                System.out.print(it.next() + " ");
        public static void main(String[] args)
            // Create ArrayList of String
            List list = new ArrayList<>();
            // Add element in list
            // Get the Stream from the List
    Geeks for Geeks
  2. 从指定值创建流

    Stream.of(T…t)方法可用于创建具有指定 t 值的流,其中 t 是元素。此方法返回包含 t 个元素的顺序 Stream。



    // Java program to create Stream from values
    import java.util.*;
    import java.util.stream.Stream;
    class GFG {
        // Function convert a List into Stream
        private static void getStream()
            // Create a stream from specified values
            Stream stream
                = Stream.of(1, 2,
                            3, 4,
                            5, 6,
                            7, 8,
            // Displaying the sequential ordered stream
            stream.forEach(p -> System.out.print(p + " "));
        public static void main(String[] args)
            // Get the Stream from the values
    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
  3. 从数组创建流:

    Stream.of() 和 Arrays.stream() 是从指定数组创建顺序流的两种常用方法。当使用非原始类型 T 调用时,这两种方法都返回一个 Stream。

    • 使用 Arrays.stream() 创建流


      // Java program to create Stream from Collections
      import java.util.*;
      import java.util.stream.Stream;
      class GFG {
          // Function convert a List into Stream
          private static  void getStream(T[] arr)
              // Create stream from an array
              // using Arrays.stream()
              Stream streamOfArray
                  = Arrays.stream(arr);
              // Iterate list first to last element
              Iterator it
                  = streamOfArray.iterator();
              // Iterate stream object
              while (it.hasNext()) {
                  System.out.print(it.next() + " ");
          public static void main(String[] args)
              // Get the array
              String[] arr
                  = new String[] { "a", "b", "c" };
              // Get the Stream from the Array
      a b c
    • 使用 Stream.of() 创建流


      // Java program to create Stream from Collections
      import java.util.*;
      import java.util.stream.Stream;
      class GFG {
          // Function convert a List into Stream
          private static  void getStream(T[] arr)
              // Create stream from an array
              // using Stream.of()
              Stream streamOfArray = Stream.of(arr);
              // Iterate list first to last element
              Iterator it = streamOfArray.iterator();
              // Iterate stream object
              while (it.hasNext()) {
                  System.out.print(it.next() + " ");
          public static void main(String[] args)
              // Get the array
              String[] arr
                  = new String[] { "a", "b", "c" };
              // Get the Stream from the Array
      a b c
  4. 使用 Stream.empty() 创建一个空流

    empty() 方法在创建时使用,以避免为没有元素的流返回 null。


    // Java program to create empty Stream
    import java.util.*;
    import java.util.stream.Stream;
    class GFG {
        // Function convert a List into Stream
        private static void getStream()
            // Create stream from an array using Stream.empty()
            Stream streamOfArray
                = Stream.empty();
            // Iterate list first to last element
            Iterator it
                = streamOfArray.iterator();
            // Iterate stream object
            while (it.hasNext()) {
                System.out.print(it.next() + " ");
        public static void main(String[] args)
            // Get the empty Stream
  5. 使用 Stream.builder() 创建流

    当需要在语句的右侧额外指定所需类型时,使用 builder() 方法,否则 build() 方法将创建 Stream 的实例。


    // Java program to create Stream from Collections
    import java.util.*;
    import java.util.stream.Stream;
    class GFG {
        // Function convert a List into Stream
        private static  void getStream()
            // Create stream using Stream builder()
            Stream.Builder builder
                = Stream.builder();
            // Adding elements in the stream of Strings
            Stream stream = builder.add("a")
            // Iterate list first to last element
            Iterator it = stream.iterator();
            // Iterate stream object
            while (it.hasNext()) {
                System.out.print(it.next() + " ");
        public static void main(String[] args)
            // Get the Stream using Builder
    a b c
  6. 使用 Stream.iterate() 创建无限流

    iterate() 方法返回由函数f 迭代应用到初始元素种子产生的无限顺序有序流。在下面的示例中,结果流的第一个元素是迭代方法的第一个参数。为了创建每个后续元素,该函数将应用于前一个元素。在下面的示例中,第二个元素将是 4。


    // Java program to create infinite Stream
    // using Stream.iterate() method
    import java.util.*;
    import java.util.stream.Stream;
    class GFG {
        // Function convert a List into Stream
        private static  void
        getStream(int seedValue, int limitTerms)
            // Create infinite stream
            // using Stream.iterate() method
                           (Integer n) -> n * n)
        public static void main(String[] args)
            // Get the seed value
            int seedValue = 2;
            // Get the limit for number of terms
            int limitTerms = 5;
            // Get the Stream from the function
            getStream(seedValue, limitTerms);
  7. 使用 Stream.generate() 方法创建无限流

    generate() 方法接受一个供应商来生成元素,结果流是无限的。因此,要限制它,请指定所需的大小,否则 generate() 方法将一直工作,直到达到内存限制。


    // Java program to create infinite Stream
    // using Stream.generate() method
    import java.util.*;
    import java.util.stream.*;
    class GFG {
        // Function convert a List into Stream
        private static  void getStream(int limitTerms)
            // Create infinite stream
            // using Stream.generate() method
        public static void main(String[] args)
            // Get the limit for number of terms
            int limitTerms = 5;
            // Get the Stream from the function
  8. 使用 Predicate 从 Pattern 创建流

    在Java 8 中,Pattern 的 Predicate asPredicate() 方法创建了一个用于模式匹配的谓词布尔值函数。


    // Java program to create Stream from Collections
    import java.util.*;
    import java.util.stream.*;
    import java.util.regex.Pattern;
    class GFG {
        // Function convert a List into Stream
        private static void
        getStream(List list, Pattern p)
        public static void main(String[] args)
            // Create ArrayList of String
            // that is backed by the specified array
            List list
                = Arrays
                              "A Computer Portal");
            // Get the pattern
            Pattern p = Pattern.compile("^G");
            // Get the Stream from the List matching Pattern
            getStream(list, p);
  9. 从迭代器创建流

    Java中的迭代器在 Collection Framework 中用于一一检索元素。 Spliterator 是创建顺序流的关键。因此,在这种方法中,也使用了 Spliterator。但是在这个方法中,Spliterator 的源被设置为一个从 Iterator 创建的 Iterable。所以首先 Iterable 是从 Iterator 创建的。然后Spliterator作为Iterable.spliterator()直接传递给stream()方法。


    // Java program to create Stream from Collections
    import java.util.*;
    import java.util.stream.*;
    class GFG {
        // Function convert a List into Stream
        private static  void getStream(Iterator itr)
            // Convert the iterator into a Spliterator
            Spliterator spitr
                = Spliterators
            // Convert spliterator into a sequential stream
            Stream stream
                = StreamSupport.stream(spitr, false);
            // Iterate list first to last element
            Iterator it = stream.iterator();
            // Iterate stream object
            while (it.hasNext()) {
                System.out.print(it.next() + " ");
        public static void main(String[] args)
            // Get the Iterator
            Iterator iterator = Arrays
                                            .asList("a", "b", "c")
            // Get the Stream from the Iterator
    a b c
  10. 从 Iterable 创建流

    可迭代接口的设计牢记在心,它本身不提供任何 stream() 方法。只需将它传递给 StreamSupport.stream() 方法,并从给定的 Iterable 对象中获取 Stream。将 Iterable 转换为 Stream 更容易。 Iterable 有一个默认方法 spliterator(),可用于获取 Spliterator 实例,然后再将其转换为 Stream。

    注意: Iterable 不是 Collection 的实例,该方法在内部调用 StreamSupport.stream() 从 Spliterator 获取顺序流,否则它只是调用 Collection.stream() 方法。


    // Java program to create Stream from Collections
    import java.util.*;
    import java.util.stream.*;
    class GFG {
        // Function convert a List into Stream
        private static  void getStream(Iterable iterable)
            // Convert the iterator into a Stream
            Stream stream
                = StreamSupport
            // Iterate list first to last element
            Iterator it = stream.iterator();
            // Iterate stream object
            while (it.hasNext()) {
                System.out.print(it.next() + " ");
        public static void main(String[] args)
            // Get the Iterable
            Iterable iterable
                = Arrays.asList("a", "b", "c");
            // Get the Stream from the Iterable
    a b c