Wilcoxon 符号秩检验
Wilcoxon 符号秩检验,也称为 Wilcoxon 配对检验,是一种非参数假设检验,它比较两个配对组的中位数并判断它们是否相同分布。
独立的数据对是相同的。 (或匹配)例如。 (数学、英语:两个科目); (六月,七月:两个月)
Step 1 - Determine the null (h0) and alternate (ha) hypothesis.
Step 2 - Find the difference (D) between the two columns. [D = B-A]
Step 3 - Find absolute difference (Abs-D). [Abs-D = |D|]
Step 4 - Assign ranks to Abs-D from lowest (1) to highest (n).
如果任意两个或多个 Abs-D 值相同,则为它们分配连续的等级,然后找到每组重复值的等级平均值。考虑以下场景: Abs-D 1 2 3 3 4 4 4 5 Rank 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Modified Ranks 1 2 3.5 3.5 6 6 6 7
Case I - For Abs-D = 3
-> Assign them consecutive possible ranks. (3,4)
-> Find average of 3,4 => (3+4)/2 = 3.5
-> Assign the rank = 3.5 to both the 3's present in the table.
Case II - For Abs-D = 4
-> Assign them consecutive possible ranks. (5,6,7)
-> Find average of 5,6,7 => (5+6+7)/3 = 6
-> Assign the rank = 6 to all the 4's present in the table.
Step 5 - Find the sum of the ranks assigned to positive (T+) and negative (T-) Abs-D values.
Step 6 - Find the Wilcoxon Rank. (Wcalc = minimum(T+,T-))
Step 7 - Use the value of n and α and find Wtable in two-tailed section of
'Critical values of wilcoxon signed rank test'.
(take α = 0.05, if not given)
Step 8 - Interpretation of result.
NOTE : We use two-tailed test when we are dealing with two hypothesis. (null and alternate)
When Wcalc < Wtable :
-> Reject H0 (null hypothesis)
-> The two groups are not identically distributed.
When Wcalc > Wtable :
-> Accept H0 (null hypothesis)
-> The two groups are identically distributed.
考虑以下示例。测量了印度13个邦的烟雾浓度数据。执行 Wilcoxon 符号秩检验并确定 5 月记录的浓度与 12 月记录的浓度是否存在显着差异。 [取α = 0.05] States Smog concentration Smog concentration Difference (Step-2) Absolute (Step-3) Rank (Step-4) Delhi 13.3 11.1 -2.2 2.2 5 Mumbai 10.0 16.2 6.2 6.2 9 Chennai 16.5 15.3 -1.2 1.2 3 Kerala 7.9 19.9 12.0 12.0 11 Karnataka 9.5 10.5 1.0 1.0 2 Tamil Nadu 8.3 15.5 7.2 7.2 10 Orissa 12.6 12.7 0.1 0.1 1 UP 8.9 14.2 5.3 5.3 7 MP 13.6 15.6 2.0 2.0 4 Rajasthan 8.1 20.4 12.3 12.3 12 Gujarat 18.3 12.7 -5.6 5.6 8 West Bengal 8.1 11.2 3.1 3.1 6 Jammu 13.4 36.8 23.4 23.4 13
in May
in December
n = 13
α = 0.05
Step 1 - h0 : Cmay = Cdecember (no change in the smog concentration)
h1 : Cmay ≠ Cdecember (smog concentration changed)
Step 2,3,4 - Refer the table given above.
Step 5 - T+ marked as [ ] in table.
T- marked as [ ] in table.
∑T+ = 75
∑T- = 16
Step 6 - Wcalc = minimum(75,16)
= 16
Step 7 - Using n = 13 and α = 0.05 in table (click here)
Wtable = 17
Step 8 - Wcalc < Wtable :
Rejecting H0.
i.e smog concentration have changed from before.
Wilcoxon 符号秩检验是制药领域中非常常见的检验,尤其是在药物研究人员中,用于找出各种药物对人体的主要症状。作为一种非参数检验,它可以替代本质上是参数的 T 检验。如有任何疑问/疑问,请在下方评论。