📜  通过将数字除以因子或从数组中删除数字的第一个出现,将数字转换为另一个数字

📅  最后修改于: 2021-04-17 14:14:37             🧑  作者: Mango

给定两个正整数AB和仅由数字[0-9 ]组成的数组D [] ,任务是检查是否有可能通过重复除以存在的任何因子来将A减少为B。数组d []或通过去除其任何数字第一次出现的,其存在于所述阵列d []。



  • 初始化一个队列,例如Q,然后将A推入队列。
  • 初始化一个HashMap,比如说M以存储队列Q中存在的元素,并初始化一个变量ans“ No”以存储所需的结果。
  • 迭代直到Q不为空,然后执行以下步骤:
    • 将Q的前部存储在变量top中
    • 如果top的值等于B ,则将ans的值更新为“是”,然后退出循环。
    • 否则,遍历数组D [] ,对于每个元素, D [i]检查以下两个条件:
      • 如果d [i]顶部的一个因素,然后推动在队列Q除以顶部d [I]而得到的值的商和M中访问标记它。
      • 如果D [i]存在于数字top中,则删除其首次出现并推送在队列Q中获得的新数字,并在M中将其标记为已访问。
  • 完成上述步骤后,输出ans的值作为结果。


// C++ program for the above approach
using namespace std;
// Function to check if a digit x is
// present in the number N or not
int isPresent(int n, int x)
    // Convert N to string
    string num = to_string(n);
    // Traverse the string num
    for (int i = 0; i < num.size();
         i++) {
        // Return first occurrence
        // of the digit x
        if ((num[i] - '0') == x)
            return i;
    return -1;
// Function to remove the character
// at a given index from the number
int removeDigit(int n, int index)
    // Convert N to string
    string num = to_string(n);
    // Store the resultant string
    string ans = "";
    // Traverse the string num
    for (int i = 0;
         i < num.size(); i++) {
        if (i != index)
            ans += num[i];
    // If the number becomes empty
    // after deletion, then return -1
    if (ans == "" || (ans.size() == 1
                      && ans[0] == '0'))
        return -1;
    // Return the number
    int x = stoi(ans);
    return x;
// Function to check if A can be
// reduced to B by performing the
// operations any number of times
bool reduceNtoX(int a, int b,
                int d[], int n)
    // Create a queue
    queue q;
    // Push A into the queue
    // Hashmap to check if the element
    // is present in the Queue or not
    unordered_map visited;
    // Set A as visited
    visited[a] = true;
    // Iterate while the queue is not empty
    while (!q.empty()) {
        // Store the front value of the
        // queue and pop it from it
        int top = q.front();
        if (top < 0)
        // If top is equal to B,
        // then return true
        if (top == b)
            return true;
        // Traverse the array, D[]
        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
            // Divide top by D[i] if
            // it is possible and
            // push the result in q
            if (d[i] != 0 && top % d[i] == 0
                && !visited[top / d[i]]) {
                q.push(top / d[i]);
                visited[top / d[i]] = true;
            // If D[i] is present at the top
            int index = isPresent(top, d[i]);
            if (index != -1) {
                // Remove the first occurrence
                // of D[i] from the top and
                // store the new number
                int newElement
                    = removeDigit(top, index);
                // Push newElement into the queue q
                if (newElement != -1
                    && (!visited[newElement])) {
                    visited[newElement] = true;
    // Return false if A can
    // not be reduced to B
    return false;
// Driver Code
int main()
    int A = 5643, B = 81;
    int D[] = { 3, 8, 1 };
    int N = sizeof(D) / sizeof(D[0]);
    if (reduceNtoX(A, B, D, N))
        cout << "Yes";
        cout << "No";
    return 0;


时间复杂度: O(2 N )
辅助空间: O(2 N )