📜  树上的DP | Set-3(N进制树的直径)

📅  最后修改于: 2021-04-27 20:49:04             🧑  作者: Mango





  • https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/diameter-n-ary-tree/
  • https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/diameter-n-ary-tree-using-bfs/



  • 树上的DP |套装1
  • 树上的DP |套装2


  • 情况1 :假设直径从其子树中的一个节点开始,并在其某个节点处结束。假设存在一个节点x ,使得最长路径从节点x开始并进入其子树,并在子树本身的某个节点处结束。让我们通过dp1 [x]定义此路径长度。
  • 情况2 :假设直径或最长路径在节点x的子树中开始,经过它并在其子树中结束。让我们通过dp2 [x]定义此路径。

如果对于所有节点x,我们取dp1 [x],dp2 [x]的最大值,那么我们将得到树的直径。

对于情况1 ,要找到dp1 [node],我们需要找到所有dp1 [x]的最大值,其中x是node的子代。并且dp1 [node]等于1 + max(dp1 [children1],dp1 [children2],..)

对于情况2 ,要找到dp2 [node],我们需要找到所有dp1 [x]的两个最大值,其中x是node的子代。并且dp2 [node]等于( 1 + max 2 of(dp1 [children1],dp1 [children2],..)

我们可以轻松地运行DFS,并为每个树找到dp1 [node]和dp2 [node]的最大值,以获取树的直径。


// C++ program to find diameter of a tree
// using DFS.
using namespace std;
int diameter = -1;
// Function to find the diameter of the tree
// using Dynamic Programming
int dfs(int node, int parent, int dp1[], int dp2[], list* adj)
    // Store the first maximum and secondmax
    int firstmax = -1;
    int secondmax = -1;
    // Traverse for all children of node
    for (auto i = adj[node].begin(); i != adj[node].end(); ++i) {
        if (*i == parent)
        // Call DFS function again
        dfs(*i, node, dp1, dp2, adj);
        // Find first max
        if (firstmax == -1) {
            firstmax = dp1[*i];
        else if (dp1[*i] >= firstmax) // Secondmaximum
            secondmax = firstmax;
            firstmax = dp1[*i];
        else if (dp1[*i] > secondmax) // Find secondmaximum
            secondmax = dp1[*i];
    // Base case for every node
    dp1[node] = 1;
    if (firstmax != -1) // Add
        dp1[node] += firstmax;
    // Find dp[2]
    if (secondmax != -1)
        dp2[node] = 1 + firstmax + secondmax;
    // Return maximum of both
    return max(dp1[node], dp2[node]);
// Driver Code
int main()
    int n = 5;
    /* Constructed tree is 
        / \ 
        2 3 
       / \ 
       4  5 */
    list* adj = new list[n + 1];
    /*create undirected edges */
    int dp1[n + 1], dp2[n + 1];
    memset(dp1, 0, sizeof dp1);
    memset(dp2, 0, sizeof dp2);
    // Find diameter by calling function
    cout << "Diameter of the given tree is "
         << dfs(1, 1, dp1, dp2, adj) << endl;
    return 0;

# Python3 program to find diameter 
# of a tree using DFS. 
# Function to find the diameter of the 
# tree using Dynamic Programming 
def dfs(node, parent, dp1, dp2, adj): 
    # Store the first maximum and secondmax 
    firstmax, secondmax = -1, -1
    # Traverse for all children of node 
    for i in adj[node]: 
        if i == parent: 
        # Call DFS function again 
        dfs(i, node, dp1, dp2, adj) 
        # Find first max 
        if firstmax == -1: 
            firstmax = dp1[i] 
        elif dp1[i] >= firstmax: # Secondmaximum 
            secondmax = firstmax 
            firstmax = dp1[i] 
        elif dp1[i] > secondmax: # Find secondmaximum 
            secondmax = dp1[i] 
    # Base case for every node 
    dp1[node] = 1
    if firstmax != -1: # Add 
        dp1[node] += firstmax 
    # Find dp[2] 
    if secondmax != -1:
        dp2[node] = 1 + firstmax + secondmax 
    # Return maximum of both 
    return max(dp1[node], dp2[node]) 
# Driver Code 
if __name__ == "__main__":
    n, diameter = 5, -1
    adj = [[] for i in range(n + 1)]
    # create undirected edges
    dp1 = [0] * (n + 1) 
    dp2 = [0] * (n + 1) 
    # Find diameter by calling function 
    print("Diameter of the given tree is",
                 dfs(1, 1, dp1, dp2, adj))
# This code is contributed by Rituraj Jain

Diameter of the given tree is 4