📜  在二叉树中查找字典上最小的直径

📅  最后修改于: 2022-05-13 01:57:17.647000             🧑  作者: Mango



      /   \
    b       c
  /  \     /  \
 d   e    f    g
Output: Diameter: 5
Lexicographically smallest diameter: d b a c f
Note that there are many other paths 
exist like {d, b, a, c, g}, 
{e, b, a, c, f} and {e, b, a, c, g} 
but {d, b, a, c, f} 
is lexicographically smallest

      /   \
    e       s
  /  \       
 g   f    
Output: Diameter: 4
Lexicographically smallest diameter: f e k s
Note that many other paths 
exist like {g, e, k, s} 
{s, k, e, g} and {s, k, e, f} 
but {f, e, k, s} is 
lexicographically smallest


  • 自定义比较函数返回按字典顺序排列的最小向量。
  • 维护了六种向量,其中包含
    leftdiameter 中的左子树(节点的)节点
    rightdiameter 中的右子树(节点的)节点
    heightv 向量包含出现最大高度路径的节点
  • 其余部分在代码注释中解释,这里很难用文字解释


// C++ program for the above approach
using namespace std;
// Binary Tree Node
struct node {
    char data;
    node *left, *right;
// Utility function to create a new node
node* newNode(char data)
    node* c = new node;
    c->data = data;
    c->left = c->right = NULL;
    return c;
// Function to compare and return
// lexicographically smallest vector
vector compare(vector a, vector b)
    for (int i = 0; i < a.size() && i < b.size(); i++) {
        if (a[i]->data < b[i]->data) {
            return a;
        if (a[i]->data > b[i]->data) {
            return b;
    return a;
// Function to find diameter
int diameter(node* root, int& height, vector& dia,
             vector& heightv)
    // If root is null
    if (!root) {
        height = 0;
        return 0;
    // Left height and right height
    // respectively
    int lh = 0, rh = 0;
    // Left tree diameter and
    // right tree diameter
    int ld, rd;
    vector leftdia;
    vector rightdia;
    vector leftheight;
    vector rightheight;
    // Left subtree diameter
    ld = diameter(root->left, lh, leftdia, leftheight);
    // Right subtree diameter
    rd = diameter(root->right, rh, rightdia, rightheight);
    // If left height is more
    // than right tree height
    if (lh > rh) {
        // Add current root so lh + 1
        height = lh + 1;
        // Change vector heightv to leftheight
        heightv = leftheight;
        // Insert current root in the path
    // If right height is
    // more than left tree height
    else if (rh > lh) {
        // Add current root so rh + 1
        height = rh + 1;
        // Change vector heightv to rightheight
        heightv = rightheight;
        // Insert current root in the path
    // Both height same compare
    // lexicographically now
    else {
        // Add current root so rh + 1
        height = rh + 1;
        // Lexicographical comparison between two vectors
        heightv = compare(leftheight, rightheight);
        // Insert current root in the path
    // If distance of one leaf node to another leaf
    // containing the root is more than the left
    // diameter and right diameter
    if (lh + rh + 1 > max(ld, rd)) {
        // Make dia equal to leftheight
        dia = leftheight;
        // Add current root into it
        for (int j = rightheight.size() - 1; j >= 0; j--) {
            // Add right tree (right to root) nodes
    // If either leftdiameter containing the left
    // subtree and root or rightdiameter containing
    // the right subtree and root is more than
    // above lh+rh+1
    else {
        // If diameter of left tree is
        // greater our answer vector i.e
        // dia is equal to leftdia then
        if (ld > rd) {
            dia = leftdia;
        // If both diameter
        // same check lexicographically
        else if (ld == rd) {
            dia = compare(leftdia, rightdia);
        // If diameter of right tree
        // is greater our answer vector
        // i.e dia is equal to rightdia then
        else {
            dia = rightdia;
    return dia.size();
// Driver code
int main()
    node* root = newNode('a');
    root->left = newNode('b');
    root->right = newNode('c');
    root->left->left = newNode('d');
    root->left->right = newNode('e');
    root->right->left = newNode('f');
    root->right->right = newNode('g');
    int height = 0;
    vector dia, heigh;
    cout << "Diameter is: " << diameter(root, height,
                                        dia, heigh)
         << endl;
    // Printing the lexicographically smallest diameter
    cout << "Lexicographically smallest diameter:" << endl;
    for (int j = 0; j < dia.size(); j++) {
        cout << dia[j]->data << " ";
    return 0;

Diameter is: 5
Lexicographically smallest diameter:
d b a c f