📜  C中三次Bezier曲线的实现

📅  最后修改于: 2021-05-04 14:22:04             🧑  作者: Mango

因此,贝塞尔曲线是数学定义的曲线,用于居家Illustrator,Inkscape等二维图形应用程序中。该曲线由四个点定义:初始位置终止位置,分别为P0P3 (称为“锚定点”) )和两个单独的中间点,在我们的示例中为P1P2 (称为“句柄”)。贝塞尔曲线经常用于计算机图形,动画,建模等。
P(u) = \sum_{i=0}^{n} P_{i}{B_{i}^{n}}(u)
在哪里p_{i}         是点集, {B_{i}^{n}}(u)         表示伯恩斯坦多项式,即混合函数,由-
{B_{i}^{n}}(u) = \binom{n}{i} (1 - u)^{n-i}u^{i}
其中n是多项式阶, i是索引, u / t是变量,范围是01
因此,由一组控制点定义的贝塞尔曲线ID P_{0}         P_{n}         其中n称为其阶数(线性的n = 1,二次的n = 2,依此类推)。第一个和最后一个控制点始终是曲线的端点。但是,中间控制点(如果有)通常不在曲线上。
对于三次贝塞尔曲线,多项式的阶数(n)为3 ,则索引(i)从i = 0到i = n变化,即3和u从0\leq u \leq1

Cubic Bezier Curve function is defined as :

P(u) = P_{0}{B_{0}^{3}}(u) + P_{1}{B_{1}^{3}}(u) + P_{2}{B_{2}^{3}}(u) + P_{3}{B_{3}^{3}}(u)

Cubic Bezier Curve blending function are defined as :

{B_{0}^{3}}(u) = \binom{3}{0} (1 - u)^{3-0}u^{0} \equiv 1(1 - u)^{3}u^{0}
{B_{1}^{3}}(u) = \binom{3}{1} (1 - u)^{3-1}u^{1} \equiv 3(1 - u)^{2}u^{1}
{B_{2}^{3}}(u) = \binom{3}{2} (1 - u)^{3-2}u^{2} \equiv 3(1 - u)^{1}u^{2}
{B_{3}^{3}}(u) = \binom{3}{3} (1 - u)^{3-3}u^{3} \equiv 1(1 - u)^{0}u^{3}
P(u) = (1 - u)^{3}P_{0} + 3u^{1}(1 - u)^{2}P_{1} + 3(1 - u)^{1}u^{2}P_{2} + u^{3}P_{3}

P(u) = \{x(u) , y(u) \}
x(u) = (1 - u)^{3}x_{0} + 3u^{1}(1 - u)^{2}x_{1} + 3(1 - u)^{1}u^{2}x_{2} + u^{3}x_{3}
y(u) = (1 - u)^{3}y_{0} + 3u^{1}(1 - u)^{2}y_{1} + 3(1 - u)^{1}u^{2}y_{2} + u^{3}y_{3}



Properties of bezier curves


例:我们得到了四个控制点B 0 [1,0],B 1 [2,2],B 2 [6,3],B 3 [8,2],因此确定位于控制点上的五个点。曲线还会在图形上绘制曲线。


\hspace{1.2cm}\mathbf{P(t)=B_0(1-t)^3+3*B_1*(1-t)^2*t+3*B_2*(1-t)*t^2+B_3*t^3} \\\\\hspace{5.8cm}\textbf{Where t is 0$\leq$t$\leq$1}\\\\ \\\\\hspace{2.8cm}\textbf{Where }\mathbf{[B_x\,\,B_y]}\textbf{ is representing scalar x \& y coordinates}




因此,对于t = 0,坐标为

\hspace{0cm}\mathbf{P(0)=[1\,\,0]*(1-0)^3+3*[2\,\,2]*(1-0)^2*0+3*[6\,\,2]*(1-0)*0^2+[8\,\,2]*0^3}\\ \hspace{0cm}\mathbf{P(0)=[1\,\,0]}

因此,对于t = 0.2,坐标为

\hspace{0cm}\mathbf{P(0.2)=[1\,\,0]*(1-0.2)^3+3*[2\,\,2]*(1-0.2)^2*0.2+3*[6\,\,2]*(1-0.2)*0.2^2+[8\,\,2]*0.2^3}\\ \\ \hspace{1.16cm}\mathbf{=[1\,\,0]*0.576+[2\,\,2]*0.384+[6\,\,2]*0.032+[8\,\,2]*0.2^3}\\ \hspace{1.16cm}\mathbf{=[0.576\,\,0]+[0.768\,\,0.768]+[0.192\,\,0.064]+[0.064\,\,0.016]}\\ \\ \hspace{0cm}\mathbf{P(0.2)=[1.48424\,\,\,0.848]}

因此,对于t = 0.5,坐标为

\\\hspace{0cm}\mathbf{P(0.5)=[1\,\,0]*(1-0.5)^3+3*[2\,\,2]*(1-0.5)^2*0.5+3*[6\,\,2]*(1-0.5)*0.5^2+[8\,\,2]*0.5^3}\\ \\\hspace{0cm}\mathbf{P(0.5)=[4.125\,\,1.75]}

因此,对于t = 0.7,坐标为

\hspace{0cm}\mathbf{P(0.7)=[1\,\,0]*(1-0.7)^3+3*[2\,\,2]*(1-0.7)^2*0.7+3*[6\,\,2]*(1-0.7)*0.7^2+[8\,\,2]*0.7^3}\\ \\\hspace{0cm}\mathbf{P(0.7)=[5.417\,\,\,2.108]}\\

因此,对于t = 1.0,坐标为

\\\hspace{0cm}\mathbf{P(1.0)=[1\,\,0]*(1-1)^3+3*[2\,\,2]*(1-1)^2*1+3*[6\,\,2]*(1-1)*1^2+[8\,\,2]*1^3}\\ \hspace{0cm}\mathbf{P(1.0)=[8\,\,\,2]}




Degree of curve = no. of control points - 1




sudo apt-get install libsdl2-dev


gcc fileName.c -lSDL2 -lm
// C program to implement
// Cubic Bezier Curve
/* install SDL library for running thing code*/
/* install by using this commamnd line : sudo apt-get install libsdl2-dev */
/* run this code using command : gcc fileName.c -lSDL2 -lm*/
SDL_Window* window = NULL;
SDL_Renderer* renderer = NULL;
int mousePosX , mousePosY ;
int xnew , ynew ;
/*Function to draw all other 7 pixels present at symmetric position*/
void drawCircle(int xc, int yc, int x, int y)
    SDL_RenderDrawPoint(renderer,xc+x,yc+y) ;
/*Function for circle-generation using Bresenham's algorithm */
void circleBres(int xc, int yc, int r)
    int x = 0, y = r;
    int d = 3 - 2 * r;
    while (y >= x)
        /*for each pixel we will draw all eight pixels */
        drawCircle(xc, yc, x, y);
        /*check for decision parameter and correspondingly update d, x, y*/
        if (d > 0)
            d = d + 4 * (x - y) + 10;
            d = d + 4 * x + 6;
        drawCircle(xc, yc, x, y);
/* Function that take input as Control Point x_coordinates and
Control Point y_coordinates and draw bezier curve */
void bezierCurve(int x[] , int y[])
    double xu = 0.0 , yu = 0.0 , u = 0.0 ;
    int i = 0 ;
    for(u = 0.0 ; u <= 1.0 ; u += 0.0001)
        xu = pow(1-u,3)*x[0]+3*u*pow(1-u,2)*x[1]+3*pow(u,2)*(1-u)*x[2]
        yu = pow(1-u,3)*y[0]+3*u*pow(1-u,2)*y[1]+3*pow(u,2)*(1-u)*y[2]
        SDL_RenderDrawPoint(renderer , (int)xu , (int)yu) ;
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
    /*initialize sdl*/
    if (SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_EVERYTHING) == 0)
            This function is used to create a window and default renderer.
            int SDL_CreateWindowAndRenderer(int width
                                          ,int height
                                          ,Uint32 window_flags
                                          ,SDL_Window** window
                                          ,SDL_Renderer** renderer)
            return 0 on success and -1 on error
        if(SDL_CreateWindowAndRenderer(640, 480, 0, &window, &renderer) == 0)
            SDL_bool done = SDL_FALSE;
            int i = 0 ;
            int x[4] , y[4] , flagDrawn = 0 ;
            while (!done)
                SDL_Event event;
                /*set background color to black*/
                SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(renderer, 0, 0, 0, SDL_ALPHA_OPAQUE);
                /*set draw color to white*/
                SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(renderer, 255, 255, 255, SDL_ALPHA_OPAQUE);
                /* We are drawing cubic bezier curve
                which has four control points */
                    bezierCurve(x , y) ;
                    flagDrawn = 1 ;
                /*grey color circle to encircle control Point P0*/
                SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(renderer, 128, 128, 128, SDL_ALPHA_OPAQUE);
                circleBres(x[0] , y[0] , 8) ;
                /*Red Line between control Point P0 & P1*/
                SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(renderer, 255, 0, 0, SDL_ALPHA_OPAQUE);
                SDL_RenderDrawLine(renderer , x[0] , y[0] , x[1] , y[1]) ;
                /*grey color circle to encircle control Point P1*/
                SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(renderer, 128, 128, 128, SDL_ALPHA_OPAQUE);
                circleBres(x[1] , y[1] , 8) ;
                /*Red Line between control Point P1 & P2*/
                SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(renderer, 255, 0, 0, SDL_ALPHA_OPAQUE);
                SDL_RenderDrawLine(renderer , x[1] , y[1] , x[2] , y[2]) ;
                /*grey color circle to encircle control Point P2*/
                SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(renderer, 128, 128, 128, SDL_ALPHA_OPAQUE);
                circleBres(x[2] , y[2] , 8) ;
                /*Red Line between control Point P2 & P3*/
                SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(renderer, 255, 0, 0, SDL_ALPHA_OPAQUE);
                SDL_RenderDrawLine(renderer , x[2] , y[2] , x[3] , y[3]) ;
                /*grey color circle to encircle control Point P3*/
                SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(renderer, 128, 128, 128, SDL_ALPHA_OPAQUE);
                circleBres(x[3] , y[3] , 8) ;
                /*We are Polling SDL events*/
                if (SDL_PollEvent(&event))
                    /* if window cross button clicked then quit from window */
                    if (event.type == SDL_QUIT)
                        done = SDL_TRUE;
                    /*Mouse Button is Down */
                    if(event.type == SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN)
                        /*If left mouse button down then store
                          that point as control point*/
                        if(event.button.button == SDL_BUTTON_LEFT)
                            /*store only four points
                            because of cubic bezier curve*/
                            if(i < 4)
                                printf("Control Point(P%d):(%d,%d)\n"
                                ,i,mousePosX,mousePosY) ;
                                /*Storing Mouse x and y positions
                                in our x and y coordinate array */
                                x[i] = mousePosX ;
                                y[i] = mousePosY ;
                                i++ ;
                    /*Mouse is in motion*/
                    if(event.type == SDL_MOUSEMOTION)
                        /*get x and y positions from motion of mouse*/
                        xnew = event.motion.x ;
                        ynew = event.motion.y ;
                        int j ;
                        /* change coordinates of control point
                         after bezier curve has been drawn */
                        if(flagDrawn == 1)
                            for(j = 0 ; j < i ; j++)
                                /*Check mouse position if in b/w circle then
                          change position of that control point to mouse new
                                position which are coming from mouse motion*/
                                if((float)sqrt(abs(xnew-x[j]) * abs(xnew-x[j])
                                     + abs(ynew-y[j]) * abs(ynew-y[j])) < 8.0)
                                    /*change coordinate of jth control point*/
                                    x[j] = xnew ;
                                    y[j] = ynew ;
                                    printf("Changed Control Point(P%d):(%d,%d)\n"
                                           ,j,xnew,ynew) ;
                        /*updating mouse positions to positions
                        coming from motion*/
                        mousePosX = xnew ;
                        mousePosY = ynew ;
                /*show the window*/
        /*Destroy the renderer and window*/
        if (renderer)
        if (window)
    /*clean up SDL*/
    return 0;

