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📜  C++ 中映射的优先级队列及示例

📅  最后修改于: 2022-05-13 01:54:52.656000             🧑  作者: Mango

C++ 中映射的优先级队列及示例




  • empty():该函数返回队列是否为空。
  • size():此函数返回队列的大小。
  • top():返回对队列最顶层元素的引用。
  • push(x):此函数在队列末尾添加元素“x”。


地图是以映射方式存储元素的关联容器。每个元素都有一个键值和一个映射值。没有两个映射值可以具有相同的键值。在内部,它被实现为自平衡 BST。


  • begin():返回映射中第一个元素的迭代器
  • end():返回一个迭代器,指向映射中最后一个元素之后的理论元素
  • size():返回地图中的元素个数
  • empty():返回地图是否为空

本文重点介绍如何在 C++ 中使用映射的优先级队列。在设计复杂的数据结构时,映射的优先级队列非常有用。


  • 最大堆优先级队列,其中映射按非降序排列:
  • 最大堆优先级队列,其中映射按非升序排列:


  • 地图按非降序排列的最小堆优先级队列:
  • 地图按非升序排列的最小堆优先级队列:


下面是比较器的 C++ 代码片段:

// Comparator structure
struct myComparator
  int operator()(const map& map1,
                 const map& map2)
    // body
// Comparator class
struct myComparator 
  int operator()(const map& map1,
                 const map& map2)
    // body

// C++ program to implement 
// the above approach
using namespace std;
// Function to print priority queue contents
void print(priority_queue > 
  while (!priorityQueue.empty()) 
    // Each element of the priority
    // queue is a map itself
    map map1 = priorityQueue.top();
    cout << "[    ";
    // Print the map elements
    for (auto pair1 : map1) 
      // Each element in a map is a key,
      // value pair
      cout << "key:" << pair1.first << " , " << 
              "value:" << pair1.second << "    ";
    cout << ']';
    cout << '\n';
    // Pop out the topmost map
// Driver code
int main()
  // Priority queue of map
  // Each element of the priority 
  // queue is a map
  priority_queue > 
  // Declaring a map whose key is 
  // integer type and, value is also 
  // integer type
  map map1;
  map1[1] = 11;
  map1[2] = 22;
  map1[3] = 33;
  // Declaring another map whose key is 
  // integer type and, value is also 
  // integer type
  map map2;
  map2[1] = 11;
  map2[2] = 22;
  map2[3] = 44;
  // Declaring another map whose key is 
  // integer type and, value is also 
  // integer type
  map map3;
  map3[1] = 11;
  map3[2] = 22;
  map3[4] = 33;
  // Declaring another map whose key is 
  // integer type and, value is also 
  // integer type
  map map4;
  map4[11] = 11;
  map4[2] = 22;
  map4[4] = 33;
  // Calling print function
  return 0;

// C++ program to implement
// the above approach
using namespace std;
// Function to print priority 
// queue contents
void print(priority_queue > 
  while (!priorityQueue.empty()) 
    // Each element of the priority
    // queue is a map itself
    map map1 = 
    cout << "[    ";
    // Print the map elements
    for (auto pair1 : map1) 
      // Each element in a map is a key,
      // value pair
      cout << "key:" << pair1.first << " , " << 
              "value:" << pair1.second << "    ";
    cout << ']';
    cout << '\n';
    // Pop out the topmost map
// Driver code
int main()
  // Priority queue of map
  // Each element of the priority 
  // queue is a map
  priority_queue > 
  // Declaring a map whose key is 
  // integer type and, value is 
  // also integer type
  map map1;
  map1[1] = "geeks";
  map1[2] = "for";
  map1[3] = "geeks";
  // Declaring another map whose key is 
  // integer type and, value is also 
  // integer type
  map map2;
  map2[1] = "geeks";
  map2[2] = "for";
  map2[3] = "learning";
  // Declaring another map whose key is 
  // integer type and, value is also 
  // integer type
  map map3;
  map3[1] = "geeks";
  map3[2] = "for";
  map3[4] = "geeks";
  // Calling print function
  return 0;

// C++ program to implement
// the above approach
using namespace std;
// Function to print priority queue contents
void print(priority_queue > >
  while (!priorityQueue.empty()) 
    // Each element of the priority
    // queue is a map itself
    map > map1 = 
    cout << "[    ";
    // Print the map elements
    for (auto pair1 : map1) 
      // Each element in a map is a key,
      // value pair
      cout << "key:" << pair1.first << " , " << 
              "value:" << pair1.second << "    ";
    cout << ']';
    cout << '\n';
    // Pop out the topmost map
// Driver code
int main()
  // Priority queue of map
  // Each element of the priority 
  // queue is a map
  priority_queue > >
  // Declaring a map whose key is 
  // integer type and, value is also 
  // integer type
  map > map1;
  map1[1] = 11;
  map1[2] = 22;
  map1[3] = 33;
  // Declaring another map whose key is 
  // integer type and, value is also 
  // integer type
  map > map2;
  map2[1] = 11;
  map2[2] = 22;
  map2[3] = 44;
  // Declaring another map whose key is 
  // integer type and, value is also 
  // integer type
  map > map3;
  map3[1] = 11;
  map3[2] = 22;
  map3[4] = 33;
  // Declaring another map whose key is 
  // integer type and, value is also 
  // integer type
  map > map4;
  map4[1] = 11;
  map4[2] = 22;
  map4[4] = 33;
  // Calling print function
  return 0;

// C++ program to implement 
// the above approach
using namespace std;
// Function to print priority queue contents
void print(priority_queue > >
  while (!priorityQueue.empty()) 
    // Each element of the priority
    // queue is a map itself
    map > map1 = 
    cout << "[    ";
    // Print the map elements
    for (auto pair1 : map1) 
      // Each element in a map is a key,
      // value pair
      cout << "key:" << pair1.first << " , " << 
              "value:" << pair1.second << "    ";
    cout << ']';
    cout << '\n';
    // Pop out the topmost map
// Driver code
int main()
  // Priority queue of map
  // Each element of the priority 
  // queue is a map
  priority_queue > >
  // Declaring a map whose key is 
  // integer type and, value is also 
  // integer type
  map > map1;
  map1[1] = "geeks";
  map1[2] = "for";
  map1[3] = "geeks";
  // Declaring another map whose key is 
  // integer type and, value is also 
  // integer type
  map > map2;
  map2[1] = "geeks";
  map2[2] = "for";
  map2[3] = "learning";
  // Declaring another map whose key is 
  // integer type and, value is also 
  // integer type
  map > map3;
  map3[1] = "geeks";
  map3[2] = "for";
  map3[4] = "geeks";
  // Declaring another map whose key is 
  // integer type and, value is also 
  // integer type
  map > map4;
  map4[1] = "Code";
  map4[2] = "For";
  map4[4] = "Fun";
  // Calling print function
  return 0;

// C++ program to implement
// the above approach
using namespace std;
// Function to print priority queue contents
void print(priority_queue, 
           vector >,
           greater > > 
  while (!priorityQueue.empty()) 
    // Each element of the priority
    // queue is a map itself
    map map1 = priorityQueue.top();
    cout << "[    ";
    // Print the map elements
    for (auto pair1 : map1) 
      // Each element in a map is a key,
      // value pair
      cout << "key:" << pair1.first << " , " << 
              "value:" << pair1.second << "    ";
    cout << ']';
    cout << '\n';
    // Pop out the topmost map
// Driver code
int main()
  // Priority queue of map
  // Each element of the priority 
  // queue is a map
                 vector >,
                 greater > > 
  // Declaring a map whose key is 
  // integer type and, value is 
  // also integer type
  map map1;
  map1[1] = 11;
  map1[2] = 22;
  map1[3] = 33;
  // Declaring another map whose key is 
  // integer type and, value is also 
  // integer type
  map map2;
  map2[1] = 11;
  map2[2] = 22;
  map2[3] = 44;
  // Declaring another map whose key is 
  // integer type and, value is also 
  // integer type
  map map3;
  map3[1] = 11;
  map3[2] = 22;
  map3[4] = 33;
  // Calling print function
  return 0;

// C++ program to implement
// the above approach
using namespace std;
// Function to print priority queue contents
void print(priority_queue,
           vector >,
           greater > >
  while (!priorityQueue.empty()) 
    // Each element of the priority
    // queue is a map itself
    map map1 =
    cout << "[    ";
    // Print the map elements
    for (auto pair1 : map1) 
      // Each element in a map is a key,
      // value pair
      cout << "key:" << pair1.first << " , " << 
              "value:" << pair1.second << "    ";
    cout << ']';
    cout << '\n';
    // Pop out the topmost map
// Driver code
int main()
  // Priority queue of map
  // Each element of the priority 
  // queue is a map
                 vector >,
                 greater > > 
  // Declaring a map whose key is 
  // integer type and, value is also 
  // integer type
  map map1;
  map1[1] = "geeks";
  map1[2] = "for";
  map1[3] = "geeks";
  // Declaring another map whose key is 
  // integer type and, value is also 
  // integer type
  map map2;
  map2[1] = "geeks";
  map2[2] = "for";
  map2[3] = "learning";
  // Declaring another map whose key is 
  // integer type and, value is also 
  // integer type
  map map3;
  map3[1] = "geeks";
  map3[2] = "for";
  map3[4] = "geeks";
  // Declaring another map whose key is 
  // integer type and, value is also 
  // integer type
  map map4;
  map4[1] = "Code";
  map4[2] = "For";
  map4[4] = "Fun";
  // Calling print function
  return 0;

// C++ program to implement
// the above approach
using namespace std;
// Function to print priority 
// queue contents
void print(priority_queue,
           vector > >,
           greater > > >
  while (!priorityQueue.empty()) 
    // Each element of the priority
    // queue is a map itself
    map > map1 = 
    cout << "[    ";
    // Print the map elements
    for (auto pair1 : map1) 
      // Each element in a map is a key,
      // value pair
      cout << "key:" << pair1.first << " , " << 
              "value:" << pair1.second << "    ";
    cout << ']';
    cout << '\n';
    // Pop out the topmost map
// Driver code
int main()
  // Priority queue of map
  // Each element of the priority 
  // queue is a map
                 vector > >,
                 greater > > >
  // Declaring a map whose key is 
  // integer type and, value is also 
  // integer type
  map > map1;
  map1[1] = 11;
  map1[2] = 22;
  map1[3] = 33;
  // Declaring another map whose key is 
  // integer type and, value is also 
  // integer type
  map > map2;
  map2[1] = 11;
  map2[2] = 22;
  map2[3] = 44;
  // Declaring another map whose key is 
  // integer type and, value is also 
  // integer type
  map > map3;
  map3[1] = 11;
  map3[2] = 22;
  map3[4] = 33;
  // Declaring another map whose key is 
  // integer type and, value is also 
  // integer type
  map > map4;
  map4[1] = 11;
  map4[2] = 22;
  map4[4] = 33;
  // Calling print function
  return 0;

// C++ program to implement
// the above approach
using namespace std;
// Function to print priority 
// queue contents
void print(priority_queue<
           map >,
           vector > >,
           greater > > >
  while (!priorityQueue.empty()) 
    // Each element of the priority
    // queue is a map itself
    map > map1 = 
    cout << "[    ";
    // Print the map elements
    for (auto pair1 : map1)
      // Each element in a map is a key,
      // value pair
      cout << "key:" << pair1.first << " , " << 
              "value:" << pair1.second << "    ";
    cout << ']';
    cout << '\n';
    // Pop out the topmost map
// Driver code
int main()
  // Priority queue of map
  // Each element of the priority 
  // queue is a map
  priority_queue >,
                 vector > >,
                 greater > > >
  // Declaring a map whose key is 
  // integer type and, value is 
  // also integer type
  map > map1;
  map1[1] = "geeks";
  map1[2] = "for";
  map1[3] = "geeks";
  // Declaring another map whose key is 
  // integer type and, value is also 
  // integer type
  map > map2;
  map2[1] = "geeks";
  map2[2] = "for";
  map2[3] = "learning";
  // Declaring another map whose key is 
  // integer type and, value is also 
  // integer type
  map > map3;
  map3[1] = "geeks";
  map3[2] = "for";
  map3[4] = "geeks";
  // Declaring another map whose key is 
  // integer type and, value is also 
  // integer type
  map > map4;
  map4[1] = "Code";
  map4[2] = "For";
  map4[4] = "Fun";
  // Calling print function
  return 0;

// C++ program to implement
// the above approach
using namespace std;
struct myComparator 
  int operator()(const map& map1,
                 const map& map2)
    // Max-heap priority queue
    for (auto it1 = map1.begin(), 
              it2 = map2.begin();
              it1 != map1.end(), 
              it2 != map2.end();
              it1++, it2++) 
      auto key1 = it1->first;
      auto value1 = it1->second;
      auto key2 = it2->first;
      auto value2 = it2->second;
      if (key1 == key2) 
        if (value1 == value2)
        return value1 < value2;
      return key1 < key2;
    return map1.size() <= map2.size();
// Function to print priority 
// queue contents
void print(priority_queue, 
           vector >,
           myComparator> priorityQueue)
  while (!priorityQueue.empty()) 
    // Each element of the priority
    // queue is a map itself
    map map1 = 
    cout << "[    ";
    // Print the map elements
    for (auto pair1 : map1) 
      // Each element in a map is a key,
      // value pair
      cout << "key:" << pair1.first << " , " << 
              "value:" << pair1.second << "    ";
    cout << ']';
    cout << '\n';
    // Pop out the topmost map
// Driver code
int main()
  // Priority queue of map
  // Each element of the priority 
  // queue is a map
                 vector >,
  // Declaring a map whose key is 
  // integer type and, value is 
  // also integer type
  map map1;
  map1[1] = 11;
  map1[2] = 22;
  map1[3] = 33;
  // Declaring another map whose key is 
  // integer type and, value is also 
  // integer type
  map map2;
  map2[1] = 11;
  map2[2] = 22;
  map2[3] = 44;
  // Declaring another map whose key is 
  // integer type and, value is also 
  // integer type
  map map3;
  map3[1] = 11;
  map3[2] = 22;
  map3[4] = 33;
  // Declaring another map whose key is 
  // integer type and, value is also 
  // integer type
  map map4;
  map4[1] = 11;
  map4[2] = 22;
  map4[4] = 33;
  // Calling print function
  return 0;

// C++ program to implement
// the above approach
using namespace std;
struct myComparator 
  int operator()(const map& map1,
                 const map& map2)
    // Min-heap priority queue
    for (auto it1 = map1.begin(), 
              it2 = map2.begin();
              it1 != map1.end(), 
              it2 != map2.end();
              it1++, it2++) 
      auto key1 = it1->first;
      auto value1 = it1->second;
      auto key2 = it2->first;
      auto value2 = it2->second;
      if (key1 == key2) 
        if (value1 == value2)
        return value1 > value2;
      return key1 > key2;
    return map1.size() >= map2.size();
// Function to print priority 
// queue contents
void print(priority_queue, 
           vector >,
           myComparator> priorityQueue)
  while (!priorityQueue.empty()) 
    // Each element of the priority
    // queue is a map itself
    map map1 = 
    cout << "[    ";
    // Print the map elements
    for (auto pair1 : map1) 
      // Each element in a map is a key,
      // value pair
      cout << "key:" << pair1.first << " , " << 
              "value:" << pair1.second << "    ";
    cout << ']';
    cout << '\n';
    // Pop out the topmost map
// Driver code
int main()
  // Priority queue of map
  // Each element of the priority 
  // queue is a map
                 vector >,
                 myComparator> priorityQueue;
  // Declaring a map whose key is 
  // integer type and, value is also 
  // integer type
  map map1;
  map1[1] = 11;
  map1[2] = 22;
  map1[3] = 33;
  // Declaring another map whose key is 
  // integer type and, value is also 
  // integer type
  map map2;
  map2[1] = 11;
  map2[2] = 22;
  map2[3] = 44;
  // Declaring another map whose key is 
  // integer type and, value is also 
  // integer type
  map map3;
  map3[1] = 11;
  map3[2] = 22;
  map3[4] = 33;
  // Declaring another map whose key is 
  // integer type and, value is also 
  // integer type
  map map4;
  map4[1] = 11;
  map4[2] = 22;
  map4[4] = 33;
  // Calling print function
  return 0;

// C++ program to implement
// the above approach
using namespace std;
struct myComparator 
  int operator()(const map& map1,
                 const map& map2)
    // Max-heap priority queue
    for (auto it1 = map1.begin(), 
              it2 = map2.begin();
              it1 != map1.end(), 
              it2 != map2.end();
              it1++, it2++) 
      auto key1 = it1->first;
      auto value1 = it1->second;
      auto key2 = it2->first;
      auto value2 = it2->second;
      if (key1 == key2) 
        if (value1 == value2)
        return value1 < value2;
      return key1 < key2;
    return map1.size() <= map2.size();
// Function to print priority 
// queue contents
void print(priority_queue,
           vector >, 
           myComparator> priorityQueue)
  while (!priorityQueue.empty()) 
    // Each element of the priority
    // queue is a map itself
    map map1 = 
    cout << "[    ";
    // Print the map elements
    for (auto pair1 : map1) 
      // Each element in a map is a key,
      // value pair
      cout << "key:" << pair1.first << " , " << 
              "value:" << pair1.second << "    ";
    cout << ']';
    cout << '\n';
    // Pop out the topmost map
// Driver code
int main()
  // Priority queue of map
  // Each element of the priority 
  // queue is a map
                 vector >, 
                 myComparator> priorityQueue;
  // Declaring a map whose key is 
  // integer type and, value is 
  // also integer type
  map map1;
  map1[1] = "apple";
  map1[2] = "boy";
  map1[3] = "cat";
  // Declaring another map whose key 
  // is integer type and, value is 
  // also integer type
  map map2;
  map2[1] = "apple";
  map2[2] = "bat";
  map2[4] = "eat";
  // Declaring another map whose key is 
  // integer type and, value is also 
  // integer type
  map map3;
  map3[1] = "apple";
  map3[2] = "ao";
  map3[10] = "fo";
  // Declaring another map whose key is 
  // integer type and, value is also
  // integer type
  map map4;
  map4[1] = "code";
  map4[2] = "for";
  map4[10] = "fun";
  // Calling print function
  return 0;

// C++ program to implement 
// the above approach
using namespace std;
struct myComparator 
  int operator()(const map& map1,
                 const map& map2)
    // Min-heap priority queue
    for (auto it1 = map1.begin(),  
              it2 = map2.begin(); 
              it1 != map1.end(), 
              it2 != map2.end(); 
              it1++, it2++) 
      auto key1 = it1->first;
      auto value1 = it1->second;
      auto key2 = it2->first;
      auto value2 = it2->second;
      if (key1 == key2) 
        if (value1 == value2)
        return value1 > value2;
      return key1 > key2;
    return map1.size() >= map2.size();
// Function to print priority 
// queue contents
void print(priority_queue,
                         vector >, 
                         myComparator> priorityQueue)
  while (!priorityQueue.empty()) 
    // Each element of the priority
    // queue is a map itself
    map map1 = priorityQueue.top();
    cout << "[    ";
    // Print the map elements
    for (auto pair1 : map1) 
      // Each element in a map is a key,
      // value pair
      cout << "key:" << pair1.first << " , "
        << "value:" << pair1.second << "    ";
    cout << ']';
    cout << '\n';
    // Pop out the topmost map
// Driver code
int main()
  // Priority queue of map
  // Each element of the priority 
  // queue is a map
                 vector >, 
                 myComparator> priorityQueue;
  // Declaring a map whose key is 
  // integer type and, value is 
  // also integer type
  map map1;
  map1[1] = "apple";
  map1[2] = "boy";
  map1[3] = "cat";
  // Declaring another map whose key is 
  // integer type and, value is also 
  // integer type
  map map2;
  map2[1] = "apple";
  map2[2] = "bat";
  map2[4] = "eat";
  // Declaring another map whose key is 
  // integer type and, value is also 
  // integer type
  map map3;
  map3[1] = "apple";
  map3[2] = "ao";
  map3[10] = "fo";
  // Declaring another map whose key is 
  // integer type and, value is also 
  // integer type
  map map4;
  map4[1] = "code";
  map4[2] = "for";
  map4[10] = "fun";
  // Calling print function
  return 0;


默认情况下,优先级队列是最大堆。因此,对于最大堆优先级队列中的一对映射,两个映射元素的键和值是同时一个一个地比较的。如果两个映射的第一个元素的键相等,则比较第一个元素的值,如果两个映射的第一个元素的值也相等,则比较第二个元素的键 如果键两个映射的第二个元素的值也相等,然后比较第二个元素的值,依此类推。在比较期间具有较大键或值的映射成为优先级队列的最顶部元素。

以下是 C++ 程序,用于演示映射的最大堆优先级队列的工作原理,以便映射元素按键以非降序排序:

示例 1:


// C++ program to implement 
// the above approach
using namespace std;
// Function to print priority queue contents
void print(priority_queue > 
  while (!priorityQueue.empty()) 
    // Each element of the priority
    // queue is a map itself
    map map1 = priorityQueue.top();
    cout << "[    ";
    // Print the map elements
    for (auto pair1 : map1) 
      // Each element in a map is a key,
      // value pair
      cout << "key:" << pair1.first << " , " << 
              "value:" << pair1.second << "    ";
    cout << ']';
    cout << '\n';
    // Pop out the topmost map
// Driver code
int main()
  // Priority queue of map
  // Each element of the priority 
  // queue is a map
  priority_queue > 
  // Declaring a map whose key is 
  // integer type and, value is also 
  // integer type
  map map1;
  map1[1] = 11;
  map1[2] = 22;
  map1[3] = 33;
  // Declaring another map whose key is 
  // integer type and, value is also 
  // integer type
  map map2;
  map2[1] = 11;
  map2[2] = 22;
  map2[3] = 44;
  // Declaring another map whose key is 
  // integer type and, value is also 
  // integer type
  map map3;
  map3[1] = 11;
  map3[2] = 22;
  map3[4] = 33;
  // Declaring another map whose key is 
  // integer type and, value is also 
  // integer type
  map map4;
  map4[11] = 11;
  map4[2] = 22;
  map4[4] = 33;
  // Calling print function
  return 0;


示例 2:


// C++ program to implement
// the above approach
using namespace std;
// Function to print priority 
// queue contents
void print(priority_queue > 
  while (!priorityQueue.empty()) 
    // Each element of the priority
    // queue is a map itself
    map map1 = 
    cout << "[    ";
    // Print the map elements
    for (auto pair1 : map1) 
      // Each element in a map is a key,
      // value pair
      cout << "key:" << pair1.first << " , " << 
              "value:" << pair1.second << "    ";
    cout << ']';
    cout << '\n';
    // Pop out the topmost map
// Driver code
int main()
  // Priority queue of map
  // Each element of the priority 
  // queue is a map
  priority_queue > 
  // Declaring a map whose key is 
  // integer type and, value is 
  // also integer type
  map map1;
  map1[1] = "geeks";
  map1[2] = "for";
  map1[3] = "geeks";
  // Declaring another map whose key is 
  // integer type and, value is also 
  // integer type
  map map2;
  map2[1] = "geeks";
  map2[2] = "for";
  map2[3] = "learning";
  // Declaring another map whose key is 
  // integer type and, value is also 
  // integer type
  map map3;
  map3[1] = "geeks";
  map3[2] = "for";
  map3[4] = "geeks";
  // Calling print function
  return 0;



以下是 C++ 程序,用于演示映射的最大堆优先级队列的工作,以便映射元素按键以非升序排序:

示例 1:


// C++ program to implement
// the above approach
using namespace std;
// Function to print priority queue contents
void print(priority_queue > >
  while (!priorityQueue.empty()) 
    // Each element of the priority
    // queue is a map itself
    map > map1 = 
    cout << "[    ";
    // Print the map elements
    for (auto pair1 : map1) 
      // Each element in a map is a key,
      // value pair
      cout << "key:" << pair1.first << " , " << 
              "value:" << pair1.second << "    ";
    cout << ']';
    cout << '\n';
    // Pop out the topmost map
// Driver code
int main()
  // Priority queue of map
  // Each element of the priority 
  // queue is a map
  priority_queue > >
  // Declaring a map whose key is 
  // integer type and, value is also 
  // integer type
  map > map1;
  map1[1] = 11;
  map1[2] = 22;
  map1[3] = 33;
  // Declaring another map whose key is 
  // integer type and, value is also 
  // integer type
  map > map2;
  map2[1] = 11;
  map2[2] = 22;
  map2[3] = 44;
  // Declaring another map whose key is 
  // integer type and, value is also 
  // integer type
  map > map3;
  map3[1] = 11;
  map3[2] = 22;
  map3[4] = 33;
  // Declaring another map whose key is 
  // integer type and, value is also 
  // integer type
  map > map4;
  map4[1] = 11;
  map4[2] = 22;
  map4[4] = 33;
  // Calling print function
  return 0;


示例 2:


// C++ program to implement 
// the above approach
using namespace std;
// Function to print priority queue contents
void print(priority_queue > >
  while (!priorityQueue.empty()) 
    // Each element of the priority
    // queue is a map itself
    map > map1 = 
    cout << "[    ";
    // Print the map elements
    for (auto pair1 : map1) 
      // Each element in a map is a key,
      // value pair
      cout << "key:" << pair1.first << " , " << 
              "value:" << pair1.second << "    ";
    cout << ']';
    cout << '\n';
    // Pop out the topmost map
// Driver code
int main()
  // Priority queue of map
  // Each element of the priority 
  // queue is a map
  priority_queue > >
  // Declaring a map whose key is 
  // integer type and, value is also 
  // integer type
  map > map1;
  map1[1] = "geeks";
  map1[2] = "for";
  map1[3] = "geeks";
  // Declaring another map whose key is 
  // integer type and, value is also 
  // integer type
  map > map2;
  map2[1] = "geeks";
  map2[2] = "for";
  map2[3] = "learning";
  // Declaring another map whose key is 
  // integer type and, value is also 
  // integer type
  map > map3;
  map3[1] = "geeks";
  map3[2] = "for";
  map3[4] = "geeks";
  // Declaring another map whose key is 
  // integer type and, value is also 
  // integer type
  map > map4;
  map4[1] = "Code";
  map4[2] = "For";
  map4[4] = "Fun";
  // Calling print function
  return 0;



在最小堆优先级队列中有一对map的情况下,两个map元素的key和value同时被一个一个的比较。如果两个映射的第一个元素的键相等,则比较第一个元素的值,如果两个映射的第一个元素的值也相等,则比较第二个元素的键 如果键两个映射的第二个元素的值也相等,然后比较第二个元素的值,依此类推。在比较期间具有较小键或值的映射成为优先级队列的最顶部元素。

以下是 C++ 程序,用于演示映射的最小堆优先级队列的工作,以便映射元素按键以非降序排列:

示例 1:


// C++ program to implement
// the above approach
using namespace std;
// Function to print priority queue contents
void print(priority_queue, 
           vector >,
           greater > > 
  while (!priorityQueue.empty()) 
    // Each element of the priority
    // queue is a map itself
    map map1 = priorityQueue.top();
    cout << "[    ";
    // Print the map elements
    for (auto pair1 : map1) 
      // Each element in a map is a key,
      // value pair
      cout << "key:" << pair1.first << " , " << 
              "value:" << pair1.second << "    ";
    cout << ']';
    cout << '\n';
    // Pop out the topmost map
// Driver code
int main()
  // Priority queue of map
  // Each element of the priority 
  // queue is a map
                 vector >,
                 greater > > 
  // Declaring a map whose key is 
  // integer type and, value is 
  // also integer type
  map map1;
  map1[1] = 11;
  map1[2] = 22;
  map1[3] = 33;
  // Declaring another map whose key is 
  // integer type and, value is also 
  // integer type
  map map2;
  map2[1] = 11;
  map2[2] = 22;
  map2[3] = 44;
  // Declaring another map whose key is 
  // integer type and, value is also 
  // integer type
  map map3;
  map3[1] = 11;
  map3[2] = 22;
  map3[4] = 33;
  // Calling print function
  return 0;


示例 2:


// C++ program to implement
// the above approach
using namespace std;
// Function to print priority queue contents
void print(priority_queue,
           vector >,
           greater > >
  while (!priorityQueue.empty()) 
    // Each element of the priority
    // queue is a map itself
    map map1 =
    cout << "[    ";
    // Print the map elements
    for (auto pair1 : map1) 
      // Each element in a map is a key,
      // value pair
      cout << "key:" << pair1.first << " , " << 
              "value:" << pair1.second << "    ";
    cout << ']';
    cout << '\n';
    // Pop out the topmost map
// Driver code
int main()
  // Priority queue of map
  // Each element of the priority 
  // queue is a map
                 vector >,
                 greater > > 
  // Declaring a map whose key is 
  // integer type and, value is also 
  // integer type
  map map1;
  map1[1] = "geeks";
  map1[2] = "for";
  map1[3] = "geeks";
  // Declaring another map whose key is 
  // integer type and, value is also 
  // integer type
  map map2;
  map2[1] = "geeks";
  map2[2] = "for";
  map2[3] = "learning";
  // Declaring another map whose key is 
  // integer type and, value is also 
  // integer type
  map map3;
  map3[1] = "geeks";
  map3[2] = "for";
  map3[4] = "geeks";
  // Declaring another map whose key is 
  // integer type and, value is also 
  // integer type
  map map4;
  map4[1] = "Code";
  map4[2] = "For";
  map4[4] = "Fun";
  // Calling print function
  return 0;



以下是 C++ 程序,用于演示映射的最小堆优先级队列的工作方式,以便映射元素按键以非升序排列:

示例 1:


// C++ program to implement
// the above approach
using namespace std;
// Function to print priority 
// queue contents
void print(priority_queue,
           vector > >,
           greater > > >
  while (!priorityQueue.empty()) 
    // Each element of the priority
    // queue is a map itself
    map > map1 = 
    cout << "[    ";
    // Print the map elements
    for (auto pair1 : map1) 
      // Each element in a map is a key,
      // value pair
      cout << "key:" << pair1.first << " , " << 
              "value:" << pair1.second << "    ";
    cout << ']';
    cout << '\n';
    // Pop out the topmost map
// Driver code
int main()
  // Priority queue of map
  // Each element of the priority 
  // queue is a map
                 vector > >,
                 greater > > >
  // Declaring a map whose key is 
  // integer type and, value is also 
  // integer type
  map > map1;
  map1[1] = 11;
  map1[2] = 22;
  map1[3] = 33;
  // Declaring another map whose key is 
  // integer type and, value is also 
  // integer type
  map > map2;
  map2[1] = 11;
  map2[2] = 22;
  map2[3] = 44;
  // Declaring another map whose key is 
  // integer type and, value is also 
  // integer type
  map > map3;
  map3[1] = 11;
  map3[2] = 22;
  map3[4] = 33;
  // Declaring another map whose key is 
  // integer type and, value is also 
  // integer type
  map > map4;
  map4[1] = 11;
  map4[2] = 22;
  map4[4] = 33;
  // Calling print function
  return 0;


示例 2:


// C++ program to implement
// the above approach
using namespace std;
// Function to print priority 
// queue contents
void print(priority_queue<
           map >,
           vector > >,
           greater > > >
  while (!priorityQueue.empty()) 
    // Each element of the priority
    // queue is a map itself
    map > map1 = 
    cout << "[    ";
    // Print the map elements
    for (auto pair1 : map1)
      // Each element in a map is a key,
      // value pair
      cout << "key:" << pair1.first << " , " << 
              "value:" << pair1.second << "    ";
    cout << ']';
    cout << '\n';
    // Pop out the topmost map
// Driver code
int main()
  // Priority queue of map
  // Each element of the priority 
  // queue is a map
  priority_queue >,
                 vector > >,
                 greater > > >
  // Declaring a map whose key is 
  // integer type and, value is 
  // also integer type
  map > map1;
  map1[1] = "geeks";
  map1[2] = "for";
  map1[3] = "geeks";
  // Declaring another map whose key is 
  // integer type and, value is also 
  // integer type
  map > map2;
  map2[1] = "geeks";
  map2[2] = "for";
  map2[3] = "learning";
  // Declaring another map whose key is 
  // integer type and, value is also 
  // integer type
  map > map3;
  map3[1] = "geeks";
  map3[2] = "for";
  map3[4] = "geeks";
  // Declaring another map whose key is 
  // integer type and, value is also 
  // integer type
  map > map4;
  map4[1] = "Code";
  map4[2] = "For";
  map4[4] = "Fun";
  // Calling print function
  return 0;



以下是演示自定义地图优先级队列工作的 C++ 程序:

示例 1:


// C++ program to implement
// the above approach
using namespace std;
struct myComparator 
  int operator()(const map& map1,
                 const map& map2)
    // Max-heap priority queue
    for (auto it1 = map1.begin(), 
              it2 = map2.begin();
              it1 != map1.end(), 
              it2 != map2.end();
              it1++, it2++) 
      auto key1 = it1->first;
      auto value1 = it1->second;
      auto key2 = it2->first;
      auto value2 = it2->second;
      if (key1 == key2) 
        if (value1 == value2)
        return value1 < value2;
      return key1 < key2;
    return map1.size() <= map2.size();
// Function to print priority 
// queue contents
void print(priority_queue, 
           vector >,
           myComparator> priorityQueue)
  while (!priorityQueue.empty()) 
    // Each element of the priority
    // queue is a map itself
    map map1 = 
    cout << "[    ";
    // Print the map elements
    for (auto pair1 : map1) 
      // Each element in a map is a key,
      // value pair
      cout << "key:" << pair1.first << " , " << 
              "value:" << pair1.second << "    ";
    cout << ']';
    cout << '\n';
    // Pop out the topmost map
// Driver code
int main()
  // Priority queue of map
  // Each element of the priority 
  // queue is a map
                 vector >,
  // Declaring a map whose key is 
  // integer type and, value is 
  // also integer type
  map map1;
  map1[1] = 11;
  map1[2] = 22;
  map1[3] = 33;
  // Declaring another map whose key is 
  // integer type and, value is also 
  // integer type
  map map2;
  map2[1] = 11;
  map2[2] = 22;
  map2[3] = 44;
  // Declaring another map whose key is 
  // integer type and, value is also 
  // integer type
  map map3;
  map3[1] = 11;
  map3[2] = 22;
  map3[4] = 33;
  // Declaring another map whose key is 
  // integer type and, value is also 
  // integer type
  map map4;
  map4[1] = 11;
  map4[2] = 22;
  map4[4] = 33;
  // Calling print function
  return 0;


示例 2:


// C++ program to implement
// the above approach
using namespace std;
struct myComparator 
  int operator()(const map& map1,
                 const map& map2)
    // Min-heap priority queue
    for (auto it1 = map1.begin(), 
              it2 = map2.begin();
              it1 != map1.end(), 
              it2 != map2.end();
              it1++, it2++) 
      auto key1 = it1->first;
      auto value1 = it1->second;
      auto key2 = it2->first;
      auto value2 = it2->second;
      if (key1 == key2) 
        if (value1 == value2)
        return value1 > value2;
      return key1 > key2;
    return map1.size() >= map2.size();
// Function to print priority 
// queue contents
void print(priority_queue, 
           vector >,
           myComparator> priorityQueue)
  while (!priorityQueue.empty()) 
    // Each element of the priority
    // queue is a map itself
    map map1 = 
    cout << "[    ";
    // Print the map elements
    for (auto pair1 : map1) 
      // Each element in a map is a key,
      // value pair
      cout << "key:" << pair1.first << " , " << 
              "value:" << pair1.second << "    ";
    cout << ']';
    cout << '\n';
    // Pop out the topmost map
// Driver code
int main()
  // Priority queue of map
  // Each element of the priority 
  // queue is a map
                 vector >,
                 myComparator> priorityQueue;
  // Declaring a map whose key is 
  // integer type and, value is also 
  // integer type
  map map1;
  map1[1] = 11;
  map1[2] = 22;
  map1[3] = 33;
  // Declaring another map whose key is 
  // integer type and, value is also 
  // integer type
  map map2;
  map2[1] = 11;
  map2[2] = 22;
  map2[3] = 44;
  // Declaring another map whose key is 
  // integer type and, value is also 
  // integer type
  map map3;
  map3[1] = 11;
  map3[2] = 22;
  map3[4] = 33;
  // Declaring another map whose key is 
  // integer type and, value is also 
  // integer type
  map map4;
  map4[1] = 11;
  map4[2] = 22;
  map4[4] = 33;
  // Calling print function
  return 0;


示例 3:


// C++ program to implement
// the above approach
using namespace std;
struct myComparator 
  int operator()(const map& map1,
                 const map& map2)
    // Max-heap priority queue
    for (auto it1 = map1.begin(), 
              it2 = map2.begin();
              it1 != map1.end(), 
              it2 != map2.end();
              it1++, it2++) 
      auto key1 = it1->first;
      auto value1 = it1->second;
      auto key2 = it2->first;
      auto value2 = it2->second;
      if (key1 == key2) 
        if (value1 == value2)
        return value1 < value2;
      return key1 < key2;
    return map1.size() <= map2.size();
// Function to print priority 
// queue contents
void print(priority_queue,
           vector >, 
           myComparator> priorityQueue)
  while (!priorityQueue.empty()) 
    // Each element of the priority
    // queue is a map itself
    map map1 = 
    cout << "[    ";
    // Print the map elements
    for (auto pair1 : map1) 
      // Each element in a map is a key,
      // value pair
      cout << "key:" << pair1.first << " , " << 
              "value:" << pair1.second << "    ";
    cout << ']';
    cout << '\n';
    // Pop out the topmost map
// Driver code
int main()
  // Priority queue of map
  // Each element of the priority 
  // queue is a map
                 vector >, 
                 myComparator> priorityQueue;
  // Declaring a map whose key is 
  // integer type and, value is 
  // also integer type
  map map1;
  map1[1] = "apple";
  map1[2] = "boy";
  map1[3] = "cat";
  // Declaring another map whose key 
  // is integer type and, value is 
  // also integer type
  map map2;
  map2[1] = "apple";
  map2[2] = "bat";
  map2[4] = "eat";
  // Declaring another map whose key is 
  // integer type and, value is also 
  // integer type
  map map3;
  map3[1] = "apple";
  map3[2] = "ao";
  map3[10] = "fo";
  // Declaring another map whose key is 
  // integer type and, value is also
  // integer type
  map map4;
  map4[1] = "code";
  map4[2] = "for";
  map4[10] = "fun";
  // Calling print function
  return 0;


示例 4:


// C++ program to implement 
// the above approach
using namespace std;
struct myComparator 
  int operator()(const map& map1,
                 const map& map2)
    // Min-heap priority queue
    for (auto it1 = map1.begin(),  
              it2 = map2.begin(); 
              it1 != map1.end(), 
              it2 != map2.end(); 
              it1++, it2++) 
      auto key1 = it1->first;
      auto value1 = it1->second;
      auto key2 = it2->first;
      auto value2 = it2->second;
      if (key1 == key2) 
        if (value1 == value2)
        return value1 > value2;
      return key1 > key2;
    return map1.size() >= map2.size();
// Function to print priority 
// queue contents
void print(priority_queue,
                         vector >, 
                         myComparator> priorityQueue)
  while (!priorityQueue.empty()) 
    // Each element of the priority
    // queue is a map itself
    map map1 = priorityQueue.top();
    cout << "[    ";
    // Print the map elements
    for (auto pair1 : map1) 
      // Each element in a map is a key,
      // value pair
      cout << "key:" << pair1.first << " , "
        << "value:" << pair1.second << "    ";
    cout << ']';
    cout << '\n';
    // Pop out the topmost map
// Driver code
int main()
  // Priority queue of map
  // Each element of the priority 
  // queue is a map
                 vector >, 
                 myComparator> priorityQueue;
  // Declaring a map whose key is 
  // integer type and, value is 
  // also integer type
  map map1;
  map1[1] = "apple";
  map1[2] = "boy";
  map1[3] = "cat";
  // Declaring another map whose key is 
  // integer type and, value is also 
  // integer type
  map map2;
  map2[1] = "apple";
  map2[2] = "bat";
  map2[4] = "eat";
  // Declaring another map whose key is 
  // integer type and, value is also 
  // integer type
  map map3;
  map3[1] = "apple";
  map3[2] = "ao";
  map3[10] = "fo";
  // Declaring another map whose key is 
  // integer type and, value is also 
  // integer type
  map map4;
  map4[1] = "code";
  map4[2] = "for";
  map4[10] = "fun";
  // Calling print function
  return 0;
