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📜  带实现的索引优先级队列

📅  最后修改于: 2022-05-13 01:55:52.453000             🧑  作者: Mango


优先级队列是一种数据结构,其中数据根据其优先级进行存储。在索引优先级队列中,数据的存储方式与标准优先级队列一样,并且可以使用其键更新数据的值。之所以称为“索引”,是因为可以使用哈希映射将索引存储在容器中,使用键值对输入的键作为哈希映射的键。这在使用最小堆实现 Dijkstra 算法时很方便。它也可以用于任何其他需要将键值对放入优先级队列的程序中,并且您需要使用 push 或 pop函数更新键的值。


  1. push根据优先级在索引优先级队列中添加键值对。


    时间复杂度: O( log(n) )

  2. pop:移除最高优先级的键值对。


    时间复杂度: O(log(n))

  3. top :将键值对返回给用户。


    时间复杂度: O(1)

  4. size :返回索引优先级队列中键值对的数量。

    实现:跟踪类中队列中的元素数量,并在调用 size()函数时返回变量。

    时间复杂度: O(1)

  5. empty :当索引优先级队列为空时返回 true。


    时间复杂度: O(1)

  6. changeAtKey :此函数将索引优先级队列与标准优先级队列区分开来。它从用户那里获取两个参数,第一个是键,第二个是新值,它将与键关联的旧值更新为提供的新值,并根据新值的优先级更新其位置。


    时间复杂度: O( log(n) )


索引优先队列是使用二叉堆实现的,但也可以使用斐波那契堆或 K-ary 堆来实现。


  1. 键的数据类型:这是定义中的第一个参数,它应该是可以在散列映射中散列的数据类型,或者用户有自己的散列函数作为第四个参数。要了解有关哈希映射中哈希函数的更多信息,请参阅本文。
  2. 值的数据类型:这是定义中的第二个参数。
  3. 比较器:这是第三个可选参数。默认情况下,索引优先队列将使用最大堆来实现,以更改用户必须通过不同的比较器及其参数(即比较器的参数)作为值的数据类型。
  4. 散列函数:这是第四个参数,仅当用户为键传递自定义数据类型(如类)时才需要,然后用户必须传递自己的散列函数。


// C++ program for the above approach
using namespace std;
template ,
          class Hash = hash >
class indexed_priority_queue {
    // Storing indices of values using key
    unordered_map m;
    // Container
    vector > v;
    // Size
    long long numberOfElement;
    // Creating a instance of Comparator class
    Comparator comp;
    // Max Capacity
    long long capacity = LLONG_MAX;
    // Obtaing the index value from hash map
    long long int getValueIndex(T1 key)
        if (m[key] == 0) {
            cout << "No Such Key Exist";
            return -1;
        return v[m[key] - 1];
    // heapify the container
    void heapify(vector >& v,
                 long long int heap_size,
                 long long index)
        long long leftChild = 2 * index + 1,
                  rightChild = 2 * index + 2,
                  suitableNode = index;
        if (leftChild < heap_size
            && comp(v[suitableNode].second,
                    v[leftChild].second)) {
            suitableNode = leftChild;
        if (rightChild < heap_size
            && comp(v[suitableNode].second,
                    v[rightChild].second)) {
            suitableNode = rightChild;
        if (suitableNode != index) {
            // swap the value
            pair temp = v[index];
            v[index] = v[suitableNode];
            v[suitableNode] = temp;
            // updating the map
            m[v[index].first] = index + 1;
                = suitableNode + 1;
            // heapify other affected nodes
            heapify(v, numberOfElement,
        numberOfElement = 0;
    void push(T1 key, T2 value)
        if (numberOfElement == capacity) {
            cout << "Overflow";
        if (m[key] != 0) {
            cout << "Element Already Exists";
        // Adding element
        v.push_back(make_pair(key, value));
        m[key] = numberOfElement;
        long long index = numberOfElement - 1;
        // Comparing to parent node
        while (index != 0
               && comp(v[(index - 1) / 2].second,
                       v[index].second)) {
            // swap the value
            pair temp = v[index];
            v[index] = v[(index - 1) / 2];
            v[(index - 1) / 2] = temp;
            // updating the map
            m[v[index].first] = index + 1;
            m[v[(index - 1) / 2].first]
                = (index - 1) / 2 + 1;
            // updating index in map
            index = (index - 1) / 2;
    void pop()
        if (numberOfElement == 0) {
            cout << "UnderFlow";
        // Removing element
        heapify(v, numberOfElement, 0);
    pair top() { return v[0]; }
    long long int size() { return numberOfElement; }
    bool empty() { return numberOfElement == 0; }
    void changeAtKey(T1 key, T2 value)
        if (m[key] == 0) {
            cout << "No Such Key Exist";
        long long index = m[key] - 1;
        v[index].second = value;
        // Comparing to child nodes
        heapify(v, numberOfElement, index);
        // Comparing to Parent Node
        while (index != 0
               && comp(v[(index - 1) / 2].second,
                       v[index].second)) {
            // swap the value
            pair temp = v[index];
            v[index] = v[(index - 1) / 2];
            v[(index - 1) / 2] = temp;
            // updating the map
            m[v[index].first] = index + 1;
            m[v[(index - 1) / 2].first]
                = (index - 1) / 2 + 1;
            // updating index in map
            index = (index - 1) / 2;
void display(indexed_priority_queue IPQ)
    indexed_priority_queue temp = IPQ;
    while (!IPQ.empty()) {
        pair tmp;
        tmp = IPQ.top();
        cout << "( " << tmp.first << ", "
             << tmp.second << " ) ";
    cout << '\n';
// Driver Code
int main()
    // First parameter is key datatype
    // and it should be hashable
    // Second parameter is value datatype comparator
    // function (by default it implements maxheap)
    indexed_priority_queue IPQ;
    // Check if empty
    cout << "Checking if initially the IPQ is empty\n";
    if (IPQ.empty())
        cout << "IPQ is empty\n";
        cout << "IPQ is not empty\n";
    // Insertion
    cout << "Inserting pairs (2, 1), (3, 7), "
         << " (1, 0) and (4, 5)\n";
    IPQ.push(2, 1);
    IPQ.push(3, 7);
    IPQ.push(1, 0);
    IPQ.push(4, 5);
    // Printing the contents of IPQ
    cout << "IPQ: ";
    cout << '\n';
    // Checking size and top after pushing
    cout << "Size: " << IPQ.size() << endl;
    cout << "Top: " << IPQ.top().first
         << ", " << IPQ.top().second
         << "\n\n";
    // Replace operation
    cout << "Changing value associated with"
         << " key 3 to 2 and 1 to 9\n";
    IPQ.changeAtKey(3, 2);
    IPQ.changeAtKey(1, 9);
    // Checking size and top after replacement
    cout << "Size: " << IPQ.size() << endl;
    cout << "Top: " << IPQ.top().first
         << ", " << IPQ.top().second
         << "\n\n";
    // Deleting 2 elements from IPQ
    cout << "Poping an element from IPQ: ";
    cout << "\nPoping an element from IPQ: ";
    cout << '\n\n';
    // Printing the contents of IPQ after deletion
    cout << "IPQ: ";
    cout << '\n';
    // Checking size and top after pushing
    cout << "Size: " << IPQ.size() << endl;
    cout << "Top: " << IPQ.top().first
         << ", " << IPQ.top().second
         << "\n\n";
    return 0;
