📜  作业排序问题集合2(使用不交集)

📅  最后修改于: 2021-05-05 01:19:35             🧑  作者: Mango

给定一组n个工作,其中每个工作i的截止日期di> = 1,利润pi> = 0。一次只能安排一项工作。每个作业需要1个时间单位才能完成。当且仅当工作在截止日期之前完成时,我们才能赚取利润。任务是找到能使利润最大化的工作子集。


Input: Four Jobs with following deadlines and profits
JobID Deadline Profit
   a      4      20
   b      1      10
   c      1      40
   d      1      30
Output: Following is maximum profit sequence of jobs:
       c, a

Input: Five Jobs with following deadlines and profits
JobID Deadline Profit
   a     2       100
   b     1       19
   c     2       27
   d     1       25
   e     3       15
Output: Following is maximum profit sequence of jobs:
       c, a, e

在此已经讨论了时间复杂度O(n 2 )的贪婪解决方案。以下是简单的贪婪算法。

  1. 按利润降序对所有工作进行排序。
  2. 将结果序列初始化为已排序作业中的第一个作业。
  3. 对剩余的n-1个工作进行关注
    • 如果当前作业可以适合当前结果序列而又不错过最后期限,则将当前作业添加到结果中。否则忽略当前工作。

假设作业J1的截止时间为t =5。我们为该作业分配最大的空闲时间,该空闲时间小于截止时间,即4-5。现在,另一个作业J2的截止日期为5,因此分配的时间段将是3-4,因为已经将4-5分配给作业J1。

截止日期d1 = 5的J1,获利40
截止日期d2 = 1的J2,获利20
所有时隙最初都是单独的集合。我们首先找到所有工作的最大期限。设最大期限为m。我们创建m + 1个单独的集合。如果为作业分配了一个时间段t,其中t> = 0,则在[t-1,t]期间安排该作业。因此,具有值X的集合表示时隙[X-1,X]。

// m is maximum deadline of a job
parent = new int[m + 1];

// Every node is a parent of itself
for (int i = 0; i ≤ m; i++)
    parent[i] = i;


// Returns the maximum available time slot
    // Base case
    if (s == parent[s])
       return s;

    // Recursive call with path compression
    return parent[s] = find(parent[s]);


Merges two sets.  
// Makes u as parent of v.
union(u, v)
   // update the greatest available
   // free slot to u
   parent[v] = u;

最初,所有时隙都是单独的时隙。因此,返回的时隙始终是最大的。当我们为工作分配时隙“ t”时,我们以“ t-1”成为“ t”的父代的方式将“ t”与“ t-1”进行并集。为此,我们称union(t-1,t)。这意味着将来对时隙t的所有查询现在都将返回可用于t-1表示的集合的最新时隙。

执行 :

// C++ Program to find the maximum profit job sequence
// from a given array of jobs with deadlines and profits
using namespace std;
// A structure to represent various attributes of a Job
struct Job
    // Each job has id, deadline and profit
    char id;
    int deadLine, profit;
// A Simple Disjoint Set Data Structure
struct DisjointSet
    int *parent;
    // Constructor
    DisjointSet(int n)
        parent = new int[n+1];
        // Every node is a parent of itself
        for (int i = 0; i <= n; i++)
            parent[i] = i;
    // Path Compression
    int find(int s)
        /* Make the parent of the nodes in the path
           from u--> parent[u] point to parent[u] */
        if (s == parent[s])
            return s;
        return parent[s] = find(parent[s]);
    // Makes u as parent of v.
    void merge(int u, int v)
        //update the greatest available
        //free slot to u
        parent[v] = u;
// Used to sort in descending order on the basis
// of profit for each job
bool cmp(Job a, Job b)
    return (a.profit > b.profit);
// Functions returns the maximum deadline from the set
// of jobs
int findMaxDeadline(struct Job arr[], int n)
    int ans = INT_MIN;
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
        ans = max(ans, arr[i].deadLine);
    return ans;
int printJobScheduling(Job arr[], int n)
    // Sort Jobs in descending order on the basis
    // of their profit
    sort(arr, arr + n, cmp);
    // Find the maximum deadline among all jobs and
    // create a disjoint set data structure with
    // maxDeadline disjoint sets initially.
    int maxDeadline = findMaxDeadline(arr, n);
    DisjointSet ds(maxDeadline);
    // Traverse through all the jobs
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
        // Find the maximum available free slot for
        // this job (corresponding to its deadline)
        int availableSlot = ds.find(arr[i].deadLine);
        // If maximum available free slot is greater
        // than 0, then free slot available
        if (availableSlot > 0)
            // This slot is taken by this job 'i'
            // so we need to update the greatest
            // free slot. Note that, in merge, we
            // make first parameter as parent of
            // second parameter. So future queries
            // for availableSlot will return maximum
            // available slot in set of
            // "availableSlot - 1"
            ds.merge(ds.find(availableSlot - 1),
            cout << arr[i].id << " ";
// Driver code
int main()
    Job arr[] =  { { 'a', 2, 100 }, { 'b', 1, 19 },
                   { 'c', 2, 27 },  { 'd', 1, 25 },
                   { 'e', 3, 15 } };
    int n = sizeof(arr) / sizeof(arr[0]);
    cout << "Following jobs need to be "
         << "executed for maximum profit\n";
    printJobScheduling(arr, n);
    return 0;

// Java program to find the maximum profit job sequence
// from a given array of jobs with deadlines and profits
import java.util.*;
// A Simple Disjoint Set Data Structure
class DisjointSet
    int parent[];
    // Constructor
    DisjointSet(int n)
        parent = new int[n + 1];
        // Every node is a parent of itself
        for (int i = 0; i <= n; i++)
            parent[i] = i;
    // Path Compression
    int find(int s)
        /* Make the parent of the nodes in the path
           from u--> parent[u] point to parent[u] */
        if (s == parent[s])
            return s;
        return parent[s] = find(parent[s]);
    // Makes u as parent of v.
    void merge(int u, int v)
        //update the greatest available
        //free slot to u
        parent[v] = u;
class Job implements Comparator
    // Each job has a unique-id, profit and deadline
    char id;
    int deadline, profit;
    // Constructors
    public Job() { }
    public Job(char id,int deadline,int profit)
        this.id = id;
        this.deadline = deadline;
        this.profit = profit;
    // Returns the maximum deadline from the set of jobs
    public static int findMaxDeadline(ArrayList arr)
        int ans = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
        for (Job temp : arr)
            ans = Math.max(temp.deadline, ans);
        return ans;
    // Prints optimal job sequence
    public static void printJobScheduling(ArrayList arr)
        // Sort Jobs in descending order on the basis
        // of their profit
        Collections.sort(arr, new Job());
        // Find the maximum deadline among all jobs and
        // create a disjoint set data structure with
        // maxDeadline disjoint sets initially.
        int maxDeadline = findMaxDeadline(arr);
        DisjointSet dsu = new DisjointSet(maxDeadline);
        // Traverse through all the jobs
        for (Job temp : arr)
            // Find the maximum available free slot for
            // this job (corresponding to its deadline)
            int availableSlot = dsu.find(temp.deadline);
            // If maximum available free slot is greater
            // than 0, then free slot available
            if (availableSlot > 0)
                // This slot is taken by this job 'i'
                // so we need to update the greatest free
                // slot. Note that, in merge, we make
                // first parameter as parent of second
                // parameter.  So future queries for
                // availableSlot will return maximum slot
                // from set of "availableSlot - 1"
                dsu.merge(dsu.find(availableSlot - 1),
                System.out.print(temp.id + " ");
    // Used to sort in descending order on the basis
    // of profit for each job
    public int compare(Job j1, Job j2)
        return j1.profit > j2.profit? -1: 1;
// Driver code
class Main
    public static void main(String args[])
        ArrayList arr=new ArrayList();
        arr.add(new Job('a',2,100));
        arr.add(new Job('b',1,19));
        arr.add(new Job('c',2,27));
        arr.add(new Job('d',1,25));
        arr.add(new Job('e',3,15));
        System.out.println("Following jobs need to be "+
                           "executed for maximum profit");

# Python3 program to find the maximum profit
# job sequence from a given array of jobs
# with deadlines and profits
import sys
class DisjointSet:
    def __init__(self, n):
        self.parent = [i for i in range(n + 1)]
    def find(self, s):
        # Make the parent of nodes in the path from
        # u --> parent[u] point to parent[u]
        if s == self.parent[s]:
            return s
        self.parent[s] = self.find(self.parent[s])
        return self.parent[s]
    # Make us as parent of v
    def merge(self, u, v):
        # Update the greatest available
        # free slot to u
        self.parent[v] = u
def cmp(a):
    return a['profit']
def findmaxdeadline(arr, n):
    :param arr: Job array
    :param n: length of array
    :return: maximum deadline from the set of jobs
    ans = - sys.maxsize - 1
    for i in range(n):
        ans = max(ans, arr[i]['deadline'])
    return ans
def printjobscheduling(arr, n):
    # Sort jobs in descending order on
    # basis of their profit
    arr = sorted(arr, key = cmp, reverse = True)
    Find the maximum deadline among all jobs and
    create a disjoint set data structure with
    max_deadline disjoint sets initially
    max_deadline = findmaxdeadline(arr, n)
    ds = DisjointSet(max_deadline)
    for i in range(n):
        # find maximum available free slot for
        # this job (corresponding to its deadline)
        available_slot = ds.find(arr[i]['deadline'])
        if available_slot > 0:
            # This slot is taken by this job 'i'
            # so we need to update the greatest free slot.
            # Note: In merge, we make first parameter
            # as parent of second parameter.
            # So future queries for available_slot will
            # return maximum available slot in set of
            # "available_slot - 1"
            ds.merge(ds.find(available_slot - 1),
            print(arr[i]['id'], end = " ")
# Driver Code
if __name__ == "__main__":
    arr = [{'id': 'a', 'deadline': 2, 'profit': 100},
           {'id': 'b', 'deadline': 1, 'profit': 19},
           {'id': 'c', 'deadline': 2, 'profit': 27},
           {'id': 'd', 'deadline': 1, 'profit': 25},
           {'id': 'e', 'deadline': 3, 'profit': 15}]
    n = len(arr)
    print("Following jobs need to be",
          "executed for maximum profit")
    printjobscheduling(arr, n)
# This code is contributed by Rajat Srivastava

Following jobs need to be executed for maximum profit
a c e