计算给定字符串中长度为 3 的子序列
给定一个长度为 n 的字符串和一个长度为 3 的子序列。求子序列在该字符串中出现的总次数。
例子 :
Input : string = "GFGFGYSYIOIWIN",
subsequence = "GFG"
Output : 4
Explanation : There are 4 such subsequences as shown:
Input : string = "GFGGGZZYNOIWIN",
subsequence = "GFG"
Output : 3
// C++ program to find number of occurrences of
// a subsequence of length 3
using namespace std;
// Function to find number of occurrences of
// a subsequence of length three in a string
int findOccurrences(string str, string substr)
// variable to store no of occurrences
int counter = 0;
// loop to find first character
for (int i=0;i
// Java program to find number of occurrences of
// a subsequence of length 3
import java.util.*;
import java.lang.*;
public class GfG{
// Function to find number of occurrences of
// a subsequence of length three in a string
public static int findOccurrences(String str1, String substr1)
// variable to store no of occurrences
int counter = 0;
char[] str = str1.toCharArray();
char[] substr = substr1.toCharArray();
// loop to find first character
for (int i=0; i < str1.length(); i++)
if (str[i] == substr[0])
// loop to find 2nd character
for (int j = i+1; j < str1.length(); j++)
if (str[j] == substr[1])
// loop to find 3rd character
for (int k = j+1; k < str1.length(); k++)
// increment count if subsequence
// is found
if (str[k] == substr[2])
return counter;
// Driver function
public static void main(String argc[]){
String str = "GFGFGYSYIOIWIN";
String substr = "GFG";
System.out.println(findOccurrences(str, substr));
/* This code is contributed by Sagar Shukla */
# Python program to find
# number of occurrences
# of a subsequence of
# length 3
# Function to find number
# of occurrences of a
# subsequence of length
# three in a string
def findOccurrences(str, substr) :
# variable to store
# no of occurrences
counter = 0
# loop to find
# first character
for i in range(0, len(str)) :
if (str[i] == substr[0]) :
# loop to find
# 2nd character
for j in range(i + 1,
len(str)) :
if (str[j] == substr[1]) :
# loop to find
# 3rd character
for k in range(j + 1,
len(str)) :
# increment count if
# subsequence is found
if (str[k] == substr[2]) :
counter = counter + 1
return counter
# Driver Code
substr = "GFG"
print (findOccurrences(str, substr))
# This code is contributed by
# Manish Shaw(manishshaw1)
// C# program to find number of occurrences of
// a subsequence of length 3
using System;
public class GfG {
// Function to find number of occurrences of
// a subsequence of length three in a string
public static int findOccurrences(string str1,
string substr1)
// variable to store no of occurrences
int counter = 0;
//char[] str = str1.toCharArray();
//char[] substr = substr1.toCharArray();
// loop to find first character
for (int i=0; i < str1.Length; i++)
if (str1[i] == substr1[0])
// loop to find 2nd character
for (int j = i+1; j < str1.Length; j++)
if (str1[j] == substr1[1])
// loop to find 3rd character
for (int k = j+1; k < str1.Length; k++)
// increment count if subsequence
// is found
if (str1[k] == substr1[2])
return counter;
// Driver function
public static void Main()
string str1 = "GFGFGYSYIOIWIN";
string substr1 = "GFG";
Console.WriteLine(findOccurrences(str1, substr1));
/* This code is contributed by vt_m */
// C++ program to find number of occurrences of
// a subsequence of length 3
using namespace std;
// Function to find number of occurrences of
// a subsequence of length three in a string
int findOccurrences(string str, string substr)
// calculate length of string
int n = str.length();
// auxiliary array to store occurrences of
// first character
int preLeft[n] = {0};
// auxiliary array to store occurrences of
// third character
int preRight[n] = {0};
if (str[0]==substr[0])
// calculate occurrences of first character
// upto ith index from left
for (int i=1;i=0;i--)
if (str[i]==substr[2])
preRight[i] = preRight[i+1] + 1;
preRight[i] = preRight[i+1];
// variable to store total number of occurrences
int counter = 0;
// loop to find the occurrences of middle element
for (int i=1; i
// Java program to find number of occurrences of
// a subsequence of length 3
import java.util.*;
import java.lang.*;
public class GfG{
// Function to find number of occurrences of
// a subsequence of length three in a string
public static int findOccurrences(String str1, String substr1)
// calculate length of string
int n = str1.length();
char[] str = str1.toCharArray();
char[] substr = substr1.toCharArray();
// auxiliary array to store occurrences of
// first character
int[] preLeft = new int[n];
// auxiliary array to store occurrences of
// third character
int[] preRight = new int[n];
if (str[0] == substr[0])
// calculate occurrences of first character
// upto ith index from left
for (int i = 1; i < n; i++)
if (str[i] == substr[0])
preLeft[i] = preLeft[i-1] + 1;
preLeft[i] = preLeft[i-1];
if (str[n-1] == substr[2])
// calculate occurrences of third character
// upto ith index from right
for(int i = n-2; i >= 0; i--)
if (str[i] == substr[2])
preRight[i] = preRight[i+1] + 1;
preRight[i] = preRight[i+1];
// variable to store total number of occurrences
int counter = 0;
// loop to find the occurrences of middle element
for (int i = 1; i < n-1; i++)
// if middle character of subsequence is found
// in the string
if (str[i] == str[1])
// multiply the total occurrences of first
// character before middle character with
// the total occurrences of third character
// after middle character
int total = preLeft[i-1] * preRight[i+1];
counter += total;
return counter;
// Driver function
public static void main(String argc[]){
String str = "GFGFGYSYIOIWIN";
String substr = "GFG";
System.out.println(findOccurrences(str, substr));
/* This code is contributed by Sagar Shukla */
# Python 3 program to find number of
# occurrences of a subsequence of length 3
# Function to find number of occurrences of
# a subsequence of length three in a string
def findOccurrences(str1, substr):
# calculate length of string
n = len(str1)
# auxiliary array to store occurrences of
# first character
preLeft = [0 for i in range(n)]
# auxiliary array to store occurrences of
# third character
preRight = [0 for i in range(n)]
if (str1[0] == substr[0]):
preLeft[0] += 1
# calculate occurrences of first character
# upto ith index from left
for i in range(1, n):
if (str1[i] == substr[0]):
preLeft[i] = preLeft[i - 1] + 1
preLeft[i] = preLeft[i - 1]
if (str1[n - 1] == substr[2]):
preRight[n - 1] += 1
# calculate occurrences of third character
# upto ith index from right
i = n - 2
while(i >= 0):
if (str1[i] == substr[2]):
preRight[i] = preRight[i + 1] + 1
preRight[i] = preRight[i + 1]
i -= 1
# variable to store
# total number of occurrences
counter = 0
# loop to find the occurrences
# of middle element
for i in range(1, n - 1):
# if middle character of subsequence
# is found in the string
if (str1[i] == str1[1]):
# multiply the total occurrences of first
# character before middle character with
# the total occurrences of third character
# after middle character
total = preLeft[i - 1] * preRight[i + 1]
counter += total
return counter
# Driver code
if __name__ == '__main__':
substr = "GFG"
print(findOccurrences(str1, substr))
# This code is contributed by
# Surendra_Gangwar
// C# program to find number of occurrences of
// a subsequence of length 3
using System;
public class GfG {
// Function to find number of occurrences of
// a subsequence of length three in a string
public static int findOccurrences(string str1,
string substr1)
// calculate length of string
int n = str1.Length;
// char[] str = str1.toCharArray();
// char[] substr = substr1.toCharArray();
// auxiliary array to store occurrences of
// first character
int[] preLeft = new int[n];
// auxiliary array to store occurrences of
// third character
int[] preRight = new int[n];
if (str1[0] == substr1[0])
// calculate occurrences of first character
// upto ith index from left
for (int i = 1; i < n; i++)
if (str1[i] == substr1[0])
preLeft[i] = preLeft[i-1] + 1;
preLeft[i] = preLeft[i-1];
if (str1[n-1] == substr1[2])
// calculate occurrences of third character
// upto ith index from right
for(int i = n-2; i >= 0; i--)
if (str1[i] == substr1[2])
preRight[i] = preRight[i+1] + 1;
preRight[i] = preRight[i+1];
// variable to store total number of occurrences
int counter = 0;
// loop to find the occurrences of middle element
for (int i = 1; i < n-1; i++)
// if middle character of subsequence is found
// in the string
if (str1[i] == str1[1])
// multiply the total occurrences of first
// character before middle character with
// the total occurrences of third character
// after middle character
int total = preLeft[i-1] * preRight[i+1];
counter += total;
return counter;
// Driver function
public static void Main()
string str1 = "GFGFGYSYIOIWIN";
string substr1 = "GFG";
Console.WriteLine(findOccurrences(str1, substr1));
/* This code is contributed by Vt_m */
= 0; $i--)
if ($str[$i] == $substr[2])
$preRight[$i] = ($preRight[$i + 1] + 1);
$preRight[$i] = $preRight[$i + 1];
// variable to store total
// number of occurrences
$counter = 0;
// loop to find the occurrences
// of middle element
for ($i = 1; $i < $n - 1; $i++)
// if middle character of
// subsequence is found
// in the string
if ($str[$i] == $str[1])
// multiply the total occurrences
// of first character before
// middle character with the
// total occurrences of third
// character after middle character
$total = $preLeft[$i - 1] *
$preRight[$i + 1];
$counter += $total;
return $counter;
// Driver Code
$substr = "GFG";
echo findOccurrences($str, $substr);
// This code is contributed by aj_36
输出 :
// C++ program to find number of occurrences of
// a subsequence of length 3
using namespace std;
// Function to find number of occurrences of
// a subsequence of length three in a string
int findOccurrences(string str, string substr)
// calculate length of string
int n = str.length();
// auxiliary array to store occurrences of
// first character
int preLeft[n] = {0};
// auxiliary array to store occurrences of
// third character
int preRight[n] = {0};
if (str[0]==substr[0])
// calculate occurrences of first character
// upto ith index from left
for (int i=1;i=0;i--)
if (str[i]==substr[2])
preRight[i] = preRight[i+1] + 1;
preRight[i] = preRight[i+1];
// variable to store total number of occurrences
int counter = 0;
// loop to find the occurrences of middle element
for (int i=1; i
// Java program to find number of occurrences of
// a subsequence of length 3
import java.util.*;
import java.lang.*;
public class GfG{
// Function to find number of occurrences of
// a subsequence of length three in a string
public static int findOccurrences(String str1, String substr1)
// calculate length of string
int n = str1.length();
char[] str = str1.toCharArray();
char[] substr = substr1.toCharArray();
// auxiliary array to store occurrences of
// first character
int[] preLeft = new int[n];
// auxiliary array to store occurrences of
// third character
int[] preRight = new int[n];
if (str[0] == substr[0])
// calculate occurrences of first character
// upto ith index from left
for (int i = 1; i < n; i++)
if (str[i] == substr[0])
preLeft[i] = preLeft[i-1] + 1;
preLeft[i] = preLeft[i-1];
if (str[n-1] == substr[2])
// calculate occurrences of third character
// upto ith index from right
for(int i = n-2; i >= 0; i--)
if (str[i] == substr[2])
preRight[i] = preRight[i+1] + 1;
preRight[i] = preRight[i+1];
// variable to store total number of occurrences
int counter = 0;
// loop to find the occurrences of middle element
for (int i = 1; i < n-1; i++)
// if middle character of subsequence is found
// in the string
if (str[i] == str[1])
// multiply the total occurrences of first
// character before middle character with
// the total occurrences of third character
// after middle character
int total = preLeft[i-1] * preRight[i+1];
counter += total;
return counter;
// Driver function
public static void main(String argc[]){
String str = "GFGFGYSYIOIWIN";
String substr = "GFG";
System.out.println(findOccurrences(str, substr));
/* This code is contributed by Sagar Shukla */
# Python 3 program to find number of
# occurrences of a subsequence of length 3
# Function to find number of occurrences of
# a subsequence of length three in a string
def findOccurrences(str1, substr):
# calculate length of string
n = len(str1)
# auxiliary array to store occurrences of
# first character
preLeft = [0 for i in range(n)]
# auxiliary array to store occurrences of
# third character
preRight = [0 for i in range(n)]
if (str1[0] == substr[0]):
preLeft[0] += 1
# calculate occurrences of first character
# upto ith index from left
for i in range(1, n):
if (str1[i] == substr[0]):
preLeft[i] = preLeft[i - 1] + 1
preLeft[i] = preLeft[i - 1]
if (str1[n - 1] == substr[2]):
preRight[n - 1] += 1
# calculate occurrences of third character
# upto ith index from right
i = n - 2
while(i >= 0):
if (str1[i] == substr[2]):
preRight[i] = preRight[i + 1] + 1
preRight[i] = preRight[i + 1]
i -= 1
# variable to store
# total number of occurrences
counter = 0
# loop to find the occurrences
# of middle element
for i in range(1, n - 1):
# if middle character of subsequence
# is found in the string
if (str1[i] == str1[1]):
# multiply the total occurrences of first
# character before middle character with
# the total occurrences of third character
# after middle character
total = preLeft[i - 1] * preRight[i + 1]
counter += total
return counter
# Driver code
if __name__ == '__main__':
substr = "GFG"
print(findOccurrences(str1, substr))
# This code is contributed by
# Surendra_Gangwar
// C# program to find number of occurrences of
// a subsequence of length 3
using System;
public class GfG {
// Function to find number of occurrences of
// a subsequence of length three in a string
public static int findOccurrences(string str1,
string substr1)
// calculate length of string
int n = str1.Length;
// char[] str = str1.toCharArray();
// char[] substr = substr1.toCharArray();
// auxiliary array to store occurrences of
// first character
int[] preLeft = new int[n];
// auxiliary array to store occurrences of
// third character
int[] preRight = new int[n];
if (str1[0] == substr1[0])
// calculate occurrences of first character
// upto ith index from left
for (int i = 1; i < n; i++)
if (str1[i] == substr1[0])
preLeft[i] = preLeft[i-1] + 1;
preLeft[i] = preLeft[i-1];
if (str1[n-1] == substr1[2])
// calculate occurrences of third character
// upto ith index from right
for(int i = n-2; i >= 0; i--)
if (str1[i] == substr1[2])
preRight[i] = preRight[i+1] + 1;
preRight[i] = preRight[i+1];
// variable to store total number of occurrences
int counter = 0;
// loop to find the occurrences of middle element
for (int i = 1; i < n-1; i++)
// if middle character of subsequence is found
// in the string
if (str1[i] == str1[1])
// multiply the total occurrences of first
// character before middle character with
// the total occurrences of third character
// after middle character
int total = preLeft[i-1] * preRight[i+1];
counter += total;
return counter;
// Driver function
public static void Main()
string str1 = "GFGFGYSYIOIWIN";
string substr1 = "GFG";
Console.WriteLine(findOccurrences(str1, substr1));
/* This code is contributed by Vt_m */
= 0; $i--)
if ($str[$i] == $substr[2])
$preRight[$i] = ($preRight[$i + 1] + 1);
$preRight[$i] = $preRight[$i + 1];
// variable to store total
// number of occurrences
$counter = 0;
// loop to find the occurrences
// of middle element
for ($i = 1; $i < $n - 1; $i++)
// if middle character of
// subsequence is found
// in the string
if ($str[$i] == $str[1])
// multiply the total occurrences
// of first character before
// middle character with the
// total occurrences of third
// character after middle character
$total = $preLeft[$i - 1] *
$preRight[$i + 1];
$counter += $total;
return $counter;
// Driver Code
$substr = "GFG";
echo findOccurrences($str, $substr);
// This code is contributed by aj_36
输出 :