📜  Python 2048 游戏

📅  最后修改于: 2022-05-13 01:55:18.206000             🧑  作者: Mango

Python 2048 游戏

在本文中,我们将查看Python代码和逻辑来设计您在智能手机中经常玩的 2048 游戏。如果您对游戏不熟悉,强烈建议您先玩游戏,以便了解游戏的基本功能。


1.有一个4*4的网格,可以填任意数字。最初,两个随机单元格中填充了 2 个。休息单元是空的。


3.在这个网格压缩之后,任何随机的空单元格都会被 2 填充。

4.按照上述过程,我们必须将元素加倍,并在任何单元格中生成 2048。如果我们能够做到这一点,我们就赢了。

5.但是如果在游戏过程中没有空单元格可以用新的 2 填充,那么游戏就结束了。

在上述过程中,您可以从 2048 游戏的图形用户界面中看到快照。但是所有的逻辑都在主代码中。因此,为了单独理解其背后的逻辑,我们可以假设上述网格是一个 4*4 矩阵(一个四行四列的列表)。您可以在下面看到上述游戏在没有 GUI 的情况下进行输入和输出的方式。

例子 :

Commands are as follows : 
'W' or 'w' : Move Up
'S' or 's' : Move Down
'A' or 'a' : Move Left
'D' or 'd' : Move Right
[0, 0, 0, 0]
[0, 0, 0, 0]
[0, 0, 0, 0]
[0, 0, 2, 0]
Press the command : a
[0, 0, 0, 2]
[0, 0, 0, 0]
[0, 0, 0, 0]
[2, 0, 0, 0]
Press the command : s
[0, 0, 0, 0]
[0, 0, 0, 0]
[0, 0, 2, 0]
[2, 0, 0, 2]
Press the command : d
[0, 0, 0, 0]
[0, 0, 0, 0]
[2, 0, 0, 2]
[0, 0, 0, 4]
Press the command : a
[0, 2, 0, 0]
[0, 0, 0, 0]
[4, 0, 0, 0]
[4, 0, 0, 0]
Press the command : s
[0, 0, 0, 0]
[0, 0, 0, 0]
[0, 0, 0, 0]
[8, 2, 0, 2]
And the series of input output will go on till we lose or win!


  1. 我们将设计每个逻辑函数,例如我们正在执行左滑动,然后我们将通过反转矩阵并执行左滑动将其用于右滑动。
  2. 向上移动可以通过转置然后向左移动来完成。
  3. 下移可以通过转置右移来完成。
  4. 程序中的所有逻辑在评论中都有详细解释。强烈建议浏览所有评论。

我们下面有两个Python文件,一个是 2048.py 包含主要驱动程序代码,另一个是 logic.py 包含所有使用的函数。应在 2048.py 中导入 logic.py 以使用这些功能。只需将两个文件放在同一个文件夹中,然后运行 2048.py 即可完美运行。


# logic.py to be
# imported in the 2048.py file
# importing random package
# for methods to generate random
# numbers.
import random
# function to initialize game / grid
# at the start
def start_game():
    # declaring an empty list then
    # appending 4 list each with four
    # elements as 0.
    mat =[]
    for i in range(4):
        mat.append([0] * 4)
    # printing controls for user
    print("Commands are as follows : ")
    print("'W' or 'w' : Move Up")
    print("'S' or 's' : Move Down")
    print("'A' or 'a' : Move Left")
    print("'D' or 'd' : Move Right")
    # calling the function to add
    # a new 2 in grid after every step
    return mat
# function to add a new 2 in
# grid at any random empty cell
def add_new_2(mat):
   # choosing a random index for
   # row and column.
    r = random.randint(0, 3)
    c = random.randint(0, 3)
    # while loop will break as the
    # random cell chosen will be empty
    # (or contains zero)
    while(mat[r] != 0):
        r = random.randint(0, 3)
        c = random.randint(0, 3)
    # we will place a 2 at that empty
    # random cell.
    mat[r] = 2
# function to get the current
# state of game
def get_current_state(mat):
    # if any cell contains
    # 2048 we have won
    for i in range(4):
        for j in range(4):
            if(mat[i][j]== 2048):
                return 'WON'
    # if we are still left with
    # atleast one empty cell
    # game is not yet over
    for i in range(4):
        for j in range(4):
            if(mat[i][j]== 0):
                return 'GAME NOT OVER'
    # or if no cell is empty now
    # but if after any move left, right,
    # up or down, if any two cells
    # gets merged and create an empty
    # cell then also game is not yet over
    for i in range(3):
        for j in range(3):
            if(mat[i][j]== mat[i + 1][j] or mat[i][j]== mat[i][j + 1]):
                return 'GAME NOT OVER'
    for j in range(3):
        if(mat[3][j]== mat[3][j + 1]):
            return 'GAME NOT OVER'
    for i in range(3):
        if(mat[i][3]== mat[i + 1][3]):
            return 'GAME NOT OVER'
    # else we have lost the game
    return 'LOST'
# all the functions defined below
# are for left swap initially.
# function to compress the grid
# after every step before and
# after merging cells.
def compress(mat):
    # bool variable to determine
    # any change happened or not
    changed = False
    # empty grid
    new_mat = []
    # with all cells empty
    for i in range(4):
        new_mat.append([0] * 4)
    # here we will shift entries
    # of each cell to it's extreme
    # left row by row
    # loop to traverse rows
    for i in range(4):
        pos = 0
        # loop to traverse each column
        # in respective row
        for j in range(4):
            if(mat[i][j] != 0):
                # if cell is non empty then
                # we will shift it's number to
                # previous empty cell in that row
                # denoted by pos variable
                new_mat[i][pos] = mat[i][j]
                if(j != pos):
                    changed = True
                pos += 1
    # returning new compressed matrix
    # and the flag variable.
    return new_mat, changed
# function to merge the cells
# in matrix after compressing
def merge(mat):
    changed = False
    for i in range(4):
        for j in range(3):
            # if current cell has same value as
            # next cell in the row and they
            # are non empty then
            if(mat[i][j] == mat[i][j + 1] and mat[i][j] != 0):
                # double current cell value and
                # empty the next cell
                mat[i][j] = mat[i][j] * 2
                mat[i][j + 1] = 0
                # make bool variable True indicating
                # the new grid after merging is
                # different.
                changed = True
    return mat, changed
# function to reverse the matrix
# means reversing the content of
# each row (reversing the sequence)
def reverse(mat):
    new_mat =[]
    for i in range(4):
        for j in range(4):
            new_mat[i].append(mat[i][3 - j])
    return new_mat
# function to get the transpose
# of matrix means interchanging
# rows and column
def transpose(mat):
    new_mat = []
    for i in range(4):
        for j in range(4):
    return new_mat
# function to update the matrix
# if we move / swipe left
def move_left(grid):
    # first compress the grid
    new_grid, changed1 = compress(grid)
    # then merge the cells.
    new_grid, changed2 = merge(new_grid)
    changed = changed1 or changed2
    # again compress after merging.
    new_grid, temp = compress(new_grid)
    # return new matrix and bool changed
    # telling whether the grid is same
    # or different
    return new_grid, changed
# function to update the matrix
# if we move / swipe right
def move_right(grid):
    # to move right we just reverse
    # the matrix
    new_grid = reverse(grid)
    # then move left
    new_grid, changed = move_left(new_grid)
    # then again reverse matrix will
    # give us desired result
    new_grid = reverse(new_grid)
    return new_grid, changed
# function to update the matrix
# if we move / swipe up
def move_up(grid):
    # to move up we just take
    # transpose of matrix
    new_grid = transpose(grid)
    # then move left (calling all
    # included functions) then
    new_grid, changed = move_left(new_grid)
    # again take transpose will give
    # desired results
    new_grid = transpose(new_grid)
    return new_grid, changed
# function to update the matrix
# if we move / swipe down
def move_down(grid):
    # to move down we take transpose
    new_grid = transpose(grid)
    # move right and then again
    new_grid, changed = move_right(new_grid)
    # take transpose will give desired
    # results.
    new_grid = transpose(new_grid)
    return new_grid, changed
# this file only contains all the logic
# functions to be called in main function
# present in the other file

# logic.py to be
# imported in the 2048.py file
# importing random package
# for methods to generate random
# numbers.
import random
# function to initialize game / grid
# at the start
def start_game():
    # declaring an empty list then
    # appending 4 list each with four
    # elements as 0.
    mat =[]
    for i in range(4):
        mat.append([0] * 4)
    # printing controls for user
    print("Commands are as follows : ")
    print("'W' or 'w' : Move Up")
    print("'S' or 's' : Move Down")
    print("'A' or 'a' : Move Left")
    print("'D' or 'd' : Move Right")
    # calling the function to add
    # a new 2 in grid after every step
    return mat
# function to add a new 2 in
# grid at any random empty cell
def add_new_2(mat):
   # choosing a random index for
   # row and column.
    r = random.randint(0, 3)
    c = random.randint(0, 3)
    # while loop will break as the
    # random cell chosen will be empty
    # (or contains zero)
    while(mat[r] != 0):
        r = random.randint(0, 3)
        c = random.randint(0, 3)
    # we will place a 2 at that empty
    # random cell.
    mat[r] = 2
# function to get the current
# state of game
def get_current_state(mat):
    # if any cell contains
    # 2048 we have won
    for i in range(4):
        for j in range(4):
            if(mat[i][j]== 2048):
                return 'WON'
    # if we are still left with
    # atleast one empty cell
    # game is not yet over
    for i in range(4):
        for j in range(4):
            if(mat[i][j]== 0):
                return 'GAME NOT OVER'
    # or if no cell is empty now
    # but if after any move left, right,
    # up or down, if any two cells
    # gets merged and create an empty
    # cell then also game is not yet over
    for i in range(3):
        for j in range(3):
            if(mat[i][j]== mat[i + 1][j] or mat[i][j]== mat[i][j + 1]):
                return 'GAME NOT OVER'
    for j in range(3):
        if(mat[3][j]== mat[3][j + 1]):
            return 'GAME NOT OVER'
    for i in range(3):
        if(mat[i][3]== mat[i + 1][3]):
            return 'GAME NOT OVER'
    # else we have lost the game
    return 'LOST'
# all the functions defined below
# are for left swap initially.
# function to compress the grid
# after every step before and
# after merging cells.
def compress(mat):
    # bool variable to determine
    # any change happened or not
    changed = False
    # empty grid
    new_mat = []
    # with all cells empty
    for i in range(4):
        new_mat.append([0] * 4)
    # here we will shift entries
    # of each cell to it's extreme
    # left row by row
    # loop to traverse rows
    for i in range(4):
        pos = 0
        # loop to traverse each column
        # in respective row
        for j in range(4):
            if(mat[i][j] != 0):
                # if cell is non empty then
                # we will shift it's number to
                # previous empty cell in that row
                # denoted by pos variable
                new_mat[i][pos] = mat[i][j]
                if(j != pos):
                    changed = True
                pos += 1
    # returning new compressed matrix
    # and the flag variable.
    return new_mat, changed
# function to merge the cells
# in matrix after compressing
def merge(mat):
    changed = False
    for i in range(4):
        for j in range(3):
            # if current cell has same value as
            # next cell in the row and they
            # are non empty then
            if(mat[i][j] == mat[i][j + 1] and mat[i][j] != 0):
                # double current cell value and
                # empty the next cell
                mat[i][j] = mat[i][j] * 2
                mat[i][j + 1] = 0
                # make bool variable True indicating
                # the new grid after merging is
                # different.
                changed = True
    return mat, changed
# function to reverse the matrix
# means reversing the content of
# each row (reversing the sequence)
def reverse(mat):
    new_mat =[]
    for i in range(4):
        for j in range(4):
            new_mat[i].append(mat[i][3 - j])
    return new_mat
# function to get the transpose
# of matrix means interchanging
# rows and column
def transpose(mat):
    new_mat = []
    for i in range(4):
        for j in range(4):
    return new_mat
# function to update the matrix
# if we move / swipe left
def move_left(grid):
    # first compress the grid
    new_grid, changed1 = compress(grid)
    # then merge the cells.
    new_grid, changed2 = merge(new_grid)
    changed = changed1 or changed2
    # again compress after merging.
    new_grid, temp = compress(new_grid)
    # return new matrix and bool changed
    # telling whether the grid is same
    # or different
    return new_grid, changed
# function to update the matrix
# if we move / swipe right
def move_right(grid):
    # to move right we just reverse
    # the matrix
    new_grid = reverse(grid)
    # then move left
    new_grid, changed = move_left(new_grid)
    # then again reverse matrix will
    # give us desired result
    new_grid = reverse(new_grid)
    return new_grid, changed
# function to update the matrix
# if we move / swipe up
def move_up(grid):
    # to move up we just take
    # transpose of matrix
    new_grid = transpose(grid)
    # then move left (calling all
    # included functions) then
    new_grid, changed = move_left(new_grid)
    # again take transpose will give
    # desired results
    new_grid = transpose(new_grid)
    return new_grid, changed
# function to update the matrix
# if we move / swipe down
def move_down(grid):
    # to move down we take transpose
    new_grid = transpose(grid)
    # move right and then again
    new_grid, changed = move_right(new_grid)
    # take transpose will give desired
    # results.
    new_grid = transpose(new_grid)
    return new_grid, changed
# this file only contains all the logic
# functions to be called in main function
# present in the other file

# 2048.py
# importing the logic.py file
# where we have written all the
# logic functions used.
import logic
# Driver code
if __name__ == '__main__':
# calling start_game function
# to initialize the matrix
    mat = logic.start_game()
    # taking the user input
    # for next step
    x = input("Press the command : ")
    # we have to move up
    if(x == 'W' or x == 'w'):
        # call the move_up function
        mat, flag = logic.move_up(mat)
        # get the current state and print it
        status = logic.get_current_state(mat)
        # if game not ove then continue
        # and add a new two
        if(status == 'GAME NOT OVER'):
        # else break the loop
    # the above process will be followed
    # in case of each type of move
    # below
    # to move down
    elif(x == 'S' or x == 's'):
        mat, flag = logic.move_down(mat)
        status = logic.get_current_state(mat)
        if(status == 'GAME NOT OVER'):
    # to move left
    elif(x == 'A' or x == 'a'):
        mat, flag = logic.move_left(mat)
        status = logic.get_current_state(mat)
        if(status == 'GAME NOT OVER'):
    # to move right
    elif(x == 'D' or x == 'd'):
        mat, flag = logic.move_right(mat)
        status = logic.get_current_state(mat)
        if(status == 'GAME NOT OVER'):
        print("Invalid Key Pressed")
    # print the matrix after each
    # move.


# logic.py to be
# imported in the 2048.py file
# importing random package
# for methods to generate random
# numbers.
import random
# function to initialize game / grid
# at the start
def start_game():
    # declaring an empty list then
    # appending 4 list each with four
    # elements as 0.
    mat =[]
    for i in range(4):
        mat.append([0] * 4)
    # printing controls for user
    print("Commands are as follows : ")
    print("'W' or 'w' : Move Up")
    print("'S' or 's' : Move Down")
    print("'A' or 'a' : Move Left")
    print("'D' or 'd' : Move Right")
    # calling the function to add
    # a new 2 in grid after every step
    return mat
# function to add a new 2 in
# grid at any random empty cell
def add_new_2(mat):
   # choosing a random index for
   # row and column.
    r = random.randint(0, 3)
    c = random.randint(0, 3)
    # while loop will break as the
    # random cell chosen will be empty
    # (or contains zero)
    while(mat[r] != 0):
        r = random.randint(0, 3)
        c = random.randint(0, 3)
    # we will place a 2 at that empty
    # random cell.
    mat[r] = 2
# function to get the current
# state of game
def get_current_state(mat):
    # if any cell contains
    # 2048 we have won
    for i in range(4):
        for j in range(4):
            if(mat[i][j]== 2048):
                return 'WON'
    # if we are still left with
    # atleast one empty cell
    # game is not yet over
    for i in range(4):
        for j in range(4):
            if(mat[i][j]== 0):
                return 'GAME NOT OVER'
    # or if no cell is empty now
    # but if after any move left, right,
    # up or down, if any two cells
    # gets merged and create an empty
    # cell then also game is not yet over
    for i in range(3):
        for j in range(3):
            if(mat[i][j]== mat[i + 1][j] or mat[i][j]== mat[i][j + 1]):
                return 'GAME NOT OVER'
    for j in range(3):
        if(mat[3][j]== mat[3][j + 1]):
            return 'GAME NOT OVER'
    for i in range(3):
        if(mat[i][3]== mat[i + 1][3]):
            return 'GAME NOT OVER'
    # else we have lost the game
    return 'LOST'
# all the functions defined below
# are for left swap initially.
# function to compress the grid
# after every step before and
# after merging cells.
def compress(mat):
    # bool variable to determine
    # any change happened or not
    changed = False
    # empty grid
    new_mat = []
    # with all cells empty
    for i in range(4):
        new_mat.append([0] * 4)
    # here we will shift entries
    # of each cell to it's extreme
    # left row by row
    # loop to traverse rows
    for i in range(4):
        pos = 0
        # loop to traverse each column
        # in respective row
        for j in range(4):
            if(mat[i][j] != 0):
                # if cell is non empty then
                # we will shift it's number to
                # previous empty cell in that row
                # denoted by pos variable
                new_mat[i][pos] = mat[i][j]
                if(j != pos):
                    changed = True
                pos += 1
    # returning new compressed matrix
    # and the flag variable.
    return new_mat, changed
# function to merge the cells
# in matrix after compressing
def merge(mat):
    changed = False
    for i in range(4):
        for j in range(3):
            # if current cell has same value as
            # next cell in the row and they
            # are non empty then
            if(mat[i][j] == mat[i][j + 1] and mat[i][j] != 0):
                # double current cell value and
                # empty the next cell
                mat[i][j] = mat[i][j] * 2
                mat[i][j + 1] = 0
                # make bool variable True indicating
                # the new grid after merging is
                # different.
                changed = True
    return mat, changed
# function to reverse the matrix
# means reversing the content of
# each row (reversing the sequence)
def reverse(mat):
    new_mat =[]
    for i in range(4):
        for j in range(4):
            new_mat[i].append(mat[i][3 - j])
    return new_mat
# function to get the transpose
# of matrix means interchanging
# rows and column
def transpose(mat):
    new_mat = []
    for i in range(4):
        for j in range(4):
    return new_mat
# function to update the matrix
# if we move / swipe left
def move_left(grid):
    # first compress the grid
    new_grid, changed1 = compress(grid)
    # then merge the cells.
    new_grid, changed2 = merge(new_grid)
    changed = changed1 or changed2
    # again compress after merging.
    new_grid, temp = compress(new_grid)
    # return new matrix and bool changed
    # telling whether the grid is same
    # or different
    return new_grid, changed
# function to update the matrix
# if we move / swipe right
def move_right(grid):
    # to move right we just reverse
    # the matrix
    new_grid = reverse(grid)
    # then move left
    new_grid, changed = move_left(new_grid)
    # then again reverse matrix will
    # give us desired result
    new_grid = reverse(new_grid)
    return new_grid, changed
# function to update the matrix
# if we move / swipe up
def move_up(grid):
    # to move up we just take
    # transpose of matrix
    new_grid = transpose(grid)
    # then move left (calling all
    # included functions) then
    new_grid, changed = move_left(new_grid)
    # again take transpose will give
    # desired results
    new_grid = transpose(new_grid)
    return new_grid, changed
# function to update the matrix
# if we move / swipe down
def move_down(grid):
    # to move down we take transpose
    new_grid = transpose(grid)
    # move right and then again
    new_grid, changed = move_right(new_grid)
    # take transpose will give desired
    # results.
    new_grid = transpose(new_grid)
    return new_grid, changed
# this file only contains all the logic
# functions to be called in main function
# present in the other file



# 2048.py
# importing the logic.py file
# where we have written all the
# logic functions used.
import logic
# Driver code
if __name__ == '__main__':
# calling start_game function
# to initialize the matrix
    mat = logic.start_game()
    # taking the user input
    # for next step
    x = input("Press the command : ")
    # we have to move up
    if(x == 'W' or x == 'w'):
        # call the move_up function
        mat, flag = logic.move_up(mat)
        # get the current state and print it
        status = logic.get_current_state(mat)
        # if game not ove then continue
        # and add a new two
        if(status == 'GAME NOT OVER'):
        # else break the loop
    # the above process will be followed
    # in case of each type of move
    # below
    # to move down
    elif(x == 'S' or x == 's'):
        mat, flag = logic.move_down(mat)
        status = logic.get_current_state(mat)
        if(status == 'GAME NOT OVER'):
    # to move left
    elif(x == 'A' or x == 'a'):
        mat, flag = logic.move_left(mat)
        status = logic.get_current_state(mat)
        if(status == 'GAME NOT OVER'):
    # to move right
    elif(x == 'D' or x == 'd'):
        mat, flag = logic.move_right(mat)
        status = logic.get_current_state(mat)
        if(status == 'GAME NOT OVER'):
        print("Invalid Key Pressed")
    # print the matrix after each
    # move.

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