📜  检查边是否是任何最小生成树的一部分

📅  最后修改于: 2022-05-13 01:57:53.900000             🧑  作者: Mango


给定一个二维数组形式的连通无向加权图,其中每一行的类型为[start node, end node, weight]描述一条边,还有两个整数(A, B) 。如果 (A, B) 之间形成的边是图的任何最小生成树 (MST) 的一部分,则返回。


方法:Kruskal 算法和 Prim 算法是两种最常用的算法,可用于查找任何图的 MST。在本文中,解决方案基于 Kruskal 算法。请按照下面提到的步骤使用此方法解决问题:

  1. 使用Kruskal 算法找到整个图的最小生成树成本。
  2. 在检查 MST 中是否包含边 (A, B)时,首先将该边包含在最小生成树中,然后再包含其他边。
  3. 最后检查包括边(A,B)在内的生成树的成本和计算出的 MST 权重是否相同。
  4. 如果成本相同,则边 (A, B)是图的某些 MST 的一部分,否则不是。


# Python program to implement above approach
# Class to implement disjoint set union
class dsu:
    def __init__(self):
        self.parent = {}
        self.rank = {}
    # Function to find parent of a node
    def find(self, x):
        if (x not in self.parent):
            self.rank[x] = 1
            self.parent[x] = x
        if (self.parent[x] != x):
            self.parent[x] = \
        return (self.parent[x])
    # Function to perform union
    def union(self, u, v):
        p1 = self.find(u)
        p2 = self.find(v)
        # If do not belong to same set
        if (p1 != p2):
            if (self.rank[p1]
                    < self.rank[p2]):
                self.parent[p1] = p2
                 > self.rank[p1]):
                self.parent[p2] = p1
                self.parent[p2] = p1
                self.rank[p1] += 1
            return (True)
        # Belong to same set
            return False
class Solution:
    # Find the MST weight
    def kruskal(self, include, edges, a, b):
        obj = dsu()
        total = 0
        # If include is True , then include
        # edge (a,b) first
        if (include):
            for (u, v, wt) in edges:
                # As graph is undirected so
                # (a,b) or (b,a) is same
                # If found break the for loop
                if (u, v) == (a, b) or \
                        (b, a) == (u, v):
                    val = obj.union(a, b)
                    total += wt
        # Go on adding edge to the disjoint set
        for (u, v, wt) in edges:
            # Nodes (u,v) not belong to
            # same set include it
            if (obj.union(u, v)):
                total += wt
        # Finally return total weight of MST
        return (total)
    # Function to find if edge (a, b)
    # is part of any MST
    def solve(self, edges, a, b):
        # Sort edges according to weight
        # in ascending order
        edges.sort(key=lambda it: it[2])
        # Not included edge (a,b)
        overall = self.kruskal(False,
                               edges, a, b)
        # Find mst with edge (a,b) included
        inc = self.kruskal(True,
                           edges, a, b)
        # Finally return True if same
        # else False
        if (inc == overall):
            return (True)
            return (False)
# Driver code
if __name__ == "__main__":
    obj = Solution()
    graph = [[0, 1, 20], [0, 2, 5],
             [0, 3, 10], [2, 3, 10]]
    A, B = 2, 3
    val = obj.solve(graph, A, B)
    if (val):


时间复杂度:O(E * logV)。其中 E 是边数,V 是顶点数。
辅助空间 O(V)