- 印度的消费者通常不熟练且健忘。他们不了解他们的自由。预计有一个框架可以保护他们免受欺骗性商人的侵害。
- 消费者通常是分散的,没有结合在一起。在贪婪的商人面前,他们束手无策。并且制造商和经纪人也是协调和强大的。
- 复制品的供应正在扩大。对于普通人来说,识别真实物品及其模仿是非常具有挑战性的。
- 一些基金经理提供有关物品质量、安全性和实用性的虚假数据。消费者被误导性促销所欺骗,对宣传商品的真实质量没有真正的了解。
- 商人使用欺诈、不道德和垄断贸易做法导致对消费者的剥削。消费者得到有缺陷的、劣质的、不可接受的和劣质的商品和服务。
In India, the consumer movement as a ‘social power’ started with the need of securing and advance the interests of consumers against exploitative and unreasonable exchange practices.
由于大量的努力,印度政府在 1986 年采取了关键性的措施。它执行了 1986 年的《消费者保护法》,即著名的 COPRA。
India has been noticing 24 December as National Consumers’ Day. This day, the Indian Parliament instituted the Consumer Protection Act in 1986.
印度是拥有消费者补救精英法庭的国家之一。印度的消费者运动在协调聚会及其活动的数量方面取得了一些进展。今天,全国有超过 700 个消费者群体,其中 20 多个是高效的,并且因其工作而受到认可。
尽管如此,消费者补救过程正变得尴尬、昂贵和乏味。很多时候,消费者都希望聘请法律顾问。这些案件需要时间来记录和去法院程序等等。在许多购买中,没有给出现金通知,因此证明不难积累。此外,市场上的大多数购买都是小额零售交易。此外,现行法规对因瑕疵商品损害的消费者的赔偿问题也不是很明确。经过 30 多年的 COPRA 订单,印度的消费者正念正以缓慢的方式传播。除此之外,保护工人,特别是在混乱地区的法规的授权是微弱的。此外,经常不遵守商业部门工作的规则和指导方针。
COPRA 的命令促使在焦点和州立法机构中设立独立的消费者事务部门。带有 ISI、Agmark 或 Hallmark 字母的标志可帮助消费者在购买劳动力和产品时获得价值确认
Producers make, or produce, merchandise and offer types of assistance, while consumers are the customers who purchase those labour and products with capital. Consumers can be either an individual or gathering who buy products exclusively for individual use.
The main reasons for the exploitation of people in the market are as follows:
- Adulteration in basic food products like fruits, vegetables, milk etc.
- Producers selling inadequate quality merchandise.
- Producers and businessmen denying for help and assistance.
- Charging extra fees above the maximum retail price, taking the benefit of consumer helplessness.
- Underweighting of the products and goods.
- Not giving the actual bill for the purchase.
问题 3:政府采取了哪些措施来赋予印度消费者权力?
The various initiatives taken by the government are as follows:
- The Right to Information Act(RTI) was passed in the year 2005 so individuals of the country could be made aware regarding the working of the Government
- The Consumer Protection Act (COPRA) was passed by the Government for the security of the customers and to keep them from double-dealing at the market level.
- A buyer Court was set up for individuals where bodies of evidence against any uniqueness with the customer were raised.
A consumer has to deal with various difficulties while taking the consumer movement forward:
- Cumbersome-The consumer redressal process is becoming cumbersome, and therefore difficult to take forward expensive and time-consuming.
- Expensive-Many times, consumers are required to engage a lawyer, who take the large amount of fee
- Time consuming-These cases require time for filing and attending the court proceedings, etc.
问题 5:解释 COPRA 在印度的三层准司法机制?
A three-level quasi-judicial mechanism at the locale, state and public levels was set up under COPRA for redressal of consumer questions.
- The region-level court called District Forum manages the cases including claims up to Rs 20 lakh
- The state-level court called State Commission manages the cases including claims between Rs 20 lakh and Rs 1 crore.
- The public level court is known as the National Commission, manages cases including claims surpassing Rs 1 crore. Assuming a case is excused in area-level court, a customer can likewise bid in the state and in this manner in public level courts.