PyQt5 – 跳转搜索可视化工具
在本文中,我们将看到如何制作一个 PyQt5 应用程序,它将可视化跳转搜索算法。
GUI implementation steps :
1. Create a list of label according to the given list of numbers
2. Set their text, border, color and geometry with respective gap from each other
3. Each label height should be proportional to the value of each number
4. Create a start and pause push button to start the searching and pause the searching
5. Create a result label to show the searching status
Algorithm implementation steps :
1. Create label list corresponding to the given numbers.
2. Create variable for the index for jumping index and index of linear search. Also, a counter and flags for linear and jump searching process.
3. Add action to the push button their action should change the flag status i.e start action should make flag true and pause action should make flag false.
4. Create timer object which calls a method after every specific time.
5. Inside the timer method, check for the flag. If flag is true start the jump search, check for the jump flag if true, start jumping the index.
6. If jump index value is equal to the desired value, make the label green and show the result through label. If index value is greater stop the jumping of index and start the linear search.
7. Check for the index value through linear search, if found show through label, else show result as not found.
# importing libraries
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import *
from PyQt5 import QtCore, QtGui
from PyQt5.QtGui import *
from PyQt5.QtCore import *
import sys
class Window(QMainWindow):
# list of numbers
number = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15]
def __init__(self):
# setting title
self.setWindowTitle("Jump search ")
# setting geometry
self.setGeometry(100, 100, 600, 400)
# calling method
# showing all the widgets
# method for widgets
def UiComponents(self):
# start flag
self.start = False
# linear search and binary search flag
self.linear = False
self.jump = True
# list to hold labels
self.label_list = []
# desired value
self.desired = 11
# step size
self.step = 4
# counter to calculate index
self.counter = 0
# index used to jumping
self.index = 0
# local index for linear search
self.linear_index = 0
# local counter
c = 0
# iterating list of numbers
for i in self.number:
# creating label for each number
label = QLabel(str(i), self)
# adding background color and border
label.setStyleSheet("border : 1px solid black; background : white;")
# aligning the text
# setting geometry using local counter
# first parameter is distance from left and second is distance from top
# third is width and forth is height
label.setGeometry(50 + c * 30, 50, 20, i * 10 + 10)
# adding label to the label list
# incrementing local counter
c = c + 1
# creating push button to start the search
self.search_button = QPushButton("Start Search", self)
# setting geometry of the button
self.search_button.setGeometry(100, 270, 100, 30)
# adding action to the search button
# creating push button to pause the search
pause_button = QPushButton("Pause", self)
# setting geometry of the button
pause_button.setGeometry(100, 320, 100, 30)
# adding action to the search button
# creating label to show the result
self.result = QLabel("To search : " + str(self.desired), self)
# setting geometry
self.result.setGeometry(350, 280, 200, 40)
# setting style sheet
self.result.setStyleSheet("border : 3px solid black;")
# adding font
self.result.setFont(QFont('Times', 10))
# setting alignment
# creating a timer object
timer = QTimer(self)
# adding action to timer
# update the timer every 300 millisecond
# method called by timer
def showTime(self):
# checking if flag is true
if self.start:
# implementing jump search
# implementing jumping gap
if self.jump:
# checking if jump index is greater then the length of list
if self.counter * self.step >= len(self.number):
# setting linear indes
self.linear_index = self.index - self.step
# setting counter value
self.counter = 0
# making jumping false
self.jump = False
# making linear flag true
self.linear = True
# updating the index
self.index = self.step * self.counter
# checking if desired value get found
if self.number[self.index] == self.desired:
# stopping the search
self.start = False
self.jump = False
# show result in the result label
self.result.setText("Found at index : " + str(self.index))
# making the label color green
self.label_list[self.index].setStyleSheet("border : 2px solid green;"
"background-color : lightgreen;")
# if not found
# making the label color grey
self.label_list[self.index].setStyleSheet("border : 1px solid black;"
"background-color : grey;")
# if index value is greater
if self.number[self.index] > self.desired:
# setting linear index
self.linear_index = self.index - self.step
# updating the counter value
self.counter = 0
# making linear flag True
self.linear = True
# stopping the jumping
self.jump = False
# updating the counter
self.counter += 1
# updating the index
self.index = self.step * self.counter
# if index exceeds the limit
if self.counter * self.step >= len(self.number):
# updating the linear search
self.linear_index = self.index - self.step
# updating the counter value
self.counter = 0
# stopping the jumping
self.jump = False
# starting linear search
self.linear = True
# linear search
if self.linear:
# if counter become equal to steop
if self.counter == self.step:
# stop the search
self.start = False
# show result i.e not found
self.result.setText("Not found")
# if linear index is negative
if self.linear_index < 0:
# making it zero
self.linear_index = 0
# checking value if found
if self.number[self.counter + self.linear_index] == self.desired:
# stop the search
self.linear = False
self.start = False
# show result
self.result.setText("Found at index : " + str(self.counter +
# make label color green
self.label_list[self.counter + self.linear_index].setStyleSheet(
"border : 2px solid green;"
"background-color : lightgreen;")
# if not found
# make label color grey
self.label_list[self.counter + self.linear_index].setStyleSheet(
"border : 1px solid black;"
" background-color : grey;")
# updating the counter
self.counter += 1
# method called by search button
def search_action(self):
# making flag true
self.start = True
# showing text in result label
self.result.setText("Started searching...")
# method called by pause button
def pause_action(self):
# making flag false
self.start = False
# showing text in result label
# create pyqt5 app
App = QApplication(sys.argv)
# create the instance of our Window
window = Window()
# start the app
输出 :