民众选择一个或多个人担任公职的正式集体决策过程称为选举。自 17 世纪以来,选举一直是当代代议制民主运作的基本方式。可以举行选举以填补立法机关、行政机关和司法机关的职位,以及地区和市政行政部门的职位。
在现代代议制民主国家中,选举被普遍用作选择代表的工具,而在古代雅典,选举被视为寡头制度,大多数政治职位通过抽签填补,也称为分配,其中官员由很多。选举改革是在现有选举制度不存在的地方建立或改善其公平性和有效性的过程。 Psephology 是对选举结果和其他统计数据的研究(尤其是为了预测未来的结果)。选举是指选举或被选举的行为。
- Every democracy holds elections on a regular basis.
- Elections are held in over 100 nations throughout the world to elect representatives of the populace.
- Election is a system in which voters elect their representatives at regular intervals and can switch them out whenever they want.
- Elections are a method of electing representatives to various government posts through the use of ballots.
- Elections, in which the adult population of a country elects the people’s representatives, are the bedrock of democracy.
在印度,政府分为三层:中央政府、邦政府和地方政府。选举国会议员的选举,称为 Lok Sabha 选举,在国家一级举行。该国分为 543 个选区进行 Lok Sabha 选举,每个选区选举一名国会议员 (MP)。议会选举在州一级举行;然而,与联邦级别不同的是,每个州都被组织成不同数量的议会选区。 The Member of Legislative Assembly is the elected representative in the assembly election (MLA).同样,在地方一级选举 Panchayat(农村)地区的 Pradhan 和市政(城市)地区的顾问职位。每个村或镇划分为若干个选区(相当于选区),每个选区选举一名村或城市地方团体成员。
选举对于民主来说是必要的,因为它们让人们感到自由并选择他们的政府。自由和公平的选举至关重要,因为它们与人们投票和选择他们认为最适合管理该县事务的代表的愿望直接相关。重要的政府选择将取决于人民对代表的选择。他们还选举将监督政府和法律的政党。每个社区和国家都迫切需要选举。如果人们对现任政府的统治不满意,他们可以用一个有强大法律和执政能力的候选人来取代它。然后人们根据自己的喜好投票。 Representatives who are elected to rule should use their position to suit the needs and interests of residents.定期举行的选举至关重要,因为它们显示了现任政府是否会继续掌权或改变。
- 选举是最有效的间接民主方法,因为它鼓励人们投票给代表,然后由他们代表他们通过法律。
- 人们将投票给那些将对政府产生影响并做出重要决定的人。
- 他们将投票支持其政策将指导治理和立法形成的政党。
- 选举确保权力从一种政府形式顺利传递到另一种政府形式。如果人们对当前的政府、政策或运行方式不满意,人们总是可以提议另一个政党组建政府。
- Elections ensure that no government is elected for an infinite period of time, resulting in tyranny.
- 选举使公民能够参与其国家的事务,同时保持政治活跃和意识。
- 它迫使政客为人民的最大利益行事。
- 他们对谁制定影响他们的法律有发言权。
- 他们有能力选择谁组成政府并做出重大决定。
- 他们可以选择政策将影响政府和立法进程的政党。
世界上最大的两个民主国家是印度和美国。虽然次大陆系统只有大约 70 年的历史,但在美国使用的系统已经使用了大约 240 年。这些系统意味着不同国家的居民在谁上台以及如何实施政策方面拥有重要的发言权。然而,这两个民主国家的选举进程是它们最重要的特征之一。
- 政党包括:如果你一直关注最近的美国大选,你就会知道这个国家的两个最强大的政党,无论是在影响力上还是在人气上,都是共和党和民主党。共和党和民主党就是这些政党,每个政党都基于不同的哲学。尽管存在其他政党,例如自由党和绿党,但它们通常被视为异常值并被称为独立实体。然而,在印度体制中,全国知名的政党并不多。虽然国大党是迄今为止最受欢迎的,但就受欢迎程度而言,印度人民党紧随其后。除了这两个之外,印度还有大量的地区政党,其中许多政党因州而异。例如,在泰米尔纳德邦,人民党和国会都没有影响力,因为该州由地区政党治理,如 AIADMK 和 DMK 等。另一方面,这些政党中的大多数并不认同某种哲学,而是根据舆论、需要和要求制定政策。
- 投票制度:两国都有强大的投票制度,但美国的投票制度远比印度的灵活和先进。
此外,在这两个国家,选票的扫描和计票都是以类似的方式进行的。 - 选举委员会:印度和美国都有负责举办选举的自治选举委员会。联邦选举委员会和美国选举援助委员会是美国的两个联邦机构(EAC)。但是,由于它们的任务主要限于制定竞选融资立法,这些机构无权施加控制。另一方面,印度选举委员会 (ECI) 拥有更大的让步权,因为它负责组织选举、计票、制定财务条例,并争取警察和国内军队的协助以确保投票过程尽可能无事故。
- 投票率:与美国相比,印度的投票率要高得多。例如,以下是两国最近一次全国大选的结果。在最近结束的选举中,美国只有 61.8% 的合格选民投票,而印度为 66.8%。此外,美国的投票人口主要是 65 岁以上的老年人,他们的投票率比 18-24 岁年龄组多 25%。基于这些数据,我们可以合理地推断,印度和美国有很多可以相互学习的地方。例如,美国需要更好地吸引青年参与,而印度需要让公民更容易参与投票。
An election is democratic if the following conditions are met :
- Elections must be held every five years on a regular basis.
- Each eligible voter is entitled to one vote of equal value.
- There should be more than one political party to provide voters a meaningful choice.
- Elections should be held in a free and fair way, with people having complete right to vote for whomever they want.
问题 2:写出你能想到的任何五个选举缺陷。
The disadvantages of electoral competitiveness are as follows:
- In every community, an electoral competition develops a sense of divisiveness and factionalism.
- The pressure of winning an election prevents appropriate long-term policy from being developed.
- Some fine people do not run for office because they believe that voting on communal and caste lines undermines democracy.
- In order to win elections, different political parties and candidates frequently utilize dirty methods (such as offering money or booze to the poor).
Elections are held simultaneously or within a few days in all constituencies. This is what is referred to as a general election. A single constituency election is held to fill a vacancy created by the death or resignation of a member. This is referred to as a by-election. General Election By-election Elections are held on a regular basis every five years. Elections are held within six months of the date the seat becomes vacant. Representatives chosen in general elections are elected for a full five-year term, not just for the remainder of the house’s tenure. The by-election representative is chosen for the remainder of the term of the house, not for five years.
问题 4:什么是通用成人特许经营权,它是如何运作的?为什么它在印度如此受欢迎?
Franchise refers to the right to vote and express one’s preferences. The Universal Adult Franchise occurs when every adult in a state is given the ability to vote or a franchise.
The following are some of the reasons why India should embrace Universal Adult Franchise:
- It broadens democracy, enhancing the common people’s self-respect and pride.
- It ensured that all members of society were treated equally in terms of political power.
- It helps minorities to defend and protect their interests, ensuring that they have an equal say in decisions that impact them.
问题 5:描述印度选举委员会的任何三项职能。
The Election Commission of India has three key functions:
- It makes decisions on all aspects of election conduct and control.
- It is in charge of enforcing the code of conduct and can sanction any candidate or political party who breaks it.
- It is in charge of the government officials assigned to election duties.