SymPy | Python中的 Polyhedron.pgroup()
Polyhedron.pgroup() :pgroup()是一个 sympy Python库函数,它返回多面体的排列。
Syntax : sympy.combinatorics.Polyhedrons.Polyhedron.pgroup()
Return : permutations of the Polyhedron.
代码 #1:pgroup() 示例——四面体
# Python code explaining
# SymPy.Polyhedron.pgroup()
# importing SymPy libraries
from sympy.combinatorics import Permutation, Cycle
from sympy.combinatorics.polyhedron import tetrahedron, octahedron
# Using from
# sympy.combinatorics.polyhedron.Polyhedron.pgroup()
# Creating Polyhedron
a = tetrahedron.copy()
print ("Polyhedron - pgroup form : ", a.pgroup)
print ("\nPolyhedron - pgroup form : ", a.pgroup)
输出 :
Polyhedron – pgroup form : PermutationGroup([
(1 2 3),
(3)(0 1 2),
(0 3 2),
(0 3 1),
(0 1)(2 3),
(0 2)(1 3),
(0 3)(1 2)])
Polyhedron – pgroup form : PermutationGroup([
(1 2 3),
(3)(0 1 2),
(0 3 2),
(0 3 1),
(0 1)(2 3),
(0 2)(1 3),
(0 3)(1 2)])
代码 #2:pgroup() 示例 – 八面体
# Python code explaining
# SymPy.Polyhedron.pgroup()
# importing SymPy libraries
from sympy.combinatorics import Permutation, Cycle
from sympy.combinatorics.polyhedron import tetrahedron, octahedron
# Using from
# sympy.combinatorics.polyhedron.Polyhedron.pgroup()
# Creating Polyhedron
a = octahedron.copy()
print ("Polyhedron - pgroup form : ", a.pgroup)
print ("\nPolyhedron - pgroup form : ", a.pgroup)
输出 :
Polyhedron – pgroup form : PermutationGroup([
(5)(1 2 3 4),
(0 4 5 2),
(0 1 5 3),
(0 1)(2 4)(3 5),
(0 2)(1 3)(4 5),
(0 3)(1 5)(2 4),
(0 4)(1 3)(2 5),
(0 5)(1 4)(2 3),
(0 5)(1 2)(3 4),
(0 4 1)(2 3 5),
(0 1 2)(3 4 5),
(0 2 3)(1 5 4),
(0 4 3)(1 5 2)])
Polyhedron – pgroup form : PermutationGroup([
(5)(1 2 3 4),
(0 4 5 2),
(0 1 5 3),
(0 1)(2 4)(3 5),
(0 2)(1 3)(4 5),
(0 3)(1 5)(2 4),
(0 4)(1 3)(2 5),
(0 5)(1 4)(2 3),
(0 5)(1 2)(3 4),
(0 4 1)(2 3 5),
(0 1 2)(3 4 5),
(0 2 3)(1 5 4),
(0 4 3)(1 5 2)])