Python Bokeh – 在图形上绘制椭圆
Bokeh 是一个Python交互式数据可视化。它使用 HTML 和 JavaScript 渲染其绘图。它针对现代 Web 浏览器进行演示,提供具有高性能交互性的新颖图形的优雅、简洁构造。
Bokeh 可用于在图形上绘制椭圆。可以使用plotting
Syntax : oval(parameters)
Parameters :
- x : x-coordinates of the center of the oval markers
- y : y-coordinates of the center of the oval markers
- width : width of the oval markers
- height : height of the oval markers
- width_units : unit of the width of the oval markers
- height_units : unit of the height of the oval markers
- angle : angle of rotation of the oval markers, default is 0
- angle_units : unit of the angle, default is rad
- fill_alpha : fill alpha value of the oval markers
- fill_color : fill color value of the oval markers
- line_alpha : percentage value of line alpha, default is 1
- line_cap : value of line cap for the line, default is butt
- line_color : color of the line, default is black
- line_dash : value of line dash such as : solid, dashed, dotted, dotdash, dashdot [default is solid ]
- line_dash_offset : value of line dash offset, default is 0
- line_join : value of line join, default in bevel
- line_width : value of the width of the line, default is 1
- name : user-supplied name for the model
- tags : user-supplied values for the model
Other Parameters :
- alpha : sets all alpha keyword arguments at once
- color : sets all color keyword arguments at once
- legend_field : name of a column in the data source that should be used
- legend_group : name of a column in the data source that should be used
- legend_label : labels the legend entry
- muted : determines whether the glyph should be rendered as muted or not, default is False
- name : optional user-supplied name to attach to the renderer
- source : user-supplied data source
- view : view for filtering the data source
- visible : determines whether the glyph should be rendered or not, default is True
- x_range_name : name of an extra range to use for mapping x-coordinates
- y_range_name : name of an extra range to use for mapping y-coordinates
- level : specifies the render level order for this glyph
Returns : an object of class GlyphRenderer
示例 1:在此示例中,我们将使用默认值来绘制图形。
# importing the modules
from bokeh.plotting import figure, output_file, show
# file to save the model
# instantiating the figure object
graph = figure(title = "Bokeh Oval Graph")
# the points to be plotted
x = [-5, -4, -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
y = [i ** 2 for i in x]
# plotting the graph
graph.oval(x, y,
height = 0.5,
width = 1)
# displaying the model
输出 :
示例 2:在此示例中,我们将在其他参数旁边绘制带有虚线的椭圆,并且六边形的大小与其值成正比。
# importing the modules
from bokeh.plotting import figure, output_file, show
# file to save the model
# instantiating the figure object
graph = figure(title = "Bokeh Oval Graph")
# name of the x-axis
graph.xaxis.axis_label = "x-axis"
# name of the y-axis
graph.yaxis.axis_label = "y-axis"
# the points to be plotted
x = [-5, -4, -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
y = [i ** 2 for i in x]
# width of the ovals
height = [i * 2 for i in y]
# angle of the ovals
width = [i * 2.5 for i in y]
# angle of the ovals
angle = 10
# fill color value
fill_color = None
# color of the line
line_color = "red"
# type of line
line_dash = "dotted"
# offset of line dash
line_dash_offset = 1
# width of the dashes
line_width = 10
# name of the legend
legend_label = "Sample Ovals"
# plotting the graph
graph.oval(x, y,
height = height,
width = width,
angle = angle,
fill_color = fill_color,
line_color = line_color,
line_dash = line_dash,
line_dash_offset = line_dash_offset,
line_width = line_width,
legend_label = legend_label)
# displaying the model
输出 :