📜  PYGLET – 释放玩家资源

📅  最后修改于: 2022-05-13 01:55:48.217000             🧑  作者: Mango

PYGLET – 释放玩家资源

在本文中,我们将看到如何在Python中释放 PYGLET 模块的播放器资源。 Pyglet 是一个易于使用但功能强大的库,用于开发视觉丰富的 GUI 应用程序,如游戏、多媒体等。窗口是占用操作系统资源的“重量级”对象。 Windows 可能显示为浮动区域,也可以设置为填充整个屏幕(全屏)。该模块允许应用程序指定资源的搜索路径。 Pyglet 可以播放 WAV 文件,如果安装了 FFmpeg,还有很多其他的音频和视频格式。播放由 Player 类处理,该类从 Source 对象读取原始数据并提供暂停、搜索、调整音量等方法。释放此播放器获取的资源,意味着内部音频播放器和纹理将与播放器资源一起删除。


# creating a window
window = pyglet.window.Window(width, height, title)

# creating a player for media
player = pyglet.media.Player()


# importing pyglet module
import pyglet
# width of window 
width = 800
# height of window 
height = 500
# caption i.e title of the window 
title = "Geeksforgeeks"
# creating a window 
window = pyglet.window.Window(width, height, title) 
# video path
vidPath ="gfg.mp4"
# creating a media player object
player = pyglet.media.Player()
# creating a source object
source = pyglet.media.StreamingSource()
# load the media from the source
MediaLoad = pyglet.media.load(vidPath)
# add this media in the queue
# loading a new media
media = pyglet.media.load("media.mp4")
# add this media in the queue
# play the video
# on draw event
def on_draw():
    # clea the window
    # if player sorce exist
    # and video format exist
    if player.source and player.source.video_format:
        # get the texture of video and
        # make surface to display on the screen
        player.get_texture().blit(0, 0)
# key press event     
def on_key_press(symbol, modifier): 
    # key "p" get press 
    if symbol == pyglet.window.key.P: 
        # pause the video
        # printing message
        print("Video is paused")
    # key "r" get press 
    if symbol == pyglet.window.key.R: 
        # resume the video
        # printing message
        print("Video is resumed")
# run the pyglet application
# deleting resources of player

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