- 身体势能中的能量被定义为该位置的能量。当外力改变身体的位置时,能量转移等于身体上的力所做的功。
- 重力所做的功与位置变化发生的方向无关,这表明它是一种守恒力。
- 此外,这些力量中的每一种都具有强大的潜力。因此,在无限大的物体中,引力影响为 0,势能为零,称为参考点。
- 地球表面物体的重力加速度约为 9.8 m/s 2是重力势能的最常见用途。
Gravitational Potential Energy is described as the energy of a body that arises from the gravitational force, that is, when the gravitational force acts on a body and that force produces a type of potential energy known as gravitational potential energy. Now, if the position changes due to force, the amount of work done on the body by the force is the change in potential energy.
假设我们有两个项目,一个是 A,另一个是 B。现在,假设 B 的位置仅由于某种力而发生变化。假设 M 的位置由于重力而发生变化,随后势能发生变化。万有引力所做的功等于物体位置的变化。
因此,重力所做的功将等于从 P 到 Q 的势能变化。假设 P 是位置 1,Q 是位置 2。在这种情况下,将物品从位置 1 到位置 2 等于势能的变化,等于点 2 的势能减去点 1 的势能。
- 将物体从无穷远处带到那个位置所做的每单位质量的功称为引力势。
- U 是它的符号。
- J/Kg是引力势的国际单位制单位。
- 它是由万有引力产生的势体。如果位置由于力而改变,势能的变化就是力对身体所做的功。
在数学上,重力势能由物体质量 (m)、重力加速度 (g) 和离地高度 (h) 的乘积给出:
GPE,V = 毫克小时
- 当物体从地球表面升高到一定高度时,在物体上所做的工作由表达来表示。
W = mgh
其中 m 是物体的质量。
- 物体在地面标签中所做的功为零,因为它的高度为零。
W = 0,在 h = 0
因为身体在地面标签中时的高度为 0,所以对其所做的工作为零。
- 当对物体施加力时,它会改变其位置。对身体所做的功等于身体势能的变化。考虑一个物体,它从高度 h1 的点垂直运输到高度 h2 的位置。通过两地之间的高度将其抬高时所施加的力所做的功等于此时重力势能的差。
W = mgh 2 – mgh 1
当一个粒子在无限短的距离上传输时,博士。引力对第二个粒子所做的功用-Fdr 表示。
dW = -Fdr ……(1)
其中 F 是作用在粒子上的引力,由下式给出,
F = G 米1米2 / r 2
其中 G 是引力常数,m 1和 m 2分别是接触的两个粒子的质量。
在等式(1)中代入 F,我们得到,
dW = -(G m 1 m 2 ) dr / r 2 ……(2)
dU = -dW = (G m 1 m 2 ) dr / r 2 ……(3)
当第二个粒子从 B 到 C 时,双粒子系统的引力势能变化是距离 r 的函数,并表示为:
Gravitational Potential Energy at a Height h: When an object is taken off from the earth’s surface to a point ‘h’ above the earth’s surface, then, r1 = r2
And r2 = R +h
ΔU = Gm1 m2 [1/R – 1/(R+h)]
ΔU = Gm1 m2h/R(R + h)
For very very small value of h, g = GM/R2
On Substituting, we get-
ΔU = mgh
问题 1:距地球表面 5 × 10 4 km 处的引力场强度为 4 N/kg。计算此时的引力势。
The gravitational field intensity is given by,
E = F / m
4 N/kg = (G × M × m) / (r2 × m)
= (G × M) / r2, where r is the distance between the centre of the earth and the body.
i.e. r = R + 5×104 km, R is the radius of the Earth, R = 6.4 × 106 m.
So, r = 6.4 × 106 + 5 × 107 m
= 5.64 × 107 m
4 N/kg = (G × M) / (5.64 × 107)2
4 N/kg × (5.64 × 107)2 = G × M
This implies,
Gravitational Potential (V) = -(G × M) / r
= – (4 × (5.64 × 107)2 ) / (5.64 × 107) J/kg
V = – 2.256 × 108 J/kg.
问题 2:推导出将物体从地球表面移动到无限远(即超出地球引力场)所做的功的表达式。
We know Work done (W) = Force × displacement.
But we cannot use this formula directly because gravitational force is not constant. This formula works when force remains constant throughout the motion.
Therefore we will use integration as,
dW = F × dr
dW = (G × M × m / r2) × dr, dr is small change in r
Integrating W from R to infinity because the body is being moved from the earth’s surface to infinity.
W = R∫∞ ((G × M × m) / r2 ) × dr
W = (GMm) / R
We know acceleration due to gravity at the surface of the earth is given by,
g = (G× M) / R2
9.8 = (6.67 × 10-11 × M) / (6.38 × 106)2,
where G is the Universal Gravitational Constant, R is the radius of the earth, g is the acceleration due to gravity and M is the mass of earth.
M = (9.8 × (6.38× 106)2) / (6.67 ×10-11)
M = 5.98 × 1024 kg
问题 4:讨论重力加速度随高度和深度的变化。
Acceleration due to gravity is maximum at the surface of the earth. It decreases with the increase in altitude and depth.
Variation of g with altitude:
g’ = g – ((2 h g) / R) —(1)
Considering equation (1), it is clear that with the increase in height t(h) value of g’ decreases because 2, g and R are constants.
g’ is the acceleration due to gravity at a height h from the surface of the earth, g is the acceleration due to gravity at the surface of the earth, g = 9.8 m/s2, and R is the radius of the earth,
R = 6.38 × 106 m
Variation of g with depth:
g’ = g (1 -(d/R)) —(2)
Considering equation (2), it is clear that with the increase in depth(d) value of g’ decreases because g and R are constants.
g’ is the acceleration due to gravity at a depth d from the surface of the earth, g is a constant i.e. it is the acceleration due to gravity at the surface of the earth, g = 9.8 m/s2 and R is the radius of the earth.
Hence the acceleration due to gravity is maximum at the surface of the earth.
问题 5:一个 10 kg 的积木从 20 m 的高度自由落体。确定重力所做的功和重力势能的变化。考虑重力加速度为 10 m/s 2 。
We know that,
The work done by the force of gravity, W = mgh
where m is mass, g is the gravitational acceleration and h is the height.
Substituting the values in the above equation, we get
W = 10 kg × 20 m × 10 m/s2
= 200 N
The change in gravitational potential energy is equal to the work done by gravity.
Therefore, Gravitational Potential Energy is also equal to 200 Joule.