MATLAB 中的数值类型
MATLAB 中的 Numeric 类包括有符号和无符号整数、单精度浮点数和双精度浮点数。通常,MATLAB 将所有数值存储为双精度浮点数。但是,我们可以选择将任何数字或数字数组存储为整数或单精度,以获得更好的内存利用率。所有数值类型都允许基本的数组操作,例如索引等。
Data type | Description | Size | Typical range |
double | Double-precision (floating-point values) | 8 byte | +/- 1.7e +/- 308 (~15 digits) |
single | Single-precision (floating-point values) | 4 byte | +/- 3.4e +/- 38 (~7 digits) |
int8 | 8 bit signed integer | 1 byte | -128 to 127 |
int16 | 16 bit signed integer | 2 byte | -32768 to 32767 |
int32 | 32 bit signed integer | 4 byte | -2147483648 to 2147483647 |
int64 | Signed integer | 8 byte | -(263) to (263)-1 |
uint16 | Unsigned integer | 2 byte | 0 to 65535 |
uint32 | Unsigned integer | 4 byte | 0 to 4294967295 |
uint64 | Unsigned integer | 8 byte | 0 to 18,446,744,073,709,551,615 |
示例 1 :
% MATLAB code for Numeric Variables
gfg = single([4.4 3.9 6.9]) .* 8.4
gfg = double([4.4 3.9 6.9]) .* 8.4
gfg = int8([4.4 3.9 6.9]) .* 8.4
gfg = int16([4.4 3.9 6.9]) .* 8.4
gfg = int32([4.4 3.9 6.9]) .* 8.4
gfg = int64([4.4 3.9 6.9]) .* 8.4
% MATLAB code for conversion of Numeric Types
gfg = int8([-5 5]);
b= cast(gfg, "uint8")
% MATLAB code for conversion of Numeric Types
gfg = int16(-1)
X = typecast(gfg , 'uint16')
% MATLAB code for Query Type and Value
gfg = isinteger(4)
g = isfloat(pi)
fg = isreal(2 + 7i)
x = isfinite(1 ./0)
y = isinf(1./0)
z = isnan(0./0)
% MATLAB code for Numeric Value Limits
gfg = flintmax
gfg = intmax
gfg = Inf
gfg = intmin
gfg =NaN
gfg = realmax
gfg = 36.960 32.760 57.960
gfg = 36.960 32.760 57.960
gfg = 34 34 59
gfg = 34 34 59
gfg = 34 34 59
gfg = 34 34 59
MATLAB 提供以下函数来转换为各种数值数据类型:
Data type Description Syntax cast Convert data type of one variable to other typecast Convert data type without changing underlying data
示例 2:
% MATLAB code for conversion of Numeric Types
gfg = int8([-5 5]);
b= cast(gfg, "uint8")
Ans: b = 0 5
示例 3:
% MATLAB code for conversion of Numeric Types
gfg = int16(-1)
X = typecast(gfg , 'uint16')
gfg = -1
X = 65535
MATLAB 提供以下数据类型来检查各种数值:
Data type Description Syntax isinteger Determine whether input is integer array TF = isinteger(A) isfloat Determine if input is floating-point array TF = isfloat(A) isnumeric Determine whether input is numeric array TF = isnumeric(A) isreal Determine whether array uses complex storage TF = isreal(A) isfinite Determine which array elements are finite TF = isfinite(A) isinf Determine which array elements are infinite TF = isinf(A) isnan Determine which array elements are NaN(Not a Number) TF = isnan(A)
示例 4:
% MATLAB code for Query Type and Value
gfg = isinteger(4)
g = isfloat(pi)
fg = isreal(2 + 7i)
x = isfinite(1 ./0)
y = isinf(1./0)
z = isnan(0./0)
gfg = 0
g = 1
fg = 0
x = 0
y = 1
z = 1
MATLAB 提供以下类型来检查数值的限制:
Largest consecutive integer in floating-point formatType Description Syntax eps Floating-point relative accuracy flintmax Inf Create array of all Inf values intmax Largest value of specific integer type intmin Smallest value of specified integer type NaN Create array of all Not a Number values realmax Largest positive floating-point number realmin Smallest normalized floating-point number
示例 5:
% MATLAB code for Numeric Value Limits
gfg = flintmax
gfg = intmax
gfg = Inf
gfg = intmin
gfg =NaN
gfg = realmax
gfg = 9.0072e+15
gfg = 2147483647
gfg = Inf
gfg = -2147483648
gfg = NaN
gfg = 1.7977e+308