📅  最后修改于: 2023-12-03 15:41:51.275000             🧑  作者: Mango
跳转指针算法(Jump Pointers Algorithm)也被称为“快速寻路算法”,是一种用于解决网格寻路问题的算法。在有向无环图(DAG)中,跳转指针算法可以快速寻找起点到终点的最短路径。
import numpy as np
def jump_point_search(grid, start, end):
rows, cols = np.shape(grid)
# 用于存储节点的开放列表和关闭列表
open_list = {}
closed_list = {}
def heuristic(a, b):
# 欧氏距离作为启发式函数
return np.sqrt((b[0] - a[0]) ** 2 + (b[1] - a[1]) ** 2)
# 初始化起点和终点
start_node = {'pos': start, 'parent': None, 'g': 0, 'f': heuristic(start, end)}
end_node = {'pos': end, 'parent': None, 'g': 0, 'f': 0}
# 将起点放入open_list中
open_list[start] = start_node
while len(open_list) > 0:
# 从open_list中找出f值最小的节点,并将其从open_list中删除
current_node = min(open_list, key=lambda x: open_list[x]['f'])
del open_list[current_node]
# 将该节点添加到closed_list中
closed_list[current_node] = True
# 如果已经找到了终点,则返回路径
if current_node == end:
path = []
# 遍历父节点,构建路径
while current_node is not None:
current_node = closed_list[current_node]['parent']
return path[::-1]
# 获取当前节点周围的所有节点
neighbors = []
for dx, dy in [(0, 1), (1, 0), (0, -1), (-1, 0)]:
neighbor = (current_node[0] + dx, current_node[1] + dy)
# 检查节点是否在网格中,并且是否为障碍物
if 0 <= neighbor[0] < rows and 0 <= neighbor[1] < cols and grid[neighbor[0]][neighbor[1]] == 0:
# 如果当前节点是起点或终点,或者可以进行跳跃,则将其添加为当前节点的邻居节点
if neighbor == end or (neighbor not in closed_list and can_jump(current_node, neighbor, grid)):
# 计算当前节点到邻居节点的距离
distance = 1
if dx != 0 and dy != 0:
distance = np.sqrt(2)
# 计算当前节点到起点的距离
g = open_list[current_node]['g'] + distance
# 如果邻居节点已经在open_list中,则更新其权重
if neighbor in open_list:
if g < open_list[neighbor]['g']:
open_list[neighbor]['g'] = g
open_list[neighbor]['f'] = g + heuristic(neighbor, end)
open_list[neighbor]['parent'] = current_node
# 否则将节点添加到open_list中
neighbor_node = {'pos': neighbor, 'parent': current_node, 'g': g, 'f': g + heuristic(neighbor, end)}
open_list[neighbor] = neighbor_node
return None
def can_jump(current_node, neighbor, grid):
rows, cols = np.shape(grid)
dx = neighbor[0] - current_node[0]
dy = neighbor[1] - current_node[1]
# 如果该节点为障碍物,则不能进行跳跃,并返回false
if grid[neighbor[0]][neighbor[1]] == 1:
return False
# 如果该节点为终点,则返回true
if neighbor == end:
return True
# 如果节点可以向斜方向移动,则需要判断是否可以进行对角跳跃
if dx != 0 and dy != 0:
# 如果该节点的横向和纵向都有障碍物,则不能进行跳跃
if (dx, 0) in [(1, 0), (-1, 0)] and (current_node[0] + dx, current_node[1] + 1) in [(rows, cols), (0, 0)]:
return False
if (0, dy) in [(0, 1), (0, -1)] and (current_node[0] + 1, current_node[1] + dy) in [(rows, cols), (0, 0)]:
return False
# 如果对角线的两个节点都是障碍物,则不能进行跳跃
if grid[current_node[0] + dx][current_node[1]] == 1 and grid[current_node[0]][current_node[1] + dy] == 1:
return False
# 如果可以进行对角跳跃,则返回true
return can_jump((current_node[0] + dx, current_node[1]), neighbor, grid) or can_jump((current_node[0], current_node[1] + dy), neighbor, grid)
# 如果节点只能向横向或纵向移动,则需要判断是否可以进行直线跳跃
if dx != 0: # 横向移动
if (dx, 0) == (1, 0): # 向右移动
if current_node[1] + 1 == cols or grid[current_node[0]][current_node[1] + 1] == 1: # 如果右侧为障碍物或边界,则不能进行跳跃
return False
else: # 向左移动
if current_node[1] == 0 or grid[current_node[0]][current_node[1] - 1] == 1: # 如果左侧为障碍物或边界,则不能进行跳跃
return False
elif dy != 0: # 纵向移动
if (0, dy) == (0, 1): # 向上移动
if current_node[0] + 1 == rows or grid[current_node[0] + 1][current_node[1]] == 1: # 如果上方为障碍物或边界,则不能进行跳跃
return False
else: # 向下移动
if current_node[0] == 0 or grid[current_node[0] - 1][current_node[1]] == 1: # 如果下方为障碍物或边界,则不能进行跳跃
return False
# 如果可以进行直线跳跃,则返回true
return can_jump(neighbor, (neighbor[0] + dx, neighbor[1] + dy), grid)